Chapter 17: Chunin exam third stage - part 2

All participants of the chunin exam final stage, had been either fighting for hours, wounded or knocked out. So the examiner decided that there would be an hours break before the first semi final match.

While the examiner said it was for the participants who had fought a lot already, I think it had more to do with the audience. This hours was probably to build hype for the remaining matches, and make more money from selling overpriced snacks and beverages to the audience.

Meh not my worry at the moment. While I will never admit it if asked, I did use a lot of chakra during the last two fights. While the shadow clone jutsu is powerful and super for gathering information, it does use large amount of chakra. While I do get much of it back, when dispelling a clone, there will always be some lost chakra in the process. While I do have a larger than average chakra amount, I have no where near some orange ninja's infinite amount, due to a certain fox. Speaking of Naruto, I wonder if he ever showed up to watch this event.

During the last month, he has visited me a few times, however I was pretty busy with training, so didn't have much time to play around with him. One of the times, he got a little mad that I didn't have time for him, and asked me why not. Not thinking that much about it, I told him what I was training for. While I don't think he understood much of what I said, he understood that there will be an event today. He kept shouting about coming to see his big sister winning fights. That is until he got hungry and ran of to get some ramen. His attention span is pretty short.

Back to now. I decided to try and restore as much chakra as possible for the next hour, before the first semi final fight.

So an hour went by pretty fast, and I got as much chakra back, as I could, when I heard the signal over the loudspeaker:

"The semi finals, will start in 5 minutes. The participant is asked to move towards the main stage"

An hour that felt way to short for me, was over. The semi finals were about to begin.


*Flashback one hour ago*

*Naruto POV*

Ever since Big Sister mentioned she was training for something really important, I remembered the day it was going to happen. I wanted to go see her do it. Whatever it was. Pretty sure it was going to be amazing if she was involved. She is the strongest ninja I know. I think even stronger than gramps.

However I didn't remember the time the event was going to happen. So when I showed up, the doors to the stadium was already closed.

I have to find someway inside. What would make it inside the stadium. Food or water maybe? Food or water is stored in barrels right? Uhh, there is a barrel over there, if I hide in that someone is sure to come bring it inside the stadium.

So I got in the barrel, and waited.


This is taking forever.


This is boring, there must be some other way to get inside.

I jumped out of the barrel again.

Maybe I can climb over the top of the stadium? Yea, that sounds like it will work. So I started to climb up the outer wall of the building. I keep falling down, when I get around halfway up. But I got to keep trying. Never give up, never go back on my word, that is the way to become Hokage.

After almost one hour of climbing, I found a new archenemy. This wall, slippery dumb yellow wall. Just as I was about to give it another try, the door opened from the inside. A man walked out, and took out a smoke. He started puffing it. Before the door closed, I sneaked up, and quickly went inside the stadium.

Mission success.

Now to find Big Sister.

I guess I will follow the stairs here, and see where they lead.

At the end of the stairs, the stairwell opened up to a large area, with a view of a large stage. The stage had seen better days. In the middle of the stage was a large crater, about 10 meter in diameter. Not to far away was a 3 meter tall rock statue crudely made to resemble a man.

All around me, people were returning to their seats, after a break. And over the loudspeakers I heard someone say that the semi finals were just about to begin. Oh well, I can find big sister later, for now I can do like all the others, and watch whatever a "semi final" is.

I found an empty seat, and sat down. Everyone else were either talking or focusing their attention at the stage in the middle of the stadium. Something must be about to happen at that stage, so I focus my attention on it.

After an eternity of waiting, something finally happened. A ninja appeared in the center of the ring. From what he said, and the way he behaved, I think he was the judge of the event that will happen.

After just a few more moments, a beautiful person appeared on the stage, next to the examiner. She had long flowing purple hair, that reach about shoulder length. She was wearing a standard Konoha ninja outfit, with the only difference was the sword attached to her back, in a scabbard. She seemed to be about the same age as Big Sister, around 14 years of age. I even think I might have seen her somewhere before. I think she might be the other female ninja on Big Sister's team.

After a few other moments, Big Sister finally appeared. I just couldn't control myself got exited, and shouted out:

"UOOOHHH, Big Sister! You can do it!"


*POV Anya*

So it was finally here. Me and Yugao fighting over a placement in the finals. As I entered onto the stage, I was starting to feel nervous. With all the other fight today, I didn't have to go full out to win, and even before I fought them, I was pretty sure I would win. However this fight was different. Apart from maybe Itachi, there were none here who I knew the abilities of better than Yugao. And the other way around as well. She is strong. Not only is her kenjutsu superb, but her elemental jutsu is also strong against mine. So in a straight up taijutsu or ninjutsu fight, I am at a disadvantage.

The atmosphere in the stadium is pretty intense. Like the calm before a big storm. Everyone can feel that the next fight is going to nothing close to the fights that came before. The stadium is dead silent, which is quite a feat, when you think about how many people that are here.

As I was walking toward the center of the stage, and running strategies in my mind, I suddenly hear:

"UOOOHHH, Big Sister! You can do it!"

With the contrast to how silent the entire stadium was, the outburst was just hilarious, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing at this.

Both the examiner and Yugao looked at me like I had gone mad.

"Well I guess that answers, whether Naruto made it here or not" I say to myself, while wiping a tear from the corner of my eye.

That actually helped. I am no longer stuck in my head. I will just take whatever Yugao throws at me. No need to bother with strategies, as we know each other to well. I will just fight as well as I can. And that's that.

Like a floodgate opened from Naruto screaming, the noise level in the stadium rose again, when everyone started to talk and murmer.

The examiner made us assume positions, and asked if we were ready. We both nodded at the same time. With a quick look as us both, the examiner signaled the start of the first semi finals, with a "Begin".

Before the examiner was even done with his "Begin", Yugao had drawn her sword, in her right hand. I wanted to what she had planned, so I made no move, and just assumed a defensive position.

To my surprise, Yugao did not charge at me to engage. Maybe she thought it was a trap. No matter. She did however raise her left hand at me and said:

"Lightning style: Multi Bird"

From out of the left hand, flew several bird shaped lightning blots. 5 in total. Crap, even one of them would hurt like hell, if not take me out completely. And if remember correctly, Yugao can change the direction of her lightning bird attack even after she has fired it. So I can dodge them easily.

The 5 lightning birds, fly in different direction, before all turning at the same time, heading towards me from 5 different directions.

Ok, I've never tried to use earth style mud wall quickly after each other, but here goes:

"Earth style: Mud wall" x3

I place 3 mud walls between me and the lightning birds. I place them in such a way that Yugao can see me, and hope that I am quick enough for this next part:

"Earth style: Hiding like a mole"

I just make it, and dive into the ground, as I hear my 3 mud walls get completely destroyed. A moment after, the ground above me shakes. The lightning birds hit the place were I just was a few seconds ago. Phew avoided.

Yugao is a sensor, so there is no way a sneak attack would work on her. So instead of hiding here under ground and slowly draining my chakra. I surface again about 20 meter from were I was before. As my head pokes out from the ground, I can hear Yugao say:


A large sword beam is traveling from Yugao's sword, to my position. While most others don't know about this attack, I have seen it so many times, I am pretty well aware of the beams nature. In fact it is a flying slashing attack. And I have just the defense for such a think. Quickly I pull myself out of the ground, and cast another jutsu:

"Earth style: Iron skin"

My skin turns dark grey, just as Yugao's moonbeam arrives and hit my body. The sword beam throws up a bunch of dust, and visibility is low.

As the dust settles back again, everyone can see me standing in the same place as before. To everyone it looks like the moonbeam was completely unable to affect me. However it did knock the wind out of me, and I had to take a moment to get it back.

As soon as Yugao sees this, she prepares for another lightning bird attack, by putting her left arm in front of herself. However I just had and idea, and before she can finish her attack I charge, while making hand seals of my own:

"Earth style: Mud wall"

However this time, I use the mud wall to hit Yugao's hand, breaking her jutsu and concentration. While she is of balance, I charge the remaining distance between us to engage in taijutsu. Now that I have my iron skin on, her sword strikes can't hurt me.

We engage in taijutsu, with no one having a clear advantage. Due to my iron skin, I can ignore her slashing attacks, but she had better defense than me, and avoids or blocks all of my punches.

Suddenly I throw a feint at her, that she did not see coming. I use the feint to target her sword.

"I'm sorry about this Yugao" I say, as I charge my fist with chakra, and connects with her sword. The sword resists for a few moments, but eventually the sword breaks, and the edge goes flying of towards the edge of the stage. Yugao is now left with only holding a sword handle only.

Yugao take the opportunity to make some distance between us.

"You broke my sword. That some firepower and strength in that iron skin jutsu you use." Yugao says, but does not look worried or bothered at all. She then says: "Unlucky for you, I don't really need that sword anymore." She the throws the sword handle away, and makes a few handseals:

"Lightning style: Lightning blade"

As Yugao says this, she creates a duplicate of her sword from before, however this one is made entirely out of lightning chakra. Oh damn, this is bad.

"As you might have guessed now, this is a new jutsu I mastered over the last month. A blade made of lightning. With this all my other sword kenjutsu is enhanced with lightning as well." Yugao says to me, with a smile on her face. I realize what she is getting at, when I suddenly hear her say:


Oh crap. If that is infused with lightning, I cant be hit by that. I dispel my iron skin, as it would not help me.

"Earth style: Mud wall" I yell, using the mud wall below me this time, to lift me about 10 meter up into the air. I avoid the sword beam, barely, but my mud wall crumbles below me, from the strike.

Great, now I am 10 meters in the air, and Yugao is getting ready to shoot another sword beam at me.

"Guess the warm up is over then?" I ask her. To which she just nods, before yelling:


At the same time I yell out:

"Adamantine sealing chains"

This time, 4 chains appear. Two from my shoulders, and two from my back. I use the chains to grab different places on the ground, and move myself away from the sword beam.

When the sword beam passes by, I slowly lower myself down to ground level, about 10 meter away from Yugao, and we stare at each other.

Without realizing it, the entire stadium was so engrossed in our fight, that it had fallen completely silent. Now with a break in the action, the audience is starting to cheer again, and is getting loud. I swear I can hear a certain yellow fuzzballs, that is the loudest among the all.

After a few moments of seizing each other up, Yugao starts to talk:

"So you finally decided to get real as well. We so rarely get to see those chains our your, that I have no idea how many you can even use, or how well you can use them. I've reach my goal here, to get you to use your trump card" Yugao said, a lot more mellow than before.

"Wait, was it just your goal to get to fight me, while I use my chains?" I ask back at her, and continue: "Then what was with the arrogance before the fights today?"

"That was to get you into the fighting spirit. If you though I was arrogant and looking down on you, you would be more motivated to fight me going all out. And now that we have gotten to that point, we can end the fight with our next engagement." Yugao said.

"Wait, was that why both you and Itachi was acting so arrogantly earlier?" I ask her.

"It was why I was acting so. I think Itachi is just like that all the time" Yugao said.

A voice that was further away suddenly said: "Yugao you lair!"

Both Yugao and myself smirked at this.

"This is me going all out. Ready?" Yugao asked, she the commenced to summon another lightning style sword, to be used in her left hand.

"Not yet. While you have been holding back for this next exchange, so have I. Let me go all out as well" I said, while Yugao looked puzzled at what I meant.

I then proceeded to summon additional chains. 12 in total. I could see the shock on Yugao's face. Not surprising, if she thought my maximum amount of chains was 4.

"Now I'm ready" I said.

I have 6 coming out from my back on each side now. I use the chains to lift me up from the ground, and my body is now about two meter of the ground. I assume I kinda look like a spider like this. Ironic with how much I hate spiders.

Yugao and me was starring at each other, both ready to move at any moment. The entire stadium has fallen silent again, after my additional chains appeared. Not a sound was coming from the audience. Suddenly someone coughed, and both Yugao and myself used this as the start signal to engage.

"Moonbeam" x2

Yugao was throwing two moonbeam out as the same time now, using both of the swords to each create a sword beam.

I was using my chains to drag my body out of the way of the beams. Trying my best to avoid the beams.

"Moonbeam" x2

Yugao kept shooting at me, and it was becoming harder and harder to avoid.

After several more moonbeams, Yugao succeeded in cornering me. I had no option, and one of the approaching beams would hit me. So as a last ditch desperation attempt to power through the attack, I retracted all my chains around myself. Basically I covered myself with chains, and became a ball with my body at the center. I have never done this before, and I have no idea how well my chains will hold up against her moonbeam.

The moonbeam hit, and my ball was shaking. To not be blown away by the force of the moonbeam, I anchored some of my chains to the ground. I hope my defense with hold out.

I could feel more and more of my chains breaking due to the power of her moonbeam. But in the end I held on, and powered through the attack.

"Cute trick" Yugao said, and continued: "But lets see if you can withstand a double hit of my moonbeam, now that you are no longer moving around".

"Moonbeam" x2

Yugao shouted her attack, like she was use to. But nothing happened. She looked down to her hands, and they were empty. Just a few moments, and she could feel all of her remaining chakra leaving her body.

I peaked out from behind my half destroyed chain ball, and said:

"Adamantine sealing chain - chakra absorption"

"While you were focused on my, you didn't notice that one of the chains I anchored myself with, was extended, and traveled underground. While you were getting ready to shoot me again, I bound the chain around your foot, and absorbed your remaining chakra." I told Yugao with a smile.

"Tsk, should have known you were not that easy to deal with" Yugao said, and then continued: "I give up".

At this I removed my chain from her, and dismissed them all.

The examiner came over, and said:

"Winner Anya Uzumaki"


We both got back to the participant balcony, getting ready to watch Itachi's semi final match, if the last guy doesn't back out as well. Yugao asked me a question:

"Was that really you going all out? You didn't even summon any of your contracted animals" Yugao asked.

"That was me going all out. I didn't summon my bats, because that would have been unfair. 2 against one, is just not what I wanted our fight to be" I answered her.

She mulled it over a bit, and seemed to accept my answer.

"I am really tired. No chakra left in my body, because of a certain someone" Yugao said, and scowled at me.

"Whoever could be so bold and handsome, to do such a think to you?" I asked her back.

She didn't dignify my joke with a response, but continued: "I'll just sit here, and look at Itachis fight. If I fall asleep, please wake me up before you two have to fight in the finals. Wouldn't want to miss finding out who is really the strongest in team 02".

I nodded at her, and we both drew our attention towards the stage, where the second semi final was about to begin.


The second semi final was starting. Itachi and Nemui was facing each other waiting for the signal to start. Itachi, while the youngest in the entire exam, looked confident. Nemui also looked confident, either they knew a lot about each other, and had strategies to overcome each other. Or, more likely, they knew very little about each other, and had no idea what they were about to engage.

The examiner started the fight, and Itachi took a wait and see approach. Nemui on the other hand, made a single hand seal, and closed his eyes. He then charged forward at Itachi. When he got close, Nemui launched into a combination of fist and kicks, designed in such a way to keep the opponent of balance. Itachi had no opening to launch a strike back at Nemui, and was forced to continuously dodge.

This continued for several minutes, until Nemui suddenly backed of, and opened his eyes, for a few short moments, and one again made a hand seal and closed his eyes.

Nemui then once again charged forward at Itachi. However this time Itachi was using his sharingan, and was handling the onslaught from Nemui much better. Itachi was even finding opening to counter attack, but Nemui dodged them all, just as well as Itachi himself.

The were virtually in a stalemate for several minutes at a time. Then Nemui would disengage, open his eyes, make a hand seal, close his eyes again, and charge at Itachi.

As I was looking at the fight now, things started to make more sense. I seems that Nemui is using a jutsu to force himself asleep. I only recognize the jutsu, because it is the same one that Gara used in the anime. I think it was called "playing possum" or something along those lines. While Nemui was asleep, his taijutsu was phenomenal, no stray thought to block his action. Just combo attack after combo attack. However the most impressive thing, was that Nemui had countered Itachi's best weapon, without even knowing it. Nemui's eyes were closed, and thus Itachi's eye based genjutsu did not effect him.

Every few minutes Nemui had to wake up, to take in his surroundings, and apply his jutsu again to engage.

I started to notice, that after some repeats of this, Nemui started to shake each time he opened his eyes. The period between his sleep states, also became longer and longer. Going from just a few short moment, to upwards of 20 seconds.

Unbeknown to me at the time, Itachi had figured out what was going on faster than even me. Each time Nemui was awake, for just a few moments, Itachi would cast a genjutsu at Nemui. Itachi later explained that each genjutsu would show a horrible death to Nemui each time. The death would be of himself or his loved ones. Itachi wanted to scare Nemui awake like this, making him afraid to fall asleep. The shaking was Nemui's fear, and he would have a bigger and bigger hesitation about going back to sleep each time he was awake.

Finally Nemui couldn't stand it anymore, and screamed out in fear:

"Ahhhh, no more. Please no more. I give up. I give up. Just get me away from that monster" Nemui said while pointing at Itachi.

The entire stadium was stunned. The two participants had been exchanging blows, but no one had made any good hits. So why would Nemui give up?

Itachi was so good with genjutsu, that none in the stadium even saw him use it on poor Nemui. Well maybe the Hokage, but I was not about to ask him for such trivial details.

Itachi was declared the winner, and the second participants of the finals.


*POV Hiruzen*

As I was sitting in the VIP section, just after Itachi had won the second semi final, I pondered the performance of each Konoha genin in the exam. The chunin exam this year had produced some good results, and there were at least three genin that I would vote on for promotion. The entire team 02, had already proven to me, that they were ready to be chunin.

Uzuki Yugao, was at a much higher level than any genin. Both in combat and sensory ability. In combat she would even give some jonin a run for their money. Her ability and demonstrated mastery over lightning nature transformation, was impressive for a 14 year old girl. He only real weakness was her defense, as she was more of a glass canon. High damage output, low stamina. If she would take me up on my offer to join ANBU after her promotion, we could work on her defense.

Anya Uzumaki, had a interesting variety of techniques. While like any Uzumaki, she had naturally high levels of chakra and stamina, she had even more chakra than myself. Incredible amounts. She was also well rounded, in both defensive and offensive techniques. However, from what I see, she has very few lethal methods. Her adamantine sealing chains, and earth release just, could be lethal, but were mostly focused on incapacitation. Sometimes ninja have to kill, to protect even more lives. Just like Yugao, Anya is able to battle, and perhaps even win against jonin level ninja. She would be a good addition to ANBU as well.

Then we come to the last one, and from my point of view, the most troublesome one. Itachi Uchiha. Boy genius, like the rest of his team, he could win against jonin level opponents. A prodigy in genjutsu, with 3 elemental affinity's, a fully developed sharingan and only 10 years old. So much power, in someone so you, I don't think that is a good thing. The battle we just saw, also worried me. Why did young Itachi chose such a cruel way to win the battle? He could have won plenty of other ways. He might well have traumatized the other young ninja for life. I hope that he will join my ANBU, at least there I might guide him. Or if need be keep an eye on him.

It is with a great sigh, that I remember back to a week ago, when these specific three genin was the topic of the village elder meeting. Danzo had learned of the great performance in the second stage of the exam, and had suggested that they all three joined the Root division. The other elders seemed fine with it, not caring much for such young ninja, with little political power. They were however hesitant with Itachi, as he is the son of the head of the Uchiha clan. After much discussion, we decided to postpone any decision about joining any organization, to after the exam's are over. However I don't think I can talk Danzo out of this. I fear that as the minimum he would have to have one of them join Root. As the other elders don't care much for Anya and Yugao, the only way I can keep them out of Danzo's reach, is if they join ANBU.

With those depressing thoughts, I was now faced with a more immediate concern. Should we continue with the finals as planned?

There is no real reason to do so. Both Itachi and Anya have already proven they are more than capable to be promoted.

However I look around at the audience. Everyone is talking about the finals, and making suggestion about how and who will win it.

I call one of the ANBU to me:

"Lets call for 15 minutes break, before the finals. And go find out if both Anya and Itachi would like to continue with the finals" I say to the ANBU.

Within 5 minutes, he returns, and informs me that they both wish to continue.

Alright then, lets have a final.


*POV Anya*

An ANBU ninja showed up 10 minutes ago, and asked if I wanted to proceed with the finals. I of course said yes.

The finals proceeded after a small unscheduled break. I found myself face to face with Itachi Uchiha, waiting for the examiner to give the final go ahead.

The audience were all pretty hyped for this. Once in a while you could even hear a young kid shouting different version for "Got for it, Big sister" or "You can do it, Big sister". Each time, I couldn't help smile a bit. How can such a little body created sound so big they can be heard in a crowd like this?

A question for another time. As for now, I need to focus on the 10 year old kid in front of me. We had no need to talk, as everything we wanted to say, had already been said. We just waited for a sign to begin.

"Begin" the examiner shouted, indicating the start of the last fight for today.

Both Itachi and myself charged at each other. Seems like we both had the same idea, to start out with taijutsu.

We engaged. I swung my right fist towards his head, from the side. He ducked under it, and aimed a strike at my gut. I twisted my body, and moved it such a way, that my side was turned towards Itachi, avoiding his fist. I then countered with a kick. Itachi jumped back, avoided the kick, and jumped back to close range again, taking advantage of my raised foot, to try and sweep me of my feet. I jumped up instead, turning around, and did a one handed handstand, sending my foot down towards his head. He threw his arms above his head, to block my kick, and protect his head. This was a mistake, as now I had both his arms locked by my one foot. I the proceeded, while still in the hand stand, to hit towards his stomach. At the last second he jumped back, and created a larger distance between us, of about 5 meters.

All of this happened in the span of a few seconds. With this we already knew, that we were pretty evenly matched in pure taijutsu.

"Hmm, lets see how you handle this then" Itachi said, making a few hand seals, and somehow blowing up his lungs to twice their normal size:

"Fire release: Blazing meteors"

About 20 or so smaller fireballs was release from Itachi's mouth heading towards my position. While I could use my iron skin technique to avoid the blunt damage of the fireballs, the heat would still effect me. So instead I opted for:

"Earth release: Mud wall"

A wall of earth appeared in front of me. I jumped back, not trusting a single mud wall to hold of all those fireballs. It was just to buy me a bit of time:

"Earth release: Shadow clone"

3 earth clones appeared, and burrowed underground. Their task was to ambush Itachi. Just as the clones burrowed underground, the first fireball hit the mud wall. A moment after the second followed by even more. After the 10th fireball, the mud wall cracked, and was destroyed. Another 10 fireballs were coming at me now, but I dodged each of the. 20 of these would have been very hard, but 10 I can dodge with no problem.

"Heh, no problem Itachi" I said smirking, at him. Or at least I thought I did. He was not there. I got a bad feeling, and quickly moved out of the way.

The instant I moved about 10 shuriken landed on the place I had just been. That sneaky little brat, he used his fireballs to cover his movement, and launched shuriken's at me from another position.

"Good try" I said to him, finally locating him to my right. I continued: "Wish I had thought of that... Oh wait I did". I smirked at him, as three earth clones jumped out from the ground under his feet, and started to try and hit him.

While the earth clones only have a 10th of my power, the have all of my taijutsu skill. And three of me in taijutsu, is more than what Itachi can handle at this moment. The earth clones also has the advantage, that the don't stop, until I dispel them, or the run out of chakra. I was watching from afar, looking for an opening, when I saw Itachi eyes turn red. He had activated his sharingan. My three earth clones were now no longer able to hit him, or even come close to it. He toyed around with them, before finally disappearing in a murder of crows.

Itachi appeared again a few meters away, and said:

"Summoning jutsu"

From a smoke cloud, a large murder of crows appeared. They started to attack my earth clones. Each attack that was regenerated cost the clones chakra, and in no time the clones ran out and was dispelled. The murder of crows now targeted me, and was fast approaching.

"Oh, so this is how were going to fight" I said, made a few hand seals, and called my own friend: "Summoning jutsu"

In cloud of smoke, a voice started to say:

"I am the shado...."

"Bruce no time for that, we have incoming" I said and jumped onto the back of my bat summon. Hearing the urgency in my voice, Bruce took of immediately, and flew around the stadium, with the crows hot on his tail.

I used the opportunity to throw some kunai at Itachi, with no effect. While we were flying around, I gave the short version, of what was going on to Bruce.

"You remember that attack you told me about last time?" I asked Bruce.

"You mean my sonic scream?" Bruce said, while almost beaming with pride.

"Yes, that one. Can you control who you hit with it? So that you won't endanger the audience?" I asked him, while throwing an explosive note into the murder of crows.

"No, I can't control sound waves, one the leave my body. But I can emit the sound at a frequency, were it will only effect the birds, and no be heard by humans. The birds will not die, but it will be unpleasant for them, and it should stun them for as long as I sustain the sound waves." Bruce said, and indicated he was ready when I was.

I made a small prayer to all other innocent animals in the stadium. There might be a few ninja dogs as well:

"Do it" I said, while jumping of Bruce, to land a few meter away from Itachi again.

Bruce stopped flying, landed on the ground, and started screaming. Or at least I assume, as I did not hear anything. However all the crows fell down, and landed on the ground, unable to move.

"Good job Bruce" I said, and gave him a thumbs up. I then turned to Itachi and said: "Now where were we? Oh yea, ready for this?

Adamantine sealing chains".

I am not pulling any punches anymore, the crows can only be incapacitated for a short while. So 12 chains sprouted from my back.

Itachi stood and waited for me to engage him. I used my chains to attack him. 8 chains were send towards him, to try and capture him, while 4 chains were planted in the ground and used to hoist me up into the air, for fast movement and evading anything he throws back at me.

In actuality 2 of the chains in the ground, is moving under the earth to try and catch Itachi off guard. I assume, rightly so, that is OP sharingan will help him avoid even my 8 chains attacking at the same time. But can he avoid 2 chains he cant see coming? As it turns out, yes, yes he can.

As my two chains break through the ground to try and catch Itachi, the just moves out of the way, he the smirks back at me, and say:

"I already saw you use that attack against Yugao, it wont work on me" Itachi said, while avoid my 10 chains now. For good measure, and to provoke me, he even starts to throw shuriken at me. Damn it is that easy for him to avoid my chains. The sharingan is such a bullshit OP ability.

I retract my chains to myself, no point in using chakra on him, when I can catch him. Instead I try something new. I condense my chains down, to about 2 meters, and form them into a spear, or rather a drill. It just came to me, why not try to make a spear drill, by rotating my chain position. At this point I can already change the position on my body, where my chains appear, so moving them around, and thus rotating is easy. This creates the effect of a drill, or it sill one day, right now the speed of rotation is not fast enough.

"Oh I see how it is. My chakra is also getting quite low, so the next attack will finish it" Itachi says, and draws his short sword. I have never seen him use his sword before. He the proceeds to engulf his sword in fire chakra. Seriously did him and Yugao train in this behind my back? Why didn't they include me? Questions for later.

When I am satisfied with my spear drill, and Itachi is ready with his flaming sword, we charge at each other.

The world is like in slow motion for us. Slowly, ever so slowly were approaching each other. 10 meters. 9, 8, 7. It like everyone is holding their breath. 4 meters, the final movements of the techniques is initiated. I draw back me spear drill for the last thrus, Itachi does the same with his flaming sword. 3 meters...

Suddenly a large earth wall appears in front of each of us. None of us saw that coming, and we run head first into it.

"Will you two stop it already!" Hiruzen yelled at us, and continued: "Look what your fight is doing to all of the animals here!". Hiruzen points at several ninja dogs that a writing in discomfort, even some of the Inuzuka clan member have joined them.

Ups, I totally forgot that the Inuzuka clan not only has dogs, but they themselves have much better senses than ordinary ninja.

"I officially call the finals a draw between you two, now please dispel your summoned animals, before everything gets even worse" Hiruzen said.

With the look Hiruzen has on his face right now, I stammer a "yes sir" and quickly send Bruce back to his home.

After this, both Itachi and myself had to endure an eternity of lecture from Hiruzen, about how our fight could have endangered overone here.

After the lecture, Hiruzen lets us go, and officially declares the chunin exam over. The results of the exam will be delivered to each participants in a weeks time.


I an not gonna lie, that was a pretty anticlimactic ending to the fighting. And I can stop to wonder, who would have won, myself or Itachi. Hmm another question for later. Now I have a new mission, find a certain yellow fuzzball, and treat him to ramen. He does not need to know this, but he helped me today. But as his proud Big sister, I have an image to uphold.

On my way out of the stadium, I find him.

"Naruto, so you did come to watch the fights after all" I say to him.

He nods back, and sends 5 different question at me, about how strong I am?, when I can teach him?, what was that big flying thing?

When he calms down a little, I answer him:

"Like we already agreed, when you turn 5, I will start you ninja training, just like how I was taught myself" I say to him. Choosing to ignore all his other question for now, and continuing to say: "Now lets go get some ramen."

"Yay, ramen is the best!" Naruto yells.

On the way to get ramen, Naruto start telling me his version of the fights I just had. He is very exited, and adds a bunch of sound effects to his version story. A lot "Boom", "Ahhh", "Swush" and more. I can help but laugh, at his version. Because the story is way more alive like that, and way more inaccurate. He makes me out to be like some kind of super hero figure, like everything from the beginning was part of my plan.

I just let him. I am in a good mood. I mean I just won the chunin exam. Right? A draw is still a win right? I chose to think it is, so in my book both Itachi and myself are winners of today.