Nostalgic Bad, Nostalgic Good

. . .

Zeirenne looked around, and noticed most of the guest were couples--no, to be exact, they were all couples, and there was no children in sight. The restaurant was decorated like a lover's lounge with red roses and heart-shaped balloons. As if the staff were following a bloody theme, they were dressed in red and almost camouflaged into the background.

It didn't take Zeirenne long to finish checking the surroundings. The moment she saw the crates of food, just the sight and smell activated her stomach juices. A waiter approached them asking for their names before leading them to the farthest seat by the edge of the platform.

Jin pulled the seat for her, and upon sitting down, the sound of waves crashing to the ledge of the floating restaurant comforted her--reminding her of her younger days when she'd lounge around the beach and spend her entire night to the sound of the sea.

She smiled. "This feels so nostalgic. When did you find this place?"