Close The Pandora's Box

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"Since it has come to this--"

Before Zeirenne could even finish her sentence, Jin jumped out of his bed, ignoring the searing pain on his lower abdomen. He crouched down and reached out for Zeirenne's face, and she looked up to face him. Pain visible in his blue eyes.

"Please..." he begged, "Please..."

He knew for sure what was going to come out of her mouth--it was painful enough that he can't speak a word of it himself. His lips remained sealed, and his eyes did all the talking. His usual blue eyes that looked similar to the color of blue skies turned darker paler that moment. As if his entire life was reduced to that moment. If she continues her words... he'd be left devastated and shattered. Again.

"Please..." he kept on begging her not to continue.

Zeirenne just stared right through him before spotting blood in his clothes once again. Her eyes widened and immediately grabbed Jin by his arm.