He's my cousin

I'm peacefully walking in the hall when suddenly, a familiar scent lingered in my nose. My eyes automatically find that man and when I finally found him my heart beats so fast like it really wants to go out from my body. I felt like my heart is running away from a cheetah. It's really fast and loud, I'm afraid that he can hear it. He slowly walks towards me and I don't know why I'm stepping backward. My eyes are locked on him that's why I didn't realize that my back bumps into a wall. I gulped when he cornered me with his two arms.

"G-go away!" I stuttered. My eyes rounded when his head slowly coming closer to mine. His forehead and mine met. I'm starting to have a cold sweat, I felt goosebumps when he rubbed his forehead to mine. What is he doing? Is he aware that I can have a heart attack because of this?! I didn't felt this before. My heart didn't beat so fast before. Yeah, I know that my ex once makes my heart beats so fast but when I'm with Kyle it's different. It beats triple times than my ex.

"You're blushing baby," he whispered. I pushed him but it didn't affect him. He just smirked. "W-what do you want?" he looked at my eyes, I looked away but he holds my chin and he makes me look at him. " I want you..." I saw the sincerity in his eyes. I almost fall because of that sweet words. He wants me. I gasped when he pinched my cheeks before he walked away.

I breathe heavily, I let my back slide down from the wall. I'm now sitting on the floor wool-gathering because of what happened. He wants me. His words suffocating me. My heart beats rapidly. What did you do to me, Kyle? Is this your way to make your girl fall in love with you? If it is, it's really effective. I'm afraid that one day I can't endure ignoring you, I'm afraid that one day I will hold on to you and I will put fences on your heart so that no one can get you from me.

When I finally found my brain, I stood up and decided to not attend my next classes. I'm too preoccupied because of you... Kyle. I found myself sitting on the bleacher of this field where soccer players are practicing now. I'm busy watching them when suddenly, I felt the presence of someone sitting beside me. "Drink this," he gave me banana milk.

"Nico?" why is he here?

"Our professor had an emergency that's why I decided to come here not expecting that you're also here," he smiled. He's handsome but he's not my type. I shook my head when I remembered Kyle's face. "Do you want?" I asked after I sip on my banana milk. "I'm fine, just drink it," he said gently. I smiled at him before I continue sipping.

"I will just throw this," I said before I stood up. I'm busy finding a trash can when suddenly, I saw in my peripheral vision that a thing will come to me. I looked at it and I froze when a ball is flying and it will land on me. I closed my eyes. A warm hand encircled on my waist, the scenario is really fast. I just realize that someone is hugging me from the back. "Are you okay?"

That voice, that smell, that touches... are familiar. "Kyle?" I uttered without thinking. It just willingly come out from my mouth. "I'm happy that you know who I am but are you okay, my lady?"

My heart thud and I felt the unique feelings. It's funny that only he can make my unique feelings come out from me. "I'm okay," he removed his hands from my waist, I just felt his hand crawl down. He hold my hand and he guided me out of this area. "Your bag is in my car, I'm going to bring you to the hospital," I stop walking. "What?! Hospital?! I'm not hurt and you're exaggerated!" We both look around when we heard screaming people from the lobby. We both go to the lobby, what's happening?

"He's so handsome!" they murmured. I just rolled my eyes, the crowd is full of flirts. "I know," Kyle said to that lady. So arrogant. "Yes you are but I'm not talking about you," I bit my lower lip to stop laughing. His face is so funny. "Hi love, let's go," someone said. a familiar man. What the hell did my cousin doing here?! So he is the reason for the commotion here?! Goodness! "What are you doing here?!" Kyle asked. His grip on my hand tightened. "I'm his boyfriend, I'm here to fetch her so don't meddle our relationship!" my cousin said. I was about to say something when an unexpected thing happen. Kyle punched him and as far as I know, my cousin doesn't want someone to hurt him especially his precious face. Shit!

"Stop it!" my cousin didn't listen to me. He punched Kyle and I felt pity for him when I saw his side lip has blood. "Your just his boyfriend so don't act like she's yours!" Kyle shouted. What?! I felt confused, what is he talking about? Is my cousin punched affect his brain? Kyle was about to punch my cousin when I suddenly shouted. "Stop it Kyle for goodness sake! He's my cousin!" I glared at him before I look at my cousin. "And you! Stop playing around! Don't you dare hurt my man!" It's too late when I realized what I said. Oh no! I saw Kyle smirking.