Ponds stared into the eyes of pure evil that belonged to Aurra, yet not exactly knowing if it's really pure evil. Knowing that something was up, the clone trooper commander was forced to pay attention, whether he wanted to or not. Coach just happened to be walking by and stuck his ear out from one corridor of the ship to hear the conversation. "Wait, you lost me. What in the name of Coruscant is the Rebellion?" Ponds eyes squinted. Aurra looked down, smiling. She let out a slight chuckle.
"Well, aren't you the curious one?" There was a small pause. "The Rebellion is an organization filled with terrorists. Not gonna lie, they were once the ones you called brothers," Aurra stated in her own words. Ponds' eyes lit up as if they were a firework on Earth's Independence Day.
"What?" There was another pause while Aurra let out another slight chuckle. "Then who is the Galactic Empire?"
"Let me put it to you this way, sweetheart. There are two factions of clones - both really bad and insignificant - Galactic Empire clones equals bad and rich. Rebellion clones equal bad and poor. Remember, they are the ones who killed Master Windu," Aurra responded. The shock of disgust inside Ponds' body also lit up like a fuse. She lied this much about his Jedi general, how can he trust her now? "Look. Coach, get over here. I know you're behind the corner." Coach, with a reddened face attached, walked over and followed Aurra's orders to detach the explosive collar that was still stuck to Ponds' neck. Slave I exited hyperspace and entered the Kamino system. The sensors and scopes picked up traces of precipitation that was from the planet's atmosphere.
"My homeplanet?" Ponds wondered aloud.
"This is where one of their fortresses lay," Coach chimed in. Aurra pointed to a landmark on their scopes to direct the commander on what coordinates he should be headed to.
"Tipoca City?"
"Yes, given your increased skill sets, you will be one of us. But before your eyes light up again let me ask you, would you rather be a bounty hunter or a stone-cold killer of the ones you loved dearly?" Aurra expected Ponds to verbally counter but he basically denied it without saying any words. There was an incoming transmission coming from the surface. The incessant beeping made Coach swiftly answer it as Ponds departed.
"This is Rebellion ARC Commander Blitz, state your identification and business." Aurra thought to herself, good. Buy Ponds some time.
"We are travelers of the region. We need to refuel," Coach lied. Blitz allowed it, only to meet an unnecessary disaster as thermal detonators activated from afar.
"Guess what," Aurra said.
"What?" Coach replied.
"Actually, just keep watching." A code red broke into effect in Tipoca City. Ponds found himself in the main control room where Blitz was.
"You! You! You killed Master Windu!" Ponds broke out in tears, falling slowly from his face. Blitz tried to deny it, but the evidence was far from his favor.