Burning The Asphalt

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When morning came, Zeirenne found herself staring at the ceiling, like how she'd been doing for hours. To her worst luck, time passed without sparing her even an hour of sleep. Dylan's answer to her question made everything more complicated. 

"If you're asking that question... then I think the answer's pretty much yes."

Nothing made sense to her, not her question, and definitely not Dylan's answer. All she managed to do after hearing him was let out an awkward chuckle--hoping to scrap the question all together. Still, the confusing words made her stay up all night. Wide eyed. Sleepless.

"When did we get to this point again?" she asked herself, "Ahh, right. Miss Selena took me all the way here."

She leaped out of bed, her hair flying behind her restless body clad in cute pajamas.