Playing Mind Games

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"To sell us out or not," Zeirenne said, "That's for him to decide."

Jin nodded his head. "There's something I want to know..." he said, "Your answer... why did you answer him like that? It doesn't make any sense."

Zeirenne smirked before pounding her arms as if saying, "Hah! I'm such a brilliant person. Am I not?" She cleared her throat with her chin held up high. And with a playful smirk, said, "That's a little bonus for him. Before he gets to choose, he'll first have to play mind games with me."

"Mind games? What mind games?"

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Inside the infamous headquarters of Chaos Incorporated, Miura Takumi was sitting in front of his table with the big screens displaying different footages from their chambers. By chambers, they were small interrogation rooms they put everyone they held captive and question them to death. He looked away from the screen while tapping his phone on the table.