Dear diary,

         I know but I'm boring you again, so please just bear with me. It's been a while and I've missed you. The reason I was off is I went to visit Bianca. I brought her favorite chocolate mint cookies but guess what, I had to eat all of that alone. Graves don't eat right? Yeah, let's laughter together. I can still feel her warm blood in my hands you know? And I didn't feel like leaving it there for crows and sparrows to peck on. Sometimes I feel her presence here and that makes me a bit empty. Do I miss her? Please tell me if you know.

            Love, Sam.


"And that would be two and a half dollers!"

"Here you go!"

"Thank you! Please visit again!"

Samantha shrugged her shoulders in exhaustion as her cheeks hurt from the fake smiles she has been forcing since morning. This time of the year is always crowded in Vegas. People from all over the world come to visit the Sin City and enjoy the pleasant weather.

Camille's Continentals has its own name in this area. Especially known for the world class mini pies. Not even a single day passes by without all of them sold by the afternoon only. Samantha has been working here for a couple of years and has seen the popularity only increasing day by say. Last week, the manager and the chefs had a consult about adding some new flavors of mini pies and they would be holding a special exhibit tomorrow for the launch of the new ones.

"Torres, you done there?"


Almost toppling over the extended stall foot, Samantha headed towards the dustbin and disposed her gloves. She then washed her hand, took her small bag and entered the manager's room.

Avery and Jill were already there flirting with him as always. She crinkcled her nose in disgust and leaned on the door clearing her throat for them to stop the hideousity and pay attention to her.

"Hey Sam!"

"Don't call me that."

"Okay Sam, you wanna grab a drink tonight? I heard they are hosting a party at Joves bar today!" Avery chirped. At least once a week, Avery offers her for a drinking hangout along with Jill and she has to say yes in order to blend in with the human species. But today she had other important matters to attend to.

"I'm sorry Aves, I wish I could. My apartment looks like someone threw up garbage and I have to clean today. Some other time?"

"You're gonna regret this. Clean up can wait but Joves wouldn't!" She bounced on her chair while Jill also looked at her hopefully.

"Really guys, I can't. Also I don't feel so good today."

"Girls! Can we proceed with the coins please?" The manager spoke up.

"Don't be a dick Steven! You never go out with us so you are in no position to talk!" Jill mocked.

"Ouch! Last time I checked I was the boss!"

"All of you, shut up!" Samantha interrupted, "let's just get done with this so that I can go home."

"Fine, whatever. 265 dollars in my counter."

"I made 288. Hey, did you see the fat bald Yakuza wanna be who was at the corner table? I felt like mixing my snot in his pie...."


Samantha checked her wrist watch for the 34th time and drifted her gaze back to the ocean of crowd in front of her. Nobody was looking at anybody, dissolved in their own businesses; yet contributing to the mass of humanity.

So many lives. So many to kill.

The time struck 5:47 as Samantha saw a familiar figure on the other side of the road. He crossed and stood at a distance of one meter away from her. From the corner of her eye, she observed the guy putting his hand inside his bag and rustle some things. With his fingers, he made numericals.


Code 121.

The red city bus arrived in no time and all the waiting people boarded including Samantha and the mystery guy. Taking a seat at the back of the bus, she put her bag beside her to mark it occupied.

"Is this place thaken?"

"No, all yours."

"Thank you."

Fifteen minutes passed by and the bus jumped at the second bumper on the E St Louis Ave. The guy took out a small piece of bond paper from his chest pocket and skillfully snuck that in between their sitting place. Soon, the bus stopped at the Fremont St junction and he got off. Samantha crawled her fingers and grabbed the crinkled paper. From the palm of her hands, she saw a little name.

Odyssey Pizza, 9:00 p.m.

This is going to be a long night. Unbeknownst to her, blood heated in Samantha's torso.


A hoodie is an wonderful invention. If you have nothing to wear, wear a hoodie. If you are feeling lazy, wear a hoodie. If you wanna be invisible, wear a hoodie.

The half eaten taco was trying to fight the temperature of the air conditioned chamber as Samantha was waiting there, sipping on the Coke instead and checking upon the gradually thinning crowd. One lady was standing near the second table and behind her, there was man, probably her husband. She looks tough, would be fun to kill. Then there is a bunch of naive teenagers quarreling over their food on the table next row. Two guys were billing and waiting for their food to be packed. Also there were two people in the counter doing their business. Samantha went through thirty three methods to finish all of them within ten seconds and could see the various patterns of blood scattering in the wall, the floor and ceiling. She suddenly missed her Baby Glock that's always attached to her right waist.

There it is. The sipping pipe suddenly touched the Pendrive that was at the bottom of her Coke cup. She lovwered the cup, opened the lid, took it out and shoved inside her pocket. It's possible that there are eyes watching over her currently, observing every movement she makes by her hands but since she was already wearing her Kevlar bulletproof she decided to concentrate on the remaining cold taco. Her bare hands are enough to knock out ten people at a time.

Just the moment she wiped her hands with the tissue, there was a hustle at the door. With her natural reflexes, Samantha eyed the four drunk mid fourty males who just barged in and hovered on the counter, demanding money with knives in their hands. The teenagers and the couple ran out of the pizza house leaving only Samantha and the cashiers.

"It's about time bitches! Now give us our money!"

Samantha sighed - 'Amateurs.'

"Please! You need to stop doing this!"

Samantha fixed her hair and put her mask on.

"We don't have the whole night ladies! Just give it!"

Samantha stood up from her seat and walked towards them.

"Please! We beg of you! No Dona, don't give them!"

"Hurry up!"


Before the referred man could turn his head, two of his subordinates were already down with one multiple broken ribs and one dislocated joints. He attacked her with the knife but she caught that in mid air, twisted it behind and stabbed the other guy with it. The knife fell from his clumsy hands as he screamed and Samantha kicked him on his neck, knocking him unconscious.

The cashiers stared in awe at what just happened here while Samantha stretched her shoulders and brought them out of their flabbergast.

"Call the police. And the taco was crap today."

On her way out with the swagger, Samantha checked her pocket to see if the PD is okay and then put on her earphones playing 'Woman like me' from Little Mix.

She will be having a great sleep tonight.