A Decade's Promise

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Three days later, Jin was recovering fast so they decided to hike down the mountain and visit the waters. The huge lake glistened under the morning sun--as their legs splashed ripples while sitting on the boulders--enjoying peace. 

"This is nice," Zeirenne said while closing her eyes to feel the breeze. Jin watched her with a smile on his face. She looked as if she was right where she belonged. Happy and contented.

"Do you want to live somewhere surrounded by nature?" he asked before clearing his throat, "Like... in the future... do you want to have your home built in a place like this?"

Zeirenen furrowed her brows. "Of course I do. That's the reason why I had a house built here in the first place. I don't have to worry about the future, it's already right here."

"No... I'm not talking about just your home. I'm talking about--"