A Major Blunder

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"Before I passed out... did you... did we--"

Dylan burst inside the door with a disgruntled expression. He walked towards Jin and surveyed him from head to toe. "I heard you just woke up. Are you feeling alright?"

"Uhm... yes. I'm feeling alright. I guess."

"That's great--" Dylan sensed the tense atmosphere, and he started narrowing his eyes at the two. "Oh... Am I interrupting something here?"

He looked at Jin, and then at Zeirenne while wriggling his eyebrows. Jin could only sigh while shaking his head, and Zeirenne simply rolled her eyes before shutting the curtains once again. Suddenly, she didn't feel like gazing outside the window. 

"You're not interrupting anything," she said, "I can't believe you're starting to act just like Colton. Have you two been hanging out lately? I can't guess who's influencing who."