You By My Side

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When they arrived at the hospital, Zeirenne immediately showered. Right after finishing her night routine, she fell asleep in an instance. She was already fast asleep even before Jin could finish dusting his pillows on the couch, and seeing this, he shook his head. 

"How can you possibly sleep so soundly after everything that happened tonight?" He shook his head while slamming the pillow, "Tsk. This is upsetting."

He twisted and turned in the couch that night, but even after hours of staring at the ceiling, recalling every second of today's date, he couldn't get himself to sleep. There were so many emotions keeping him awake, but the most unflattering one made him pout. 

"You're sleeping this soundly?" He glanced at Zeirenne's direction before rolling his eyes, "Tsk. Unbelievable."