As we was so fast with the second stage, we had to wait for the deadline to be up. Thus we had 5 days, where we had to stay in the tower. We were not allowed to leave the tower, for any reason, so we ended up with training together, and having plenty of 3-way sparring matches between myself, Itachi and Yugao. None of us went full out, but to keep it interesting, we would usually have specific settings for each sparring. Yugao is much more specialized than me and Itachi, so we usually end up with only sparring sessions with only taijutsu, or only ninjutsu. In our very seldom free-for-all sparrings, Yugao will lose hard. Not because she is weak, but she has no defense against genjutsu, and my chains and iron skin counters her kenjutsu hard.
After waiting for about 2 days, the first other team showed up. From the looks of it, they were also pretty powerful. While I haven't fought anyone from this team, there is at least one guy from the team, that I get a strong wipe from. Judging from the amount of scraps and wounds on the team, they have been in combat several times. I think one of them even had a broken arm. However this one guy from the team, had no wounds or scraps on him. He looked pristine. That to me indicates a strong evasion or defensive jutsu. I took note of this guy, who was also from the village hidden in the mist. If I remember correct, several blodline limits from the show, were from this village.
We didn't interact with the group, and just went about or day as usual. Training and sparring. Now with an audience, we toned it down an notch. No jutsu or special abilities, only taijutsu sparring and training. Wouldn't want to give any information away for free.
As the fifth day, and the time limit of the second test, was approaching, more and more teams passed the exam. As the deadline approached at total of 5 teams had passed so far. Because my team had taken 3 heaven scroll, a maximum of 7 set of scroll were available, and thus a maximum of 7 other teams could pass.
With only minutes left, the last team to pass, arrived. To my surprise the team was one I had engaged before. The team was from the hidden village of the mist, and the team was the one with a big hulking ninja, a smaller ninja that had a strange shuriken technique, and a female ninja, who I guess was a support ninja.
I took their scroll, so that must mean they hunted down at least two other team, to get both a heaven and earth scroll. God for them. Must mean they are above average in power, of the teams.
As the deadline approached and passed, the examiner ninja from the second stage suddenly appeared. The Uchiha female ninja, appeared in a could of smoke, and said:
"Congratulation to all teams here. You all pass the second stage of the chunin exam. Though there were a few surprises this time around. There has never been a team that passed the test so fast before, or so close to the deadline" she said, while looking at our team, and switching her eyes to the hidden village of the mist team that just entered the door.
"Before we continue with the third stage, we will have a word from the village Hokage first" The female Uchiha ninja said, and in a smoke could, the Hokage appeared on a platform at the end of the room we were in.
"Thank you my dear." Hiruzen said, while nodding to the female Uchiha ninja. She nodded back, and disappear into the shadows again.
"Like you were just told, you all pass the second stage, but the third and most difficult stage is yet to come." Hiruzen continued, and I could see that he is gearing up to a long speech.
"Before we continue, it is customary to ask if there are any of you that wish to retire here. Let me tell you that the third stage will no longer be team focused, so even if you retire it will not effect your teammates." Hiruzen said, and waited for anyone to step forward or say anything. After a few moments, two random ninja, made their wish for retirement known. With no big fuss they were asked to leave the room, and Hiruzen could continue.
"Good, then let me explain the next stage of the testing for you. The third stage is an individual test of combat abilities. You will all participate in a 1 on 1 battle, with everyone here, in a tournament setting. Win you battle and you proceed to challenge the winner of another battle, and so forth until you lose, or win all battles." Hiruzen said.
At this point, someone of the group shouted out:
"Does that mean that only the winner will be promoted to chunin?" Someone asked.
"No, a committee will evaluate each participants performance, and determine if the are ready to become a chunin. So even if you loose your first fight, you might become chunin. However keep in mind, that the more you battle, the more information the committee has to evaluate you with." Hiruzen said. With no further questions, Hiruzen continued his explanation: "The tournament will be held in one month, both to allow time for ninja evaluators from other villages to come here, but also to allow each of you to grow before the even."
Hiruzen then gave a few moment, for all this to sink in. After this he continued again: "The order of the battle, will be decided now, so you know who you will fight in a month."
And with this, a big flat screen at the back of the room, sprung to life, and started to cycle through the names, of everyone present. After about 10 minutes, of this, we finally had a list of the first stage combats. There were 16 ninja left to fight, so in this tournament style fight, the maximum amount of fights would be 4, until you were crowned the winner. I was not really interested in anyone else, so I noted down the opponent for me, Yugao and Itachi.
Fight 1: Yugao vs Fino Yuki
Fight 4: Me vs Huna Kaguya
Fight 7: Itachi vs Ginni Kalshni
The tournament was setup in such a way, that I would not me Yugao or Itachi in a fight, before the semifinal and final. Providing that we win all out battles before that point. I would met Yugao in the semifinal if we both won 2 fights, and Itachi in the final if we both won 3 fights.
I was looking over the opponents, and to my surprise for the first round of combat was the hulking ninja with bone release. After we were announced as fighting in the first round, he was scowling at me, no doubt trying to come up with a way to beat me. To bad for him, that I never really got to show my real strength in our previous fight, so he has no idea what to do against me.
Yugao's opponent was a ninja from the Yuki clan, it seems. I think he was the guy in the first stage, that used ice mirrors to find the answers. From both his clan name, and what I have seen him do so far, I assume he can use ice release.
Itachi's opponent looked pretty ordinary. A Konoha ninja that was not part of any of the big clans, nor by the looks had any special talent. However looks can be deceiving, and her abilities would have to be proven in combat.
As we finally had the complete list of the first round of combat, the Hokage once again made himself know to all, and started to speak:
"Good, now that we have that in place, I will declare the second stage chunin exam over, and the third stage officially commenced. Train hard for the next month, and show everyone what you can really do in a month from now." Hiruzen said, and made a motion for us to disperse.
*Time skip 1 month*
Today is the day before the third stage chunin exam. Over the last month I have been doing nothing but training for tomorrow. While I had to focus my effort on certain area's, and forgo other area's, I did have 3 major achievements during this month of training.
The first achievement, which is the one that will have the least impact on tomorrow, I think. I finally succeeded in fusing my earth style chakra into my adamantine sealing chains. This make the super strong chains, even stronger. In the show Kushina used the chains to bind, hold and even stop the momentum of the nine tailed fox. While I am not at her level yet with my chains, if I add earth style chakra, I think my chains are just as strong. The downside to doing this, is that it requires large amounts of chakra to maintain it, and the more chains and the longer, the more chakra they require.
To my surprise, I discovered another effect when adding the earth style chakra to my chains. I can absorb water into my chains. Pretty much like a certain sand crocodile from another show.
The absorbance rate is not super fast, and the only use I have for it right now, is that I can absorb the water in someone's body, and make them pass out from dehydration. But this process would require about 5 minutes, as absorbing water from the body has to go through skin, organs and other body parts, before my chains can come into contact with the water. So in combat it is not that useful, but it could make a good defense for water jutsu in the future, if I develop it further.
My second achievement in this month, was that I learned the jutsu "Earth style: Hiding like a mole". While that is a horrible name for a jutsu, the jutsu itself is super helpful. In short, the jutsu lets me travel through the ground, like a mole. I make the rocks around my entire body soft like sand, and then can dig my way easy through it. When my body is no longer in contact with the ground, it will revert back to its original density and hardness. While underground and using the jutsu, I can sense what is going on on the surface, and in my immediate surroundings. This is not like a sensor, as I can only make out the placement of objects or people, I can't identify who or what it is, if it is the same general size. It works kinda like echo location.
While I learn this jutsu to have a good escape option, in case I ever get into a fight I can't win. The jutsu has several other uses as well. I can use it to make ambushes on people, or to sneak into places. The weakness of the jutsu is that the further you travel underground, the bigger the chakra consumption becomes. So it is not suited for long range travel.
My third achievement, and the on I think will help me most today, is that I learned a new version of the clone jutsu. While I am unsure if this is a different version of the shadow clone jutsu, or just the normal clone jutsu infused with earth chakra. The jutsu is called "Earth style: Shadow clone". I have long been dissatisfied with the use of shadow clones in combat. Shadow clones are to frail, and weak against attacks that hit large areas. So when I found this clone jutsu, I wanted to learn it right away.
A earth style shadow clone does not disperse after getting hit, and can actually reform itself if part of it is destroyed. This does require chakra however, and when the clone runs out of chakra, it is dispelled. The clone also only has so much chakra to go with. At my current level I can only make earth style shadow clones with up to 10% of my max chakra. If I give the clone 10% of my chakra, they will also have only 10% of my strength.
Another difference between earth style shadow clones, and normal shadow clones, is that only shadow clones gives the original user information and chakra back when dispelled. So normal shadow clones are much better to speeding up training and learning, while earth style shadow clones are better for combat.
I am currently sitting on my bed, getting ready for sleep and the big day tomorrow. I take my notebook out, and start to note down my improvements. I have decided to not include jutsu and abilities that I wont focus on going forward, like shuriken jutsu and throwing weapons. I also think that my chakra control is finally getting to a place, where I can start to study medical jutsu. But that is for after the chunin exams.
Notebook performance
F = Academy student, E = Academy graduate, D = Genin, C = Chunin, B = Tokubetsu Jonin, A = Jonin, S = Kage
- Hand to hand combat: B
- Shadow clone: B
- Earth style: Mud wall: C
- Earth style: Hardening: D-
- Earth style: Iron Skin Technique: C
- Earth style: Shadow clone: B
- Earth style: Hiding like a mole: D
- Body flicker: C
- Summoning: B
- Explosive note: C+
- Pain seal: B
- Adamantine sealing chains (12 chain): A
- Adamantine sealing chains - chakra absorption: B
- Adamantine sealing chains - earth style: C+
Stamina: A+
Stealth: C
Chakra control: A-
Chakra level: S++
The next day, I am heading towards the gathering point of the final part of the chunin exam. While I never really toke note of this building before, as I have had no use for it, there is a big coliseum looking building in the middle of Konoha. This is the gathering point for the third stage.
While there is no requirement to be at the building before you have to fight, most of the participants are already there, when I arrive. There is still some time before the first fight is scheduled to start. I walk into the participants part of the building, and find Yugao standing in there by herself away from all the others. Itachi is not here yet apparently.
The participants part of the building, is a balcony looking out over most of the stadium. It is placed at the opposite end of the building, from the VIP seats, reserved for the village leaders, and prominent figures. On the balcony there are a few seats, and not much else. It is designed in such a way, that you can look at almost the entire building from here, but due to elevation most audience can look into the balcony. Attached to the balcony is two dressing rooms, one for each gender, and a long staircase, that is the only way to and from the area.
I walk up to Yugao and greet her. She greets me back, and we settle into a silence, until I can't take the silence anymore and ask her:
"Nervous about your fights today?" I ask her.
She looks at me, then looks at all the other participants.
"Not really. I don't see anyone here that would even require me to become serious. And while our fight might having me go all out, I don't think I will lose." Yugao said while giving me a cocky smile.
There was no one else in the room talking, so everyone heard Yugao remark. Most gave her a dirty look, but the Yuki ninja she had to fight first, clenched his fist and gave her the death stare.
"Ohh, confident are you. But how about Itachi" I said, in my most teasing voice.
Yugao grew a bit pale, as she knew her matchup with Itachi heavily favors Itachi.
"Well he is not here now is he, so there was nothing wrong with what I said." Yugao said and pouted, before she continued: "Besides, it is just unfair to include that annoying little brat genius in this."
Suddenly, just behind us a figure appeared and asked:
"Who is annoying now?" The figure asked.
We both turned around to find Itachi standing there, with a big mischievous smile on his face. Yugao just scowled at him, and said:
"Don't you know it is rude to overhear others conversation" Yugao said.
"I think that is just called gathering intelligence" I said, countering Yugao argument. To which she sighted, and proceeded to ignore us for a few minutes. Itachi and myself engaged in small talk, and Yugao eventually joined in again.
The stadium was gradually getting more and more full, as we were talking. At around the designated time, the stadium was almost completely full. A few seats in the VIP place, was not filled yet. At the designated time, a ninja in the VIP section, fire of a flare gun, and the crowd grew silent. The ninja then introduced the Hokage, and Hiruzen appeared in a cloud of smoke, in full Hokage gear, big hat and all.
After another long boring speech from him, he declare a Konoha jonin as the examiner of this stage, and the jonin appeared in the ring.
"Will the first two participants please enter the ring" the jonin said, while indicating that the start of the first match was imminent.
After a few minutes both Yugao and the Yuki ninja was standing in the ring facing each other. The crowd was silent still, and eagerly awaiting the start of the match. The jonin examiner was talking with both of the participants in the ring, I assume to ask if they are ready. After getting confirmation from each of the participants, he backed of, and held his one hand in the air. With a drop of his hand he shout in a loud voice: "Begin"
That shout was the start of hectic activity on the stage. Before Yugao could do anything but draw her sword, the Yuki ninja had made some hand seals, and several ice daggers was formed from the moisture in the air, and flung towards her.
While the Yuki ninja was fast, and had initiated the attack, his attack was easy to read as they only flew in a straight line. Yugao avoided most of the daggers, a few she had to block with her sword, but it seemed effortless.
"That all you got? Even with my low expectations from you, that is pretty weak" Yugao said, trying to taunt the Yuki ninja.
This had the desired effect, and the Yuki ninja started to throw a fit. Increasing the speed and amount of dagger he formed, and send towards Yugao. This did not however look to have any effect on Yugao, and se avoided getting hit by the daggers, just as easy as before.
After a few minutes the Yuki ninja realized that this approach didn't work, so he stopped making daggers. At the moment the daggers stopped coming for Yugao, she charged at his, with her sword in one hand behind her back.
While Yugao was fast, she had to run a about 15 meters, and this moment gave the Yuki ninja the opportunity to use a jutsu.
Everyone in the stadium heard the Yuki ninja say:
"I did not think I would have to use the jutsu so early in the tournament." the Yuki ninja screamed at the top of his lungs:
"Ice release: Ice world"
With the Yuki ninja as the center, a clod wave of energy was release in all directions, and the ground and moisture in the air, started to freeze. The ground became ice cold, with a layer of ice on top, reducing the friction for anyone walking on top of it. The moisture in the air turned to snow, and was quite beautiful for a moment, before it started to rage around the stadium in a small scale blizzard.
The entire temperature of the stadium fell by a few degrees, and the visibility of the ninja inside the blizzard was very low.
"I made the entire area my homefield advantage now" the Yuki ninja said, and continued: "I am unaffected by the cold, but your strength will slowly be sapped away. The ground is slippery now so you speed is reduced, and with this low visibility you are unable to find me, while my speed just increased and I can find you whenever I want."
While we could not see what was happening inside the blizzard, we could hear them talking. After a few moment, we heard fighting and even more talking from inside the storm.
"How? How are you able to find me and attack me in this storm?" the Yuki ninja shouted, clearly indicating that Yugao was able to attack him.
"Always know you enemy, and their ability. While I may not be able to see in here, I can still sense you" Yugao answered. She then continued to say:
A bright light flashed, blinding all of the stadium. I think Yugao's moonbeam's light must have reflected of all the snow in the air, intensifying the light and blinding us all for a moment or two. When we were finally able to see again, the blizzard was gone, and with about 10 meter between them, the Yuki ninja and Yugao was facing each other.
From the looks of it, the Yuki ninja avoided a fatal injury of the moonbeam, but his left side had a large wound on it, that he was clutching. Yugao looked the same as when the fighting started, not a scratch on her. It was clear now how this fight would turn out.
"You were stronger than I though, but not stronger than I imagined" Yugao said, and continued: "Let this be the end of the first fight:
Lightning release: Lightning bird"
Yugao held out her left hand, when she accounted her attack name, and a lightning strike, that took the form of a bird, shoot out from her hand. The Yuki ninja saw the attack coming and tried to dodge the attack. It looked like the Yuki ninja would dodge the attack, but just before the attack would have passed by him, it changed direction, and hit the Yuki ninja in the stomach. Lightning started to crawl all over his body, and after a few moments he passed out.
The examiner suddenly appeared at the side of the Yuki ninja, and said, loud enough of the stadium to hear:
"Winner Uzuki Yugao"
Yugao joined us again on the balcony, and we congratulated her on her win. She just gave us a smirk, and said that the Yuki ninja was weak. Damn, when did she become so arrogant? If we get to fight today, I will try to take her down a peck or two.
We were standing together and watch the next match. Whoever won this would fight Yugao next. The second match was long a drawn out. None of the participants were all that powerful, and the mostly engaged in fist fighting. Both of them shouted something about being manly, and that real men only fight with their fists. While it looked like they were having fun, for everyone else this fight was just plain boring.
Finally, after way to long, one of them passed out, and the other was declared winner. I don't think the winner is that far from passing out himself. If he can get to his next fight, he will not last a second against Yugao.
The third fight, was also pretty uninteresting, but for a different reason. The fight was extremely one-sided, and over in a few second. A ninja from the hidden village of rock, won by knocking out his opponent with his first attack. This would by my opponent for my fight after the first one. I am get the vibe from this guy, that he is strong, so I will look forward to fighting him.
Now it was finally my turn to fight. I entered the stage, as the examiner requested us to, and was greeted again by a ninja I had fought before.
While his name escapes me at the moment, I just call him hulking porcupine in my mind. We were standing about 10 meters between us, and facing each other, waiting for the examiner to start the fight.
"So I can get my revenge this fast. That good. I have been training myself to the bone, for the last month, just so I can have my revenge on you." The hulking porcupine said to me.
"Ohh, thats good. Lets hope your training is enough to give me a proper challenge this time." I answered him, trying to rile him up a bit. To my surprise it did not work, he still seemed calm and collected, giving me a smirk. Uhhh he seems to have a plan, cant wait to destory it.
After a few more back and forth banter, the examiner finally asked us if we were ready. As be both said we were, the examiner officially started the fourth fight.
The hulking porcupine wasted no time and donned his bone armor again. I was a bit interested in what he thought would be different this time around, so I let him use his jutsu.
So far everything looks the same as last time. Hmm lets test this out then:
"Shadow clone jutsu" I said, while making a few hand seals.
Three more of me appeared around, with a total of 4 me, each with about 25% chakra. Since we all knew the plan already, there was no need to say anything, and we all sprinted towards the hulking porcupine. To distract him, I had one of the clones use the Iron skin jutsu, and the clones skin turned dark grey.
During the sprint towards the hulking porcupine, he grew additional bone spikes all over his armor. Some of these spikes he detached from his fingers, and send towards us as bone projectiles. The clone who had iron skin, was in front and just blocked all the bone projectiles.
When we arrived at the hulking porcupine, the clones and I split up, to attack him from different angles, and started to engage him in close combat. I must admit his bone armor is pretty good, he receives no damage from our attacks. Alright, lets try the same as last time. Even though he has more spikes on his armor this time, I should still be able to hit his head no problem. And his attacks are as easy to avoid like last time, he did not get any faster or better in taijutsu.
As my clones and I dance around him, hitting the armor in various places, we suddenly make a combined attack from three different sides. He block one of my clones, while myself and another clone hit his armor covered body, to no real effect. The last clone, with iron skin on it, makes dodge move, and ends up behind the hulking porcupine. Just like last time, the clone uses chakra to stick to the big back of the hulking porcupine, and gets into position to hit his head again.
As the iron skin clone is swinging her fist, the hulking porcupine's armor expands into spikes from the head, aimed at the fist approaching his head.
"Hahaha, did you really think that the same attack would work on me again?" the hulking porcupine says while sounding super stratified with himself.
"Not really" My iron skin clone says, and continues: "I just wanted to see what kind of defense you had thought up, during the last month".
As the spikes approach my clones fist, the clones just changes direction of the strike, to avoid the spikes, and hit the hulking porcupine's head from a different direction. One hit, two hits, three hits and four hits, just like last time. And his head is rattled inside his cranium. The bone spikes stop to grow, and the hulking porcupine stop his movement completely. He is probably already unconscious.
As my iron skin clone is just about to jump of his back, to our surprise we all hear a small laugh and a voice say:
"Thanks for your tip last time, I made the inside of my cranium softer this time, so while your attack was good, my defense is stronger." The hulking porcupine says.
As he says this several bones grow out of his armors back, locking the iron skin clones feet in place on his back.
"Now that I caught you, it my turn to attack" the hulking porcupine says. As he says this, he uses bones from his arm, to grab my iron skin clone, and releases his back armor plate. He then proceeds to pull my iron skin clone from his back to his front to face him.
"You know, using clones was a good idea, as I have no way to distinguish between the real you and clones. However it was a mistake to use iron skin on your real body, that way I could figure out where the real you is." the hulking porcupine is going on a monologue now, as he still continues: "I used my last month to learn as much about your abilities as I could, and found out the weakness of your jutsu. The iron skin is and earth style, and is thus weak to lightning."
As he says this, he retracts the bone from his right hand, and starts channeling lightning in his fist. He is still holding my clone in his left hand.
"Now lets see if your iron skin can survive a full power lightning infused strike from me!" the hulking porcupine yells, and continues with his attack name:
"Lightning style: Thors Hammer!"
As his fist connects with my iron skin clone, the iron skin resists for just a few seconds, before failing. The powerful blow causes a small sandstorm to release at the moment of impact, and most of the audience is unable to see what happens due to this.
While the hulking porcupine is monologuing and charging up his attack, I have dispelled my other two clones, and use my "earth style: hiding like a mole" jutsu to get behind the hulking porcupine. His armor is open, where he broke it of to move my iron skin clone. As the hulking porcupine is so obsessed with his monologue, I just take about 10 explosive notes, out of my pack, and place them on his back, under the armor, and places where the armor is gone. I then used the "earth style: hiding like a mole" jutsu again, to move from behind the hulking porcupine to about 10 meters in front of him, ready to make a cool entrance when he realizes he just all his effort on a clone.
When the dust clears, everyone can hear the hulking porcupine saying "What? Where is she". At this time, I make my glorious entrance from the ground.
"Tada!" I yell, to grab the attention of everyone. After a moment I continue: "Good job destroying that clone, but I think this fight is over now. Wouldn't you agree examiner?"
"What do you mean? Are you surrendering?" The hulking porcupine asked me.
"Ah no, not exactly. While you were having fun with my clone, I just placed several explosive seals on your back. This is an exam, not real combat, so I would prefer not to have to activate them. Examiner please call the fight" I say, indicating to the examiner that he should step in.
The examiner appears next to the hulking porcupine, and confirms what I say is true, he then holds up his hand indicating the fight is over and say:
"Winner Anya Uzumaki"
While the hulking porcupine protested for a few minutes after the decision, I didn't care and left the stage for the balcony where both Itachi and Yugao were waiting for me.
As I approached, I caught the end of a conversation between Yugao and Itachi:
"...playing around with him." Yugao said
"Agreed, she didn't use any of her serious moves." Itachi confirmed, and continue: "It would seem my final opponent today will come down to the fight between you and her."
"As if, I have some new moves that you both have never seen before. I will win this entire thing" Yugao said.
And that seemed to be the end of the conversation. I joined them again after a few moments, to small talk through the next few fights.
Neither the 5th or 6th fight was very interesting, there was one ninja that caught our eyes. I later learned that his name was Nemui, and his fighting style was very strange. He would have these bursts of speed, with strange movement that was unpredictable. But ever so often, he would stop up, before doing something and then bursting into a crazy combination attack with his taijutsu. If he keeps winning Itachi will have to face him in the semi finals.
Finally it was Itachi's turn to fight. Or so we all though. But when Itachi showed up on the stage, his opponent quit right away. Apparently the did not want to fight with the Uchiha genius.
So the tournament moved on to the next fight. The 8th and last fight of the first round. It was again nothing to note, and after just a few minutes we got started with the second round.
Yugao was up first, however her opponent withdrew, as he was to injured from the first battle. Thus Yugao advanced to the semi finals.
The 10th fight was my turn again. I entered the stage, and looked over my opponent. I have no data on this guy, and no idea how he fights. His first battle was over so fast, there was nothing to see. So I will have to probe his style and strength first.
For now, what I know about him is that he is from the village hidden in stone, and is strong in taijutsu, although the way he ended his last fight makes me think he is not a taijutsu expert. He probably has something else up his sleeves. He looks like most generic ninja, brown hair, black eyes, and dressed in the classic stone village ninja outfit. Which is close to the Konoha one, just with red/brown color instead of Konoha green. I think his name was Tai.
As we were both studying each other, the examiner asked us if we were ready. We both nodded yes, and the start of combat was announced with a "Begin" from the examiner.
I need to gather information on this guy, so I started out with making 4 shadow clones this time. I send the clones ahead to engage Tai, and stayed back myself to study from afar.
If the clones could take him out, then good, if not I would receive information about how he fights, and some of my chakra back.
The clones engaged Tai in taijutsu, using their numbers as an advantage to attack from several directions at one. Just as the clones got close, Tai yelled out:
"Earth style: Hardening"
A layer of rocks formed around Tai. He also grew to about 3 meter tall, due to the layer of rock. Great another armor ninja, but with rocks this time. My clones backed of, as our bare hands can damage rocks. Instead the clones started to chuck kunai with explosive seals on the, towards Tai. While in the hardening form, he is much slower than before, as the rocks inhibit mobility. However the defense is good, and my kunai explode on his skin, with minimal damage. If I keep this up for maybe several minutes, the armor will eventually break.
However Tai did not want to give me several minutes, and suddenly from the top of the layer of rocks, there was an opening, and Tai flew out, avoiding all the kunai. That's a pretty interesting way to use the hardening, I have to remember that.
I did not have anymore time to think than that, when Tai shouted another attack name:
"Earth style: Earth needle"
He then placed his palm on the ground, and several "veins" appeared along the ground towards each of my clones. When the "veins" reach the clones, several earth spikes appeared below each clone. As the attack was announced before, and the "veins" show the attack destination, all clones jumped up and avoided the jutsu with ease. However what Tai said next was a surprise:
With a simple word, and release of chakra, all the earth needles exploded, taking out my 4 clones. Damn, he has explosion release. This is gonna get ugly.
The battle continued. Tai had no reason to hide is ability anymore, and started throwing earth style just after earth style jutsu at me. Any of them could explode, so I cant let them hit me. I block most of his big attacks, like his earth dragon, with my mud wall, or get out of the way. However he is a much better earth style user than I am, and has more earth style jutsu. Guess I have no choice and start to bring out the big guns.
I dodge a earth needle and the ensuing explosion. Create a little distance between his attacks, and make a few hand seals:
"Earth style: shadow clone"
3 Clones appear besides me, and start to sprint towards different places around the stage. Tai seems confused by this at first, but the clones then start to sprint towards him from 3 different directions. He makes a earth needle again, in the path of each clone, and makes it explode, when they avoid it. However unlike previously these clones don't disappear, and they reform to start their charge again.
Good, while is is distracted by my clones, I can a moment to bring out the real big gun. The clones were just for distraction.
"Adamantine sealing chains" I say, and two chains appear from each of my hands. Oh yea I can now make the chains appear from any of my body parts. I really wanted to save this technique to when I have to fight either Yugao or Itachi, but this Tai is pretty strong, so I have to use it.
I make the chain stretch out to about the 15 meter that is between us, and engage him together with my earth clones. Tai senses something and looks up to see my two chains coming at him. He is at this point also engaging my 3 earth clones in close combat, and is skillfully avoiding their attacks. However the two chains add extra complexity to his avoiding.
He must have sensed that the chains are more dangerous, as he prioritizes avoiding them. That is the right choice, however that leaves him open for my earth clones.
As he avoids my chains, the clones hit him several times, inflicting some damage. Tai hesitates for a moment, but seems to make up his mind, and folds his arms in, to curl up like a ball, before shouting:
"Earth style: Bombard" As Tai says this, he folds his body out, and releases earth energy all around him. The ground around Tai for 5 meter, blows up, taking out everything around him, and leaving a large crater. The area where he stands seem to have been protected, as he is still fine. My clones are not more after this attack. However my chains are not so fragile, and are still there.
That attack cost him a lot of chakra and stamina, I can see he is having trouble breathing now, like he just ran a marathon. I see my opportunity, and engage with my chains again. However just before my chains ensnare him, he raises his hand and say:
"I give up" Tai, has a small smile, maybe happy to avoid getting caught by my chains: "That last attack used up all my chakra. I can no longer fight."
The examiner nods, and say:
"Winner Anya Uzumaki"
After my win, the ninja Nemui also wins his fight and advances to the semi finals. Itachi, who has not fought yet, is stood up again for the next fight. No one wants to fight him it seems. So the first semi final will be me vs Yugao, and the second semi final will be Itachi vs Nemui.
I can't wait, to finally see who is stronger of team 02.