No Good Sparks

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"I'm counting on you..."

When Zeirenne dropped the call, Dylan almost felt like cursing. His fingers trembled hastily as he slammed on the keys. The first thing he did was locate Lala's system, and the GPS brought him to the freeway just kilometers away from CF&H. His mind flew through the roof as he tried to regain access on Lala's system. But it was never an easy thing to hack into a car that's moving at 200 kilometers per hour. 

The second thing he did was prepare for the worst case scenario. He dialed emergency numbers and asked for some ambulance and firetrucks, even police units to stay ready. Zeirenne would probably scold him if her small getaway would be available for the world to watch pay-for-view. But having a mad Zeirenne would always be better than a vegetable Zeirenne.

"Hello... This is an emergency. There's a car that lost control over its system and now its zooming into the highway."