For This Occasion

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Zeirenne was convinced that the prize would be another free pass to this restaurant, or maybe having access to an exclusive dish made by the top chef or something. Or maybe, they will put the biggest lobsters out for the couple who'd win the games. No matter what the restaurant had in the store for her, she was determined to win. 

"This is a game with quizzes, but not just quizzes alone!" The host flicked his fingers and four waitresses rolled out food trolleys with tin covers. "The game we have is called as "Feed Me With Love!"

The name of the game intrigued the crowd and there were soft murmurs across the place, and some of the couples were brushing their elbows to one another. Love WAS in the air, and the sea.

"Great, it's food," Zeirenne said, "We have an edge."

Jin chuckled. "Right. No one can beat you when it comes to food."