The Counter Measures

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"Love's not something you can decide with your brain, Zeirenne. It's not a thought, and hearing you say that means you're uncertain. You could have said 'I'm in love with you' but instead, you said 'I think I'm in love with you'" Jin gritted his teeth while trying to keep his voice from breaking, "And that mean you're not so sure yourself. I'm not letting you say those words again unless you're finally certain. That's it. Case closed."

Zeirenne sighed. "Then what am I supposed to do? It's not in the mind, it's supposed to felt in the heart. But why do I feel like there's this lock I can't break? My body's telling me everything I need to know... but up to this point it's still not enough?" she ruffled her hair, "Urgh. How can this be so complicated? What am I supposed to do?"