At the end of the chunin exam, everyone was told that they would receive their final score, and possible promotion to chunin, about a week after the exams were finished.
I used that week to relax and make a plan for what would come next. Itachi was through his chunin exam, and would get promoted, at least I assume. The Uchiha incident would have to happen within a few years now.
From canon, I remember that Itachi had the mangekyo sharingan, when he killed almost all Uchiha. I also remember that he got his mangekyo because his friend Shisui Uchiha dies before his eyes. Shisui is still alive at this point, Itachi talks about him sometimes, so that event has to happen first. My best estimate, is that the incident that will result in Shisui's death, will happen in about two years time from now. The Uchiha incident will happen some time after this. If I remember correct, then Itachi is 13 years old, when he abandons the village. For this timeline to be correct, Itachi will have to spend almost a year after getting the mangekyo to when he abandons the village.
Besides Itachi, there are four other very important players, in regards to the Uchiha incident. Hiruzen, who Itachi strikes a deal with, and gives the order to commence with the extermination of the Uchiha clan. Tobi/Obito, who helps Itachi with the massacre, and gets him a place in the akatsuki. Fugaku Uchiha, current head of the Uchiha clan, and the main driving force behind the planned Uchiha coup d'état. And last, but not least Danzo Shimura. Head of root, and all around bad guy. His impact on the Uchiha incident is more indirect, but he has manipulated both the village and Uchiha clan towards an armed conflict. In canon the reason for this, was revealed to be so he could gather more sharingan and make himself more powerful. However he has also been taught his mistrust of Uchiha, from his teacher Tobirama Senju, also known as the second Hokage.
If I wanted to try and prevent the Uchiha incident from happening, the best bet would be to focus on these 4 people.
Hiruzen is out, as he is not the direct cause of the incident, and was just doing his best to handle a bad situation. However Hiruzen is still important, and if I want to do something, I would need the support of Konoha and Hiruzen.
Tobi/Obito is way to powerful and hidden for me to do anything with him. Not to mention at this time, Mardara might still be alive. There is no way, even with my knowledge of future events, that I can do anything currently about them.
I don't know much about Fugaku Uchiha. He was only shown very little in the show, and that was mostly in Sasuke's flashback. From the little I know of him, and Uchiha in general, there is nothing I can personally do, to change his, or his clans, mind about the coup.
Danzo is basically the dark side of Konoha. While doing something to him is not going to be easy, there are several more options here. I know from the show, that Danzo is doing a bunch of shady deals with forces outside Konoha. If I can gather evidence of Danzo's dealings, and present them to Hiruzen, I can potentially take a dangerous player of the field, and hopefully prevent the Uchiha incident from ever happening.
As an individual, I also think Danzo is the weakest of these four. At this point in time he does not have Shusui's sharingan, and the other sharingans in his arm. Thus he is "only" a high level jonin combatant, with powerful wind jutsu. His real power, is in his Root. Unknown number of highly skilled ninja, that are fanatically devoted to the head of Root. Root has the potential to be just as powerful as the ANBU, just specialized more in stealth and assassinations.
An other reason I pick to focus on Danzo, is that I have already started to collect data on him. Ever since he has had an interest in my team, which have become somewhat more intense lately, I have started to gather evidence about him and Root.
I just hope it is enough, for what is about to come.
*Time skip 1 week*
It has been a week since the finals, and Hiruzen has called me, Itachi and Yugao to his office today. I assume to tell us about if were promoted to chunin.
At this moment all 3 of us is waiting outside Hiruzen's office. Apparently it has become so common for people to wait here, that they installed a small waiting area outside his office. There are a couple of chairs, and even a small sofa here.
Yugao looks like she hasn't sleep all night. When I made small talk with her, she seemed nervous and unsure. I don't think she is fully confident about if she passes or not.
Itachi is just his usual emotionless self. Hiding most of his face behind his overly large coat collar. I swear, I have never seen any place selling this type of coat before. They must be custom made. Maybe he even makes them himself?
Were passing the time, with small talk, and throwing rock between each of us. The rock is the size of my face. It is something we started to do in the team, whenever we have to wait for something. It is a kind of game, with not very specific rules. Throw the rock towards one of the others, and they have to catch it. The rocks cant ever touch the ground, or we loose the game. Due to the weight and uneven surface of the rock its actually a kind of hand eye coordination training. Of course we are not allowed to use chakra or overpowered eye ability's. As the game progresses we usually get more and more daring. Picking up the speed of the throws, and the difficulty of the angles. The game only stops, when we loose. Or if someone stops us.
Eventually the door is opened, just as Itachi is about to throw the stone back at me. Luckily he stops in time, and we hear a voice from the office:
"Put that down, and please enter the office" Hiruzen said referring to the rock we have been throwing around.
We enter the office and stand in front of Hiruzen's desk. The man himself is sitting behind his desk.
"As you all might have guessed, I have called you three here today, to go over the chunin results" Hiruzen said, diving right into the main topic. He then continued: "I would also like to individually discuss your future plans after this meeting. I have received some requests for each of you, and would like to discuss the options, and get your input as well."
I was surprised about that last part. I thought we would have to start leading our own teams, as that is the normal flow of ninja path. However from what Hiruzen just said, there must be something else going on as well.
"First lets go over how each of you did in the chunin exam." Hiruzen said, and continued: "Uzuki Yugao. You scored in the top 3 of both the first and second exam. As a matter of fact, your team set a new record for fastest completion of the second exam ever. In the third exam you got into top 4.
Your overall performance, and displayed abilities are way above chunin level. Due to this reasons, and plenty of others, you are hereby promoted to chunin."
"Thank you Hokage" Yugao said, slightly blushing due to the praise she was showered with. After a few moments, Hiruzen continued:
"Anya Uzumaki" Hiruzen said. Damn, he mentioned me second, must mean in his eyes Itachi performed better than me in the exam. Hiruzen continued: " You also scored in top 3 of all exams. Your abilities, especially your combat abilities, are above chunin level. You displayed impressive adaptability in combat situations. As such you are also promoted to chunin rank."
"Thank you Hokage" I said, waiting for the Hokage to finish his prepared speech. Only Itachi was left now.
"Itachi Uchiha" Hokage said, and continued: "Your performance was at the top of all exams. Actually there has only ever been recorded one better performance in the village history, and that person went on to do great things. As such, and with the displayed abilities, you are also herby promoted to chunin."
"Thank you Hokage" Itachi said.
After a short pause, Hiruzen continued:
"Due to your stellar performance, this team has received a lot of attention from different organizations. Both the TI, Konoha police force and Root organizations have expressed interest in having you all or some join them. However, as promised, I will also extend a invitation to each of you to join ANBU.
The last option is that you remain on board as normal chunin, and you can do missions at your own pace. At some point, you might be asked to lead a genin team as well." Hiruzen took another short pause, making sure we each understood what he said. After making sure Hiruzen continued: "As such, I will talk with each of you individually about where you fit in best. Anya and Yugao, would you please wait outside the office."
We both nodded, and walked out of the room, leaving Itachi and Hiruzen alone in his office.
(Author note): The content of the meeting, will contain spoilers for future chapters. As such I will skip them, and use a flashback in the future, to detail what went on.
*Time skip - next day*
I talked with both Yugao and Itachi after we were all done with our meetings with Hiruzen. Both Yugao and Itachi choose to join the ANBU, directly under the Hokage. As such they both have no longer have a ninja rank.
The way ANBU work, is that there are only two ranks. Member and squad leader. The ANBU only follow orders from the Hokage. In cases where the Hokage is unavailable, the ANBU is trained to follow the jonin commander, basically the Hokage's number 2 guy.
In regards to ninja rank, the only canon examples, of a ninja going from ANBU to normal were all of jonin rank. As such I assume that both Yugao and Itachi can be considered of jonin rank right now.
I expect that from here on out, I wont see much of either Yugao or Itachi for the foreseeable future.
As for myself, I took a different approach. As I was alone with the Hokage, I presented him with the evidence, that I have so far, gathered on Danzo. While it is not much, and in no way clear cut, there is enough there for Hiruzen to be worried. As such, Hiruzen agreed to my plan.
I suggested that, since I have already shown promise in investigating Root activity, that I continue this investigation, to figure out if Danzo is doing things to harm Konoha. Hiruzen labeled this mission as an S-rank secret mission. Only he and myself would know the details of the mission. Because of this, Hiruzen can't offer much support for me. He did however take the opportunity to promote me to tokubetsu jonin. Tokubetsu jonin is a kind of midway promotion to jonin, but reserved for ninja who are special, in some way. Typically more powerful than chunin, but less powerful than regular jonin. Often they have support roles, like medical ninja or specialized sensors. For me it was more of a convenience. With that promotion, Hiruzen could justify that I was on a secret mission, and directly referring to him.
As such, my next goal is set. Prevent the Uchiha incident, by exposing Danzo's dealings and secrets. Hopefully exposing that will start to repair the forming rift between the village and the Uchiha clan. However this is an investigation that will take time. Root is just as powerful as ANBU, and more secret. While Hiruzen briefed me on what he knew of the organization, it turned out I knew more than him. I know the system was designed in such a way, that the Hokage would be left in the dark about Root as well, but I was still surprised about how little Hiruzen knew.
It will be my task, over the next few years, to make sure Hiruzen and the village know all that Danzo and Root is doing.
*Time skip - approx. 2 years*
It has been almost two years, since I started my special mission, to investigate Danzo and Root. During these almost two years, I have uncovered several current and previous Root operations. Most of Root's missions, when viewed individually, can be considered morally questionable, but within the villages best interest. However when you look over all the missions, a pattern starts to emerge. The mission Root are doing is to benefit one man, Danzo. While some of the mission clearly is for the best of the village, some others are not.
During my investigation, I uncovered that just after the nine-tailed fox attacked Konoha, and the fourth Hokage died, Danzo assigned Root a mission to assassinate Hiruzen. I assume Danzo wanted to remove Hiruzen, so that he would have a better chance to become the next Hokage. However the attempt failed. There are several of these kind of mission Root have done, where the end results will harm the village more, for only the benefit of Danzo.
Another mission, that I gather information about, was that Danzo made an alliance with the village hidden by rain's leader, the legendary ninja Hanzo. The content of the alliance is not know, but from what I can gather, Danzo basically promised Konoha's support to the village hidden in rain, to get rid of some rebels. In exchange Hanzo would help support Danzo to become Hokage. The mission ultimately failed, but it is clear from this mission, that Danzo is only after one thing. Becoming Hokage, and he will do anything, kill as many people as it takes, to reach this goal.
There are several other mission, that all point towards this, but those two are by far the worst examples. The problem is that much of my knowledge and investigation have no proof. The proof is only in one place, Root headquarters. All mission briefings and orders are kept in Root headquarters, and are the only real evidence of any wrongdoing by Danzo. I have discussed this several times over the years with Hiruzen, and he will not act without any real evidence. However one improvement from canon, is that Hirzuen is now aware of what Danzo is up to, and does not trust him anymore.
So long story short, the only available option anymore, is to get the evidence from Root headquarters. However I am no where near powerful enough to attempt a break in to there. Thus I have been doing as much as I possible can to increase my strength and abilities over the last two years.
Speaking of, one of my previous assumptions of this strange world, have shown itself to be true. The explosive increase in my strength over the last 2 years, have confirmed what I suspected. The ninja body is different than a normal body. The most optimum period to train and get improvements is the teenage years. Not to brag to much, but I don't think there is currently any jonin in Konoha who I would lose to in a straight up fight. I could probably even stand up to Hiruzen as he is now, at least for a while. I am unsure if it was me versus Hiruzen in his prime, as I don't know how much his age has effected Hiruzen.
My chakra reserves, that were already pretty big, have become down right monstrous now. I think there are only a few ninja who can rival my chakra amount. And those ninja are all famous or special in some way. As an example ninja such as Kisame Hoshigaki would probably be on of the few ninja that has more chakra than me. Hiruzen even mentioned once that my chakra levels were bigger than his own teacher Tobirama Senju. That is high praise, but when I asked about his borthers chakra level, Hiruzen just laughed and said something along the lines of: "That mans chakra level is something that no one can ever achieve". I assume that was a no then.
Apart from my chakra levels, I was also training my chakra control. I finally got it to a level, where I felt comfortable starting on medical ninjutsu. With the memory of canon, and a few books on the subjects, I learned to do the "Mystical Palm Technique". The jutsu is pretty hard to control, but I trained with the jutsu, to a fairly decent level, and now I can use it anytime I want. I even for fun tried to see if I could use other appendices, and to my surprise I can actually use the mystical palm jutsu through my adamantine sealing chains. That move though I have not trained in at all, and is no usable in a an combat situation. But it could be useful if I had to save an ally from a distance away. I didn't spend to much time on medical jutsu, so I never learned more of them.
However I spend a lot of time, developing new jutsu, to help me investigate Root more. Towards this aim, I actually developed three completely new jutsu, all taking inspiration from my previous life.
The first new jutsu I developed, I call "Earth style: Vibration detection". I completely stole the idea, from a show I watched when I was young in my previous life. The jutsu works using myself as the center point, and sending out a unik wave of vibrations through the earth. When the vibrations hit something that is different than the earth, the vibrations get send back and I can tell the distance to the object. I can also tell what the object is, as the vibrations differ from the objects composition. Even if a ninja is sitting in a tree, I can make it out, because the vibrations of the tree is different, with the ninja added to the mix. The jutsu does have a few weaknesses as well. Sending out the vibration pulse, takes about a second, and for every 100 meter or so, the vibrations will take and additional second to get back to me. While the pulse is send out and coming back, I can move from my initial position. If I move, the jutsu will fail. However I can stop the jutsu after a second or two, if I just want the information about what is happening in the 100 meters around me. The effective range, of this jutsu is about 2 km right now, but takes about 20 seconds of time to get the information back. In a fight 20 seconds is an eternity. Another weakness of the jutsu is that it can only detect something that is connected to the earth. If a ninja is flying of jumping, when I use the jutsu, I will not see them.
However I developed the jutsu more for information gathering, and I mostly use it in combination with my "Earth style: Hiding like a mole", so I am hidden away, and not exposed.
The second jutsu I developed, is not so fantastical. I once again took inspiration from another media, and this time called it: "Earth style: Earth spike". This jutsu was also developed to be used in combination with "Earth style: Hiding like a mole". The purpose of this jutsu, is to function as a distraction, if someone ever caught me underground. While using "Earth style: Hiding like a mole" almost no one can see or detect me, however I am also slow. My speed underground depends on how fast I can "dig" my way through the earth, as such I am not very fast. I developed the Earth spike for the cases where I am discovered, and need time to get away. What the jutsu does, is turn the top most layer of earth, into several hundreds of "needles", in large area around the place I perform it. If someone is standing there, they either get skewered by the needles, or the have to take attention away from me, to dodge or defend against the needles. If the take their attention away from me, I can slip away.
While I can still use the Earth spike, when not using "Earth style: Hiding like a mole", I have better ways to achieve the same results, when above ground.
The last new jutsu, and the one I have been using the most, is a new fuinjutsu I call: "Fuinjutsu: Image recording". To make this jutsu, I took inspiration from the modern day video camera. I thought I was pretty original in my concept, however after developing the jutsu, I found out that there are cameras and video cameras in the world. The technology in this world is just weird man. We have video cameras, but still use horse drawn carriage? Meh, whatever, back to my jutsu. The "Image recording" jutsu, only takes inspiration from a video camera, it does not work the same. It is basically a seals, that will record images, of about 30 pictures each second, with sound. The seal is the size of an explosive seal, so they can be hidden pretty well, and record things in secret. Only the very middle of the seal, need to be visible, to record what is going on, the rest can be hidden. The seal will record anything, but has no storage space. Instead the images are directly send into the mind of whoever is connected with the seal, in case of all my seals, that's me. Each seal holds chakra for about 1 hour of recording, before the seal is used up. Luckily the seal can be activated remotely. So I can set up seals ahead of time, and start the recording even if I am far away. This jutsu has been by far the most helpful in my investigation endeavor.
To test it out, I started to install my "Image recording" seals in Naruto's home. 24 seals each day, to test how it would work for an entire day, with a video recording running in my mind. What I did not expect is that Naruto was talking about his dream to become Hokage, during the day when he was. That is not something new, he does that all the time, but this time his rant (to himself I might add) included another person:
"Big sister is so cool and strong. I have to get stronger. Strong enough to win against big sister. If I can't win against her, then I can't become Hokage, dattebayo!" Naruto said to himself.
He, it was mostly just cute. What happened next however was a lot less cute. As promised, I had unlocked Naruto's chakra, when he turned 5, more about that later. I had also taught him a few beginner jutsu, like transformation, which was the only jutsu that took his fancy for some reason. He was surprisingly good at it to.
I was watching him, through my "Image recording" jutsu, practicing transformation. He had a few successes. When suddenly he shouted out:
"Sexy jutsu"
In a poof of white smoke, on could see parts of a naked body. When the smoke cleared, I could make out more details of the figure. I was a young woman, at around 16 or 17. She had long flowing fiery red hair, a toned athletic body, a few minor scars on her body. She had deep blue eyes, and a friendly smile on her face. Anyone would agreed that this figure had a healthy female body. It was with horror I watched, as Naruto had transformed into ME!
I must have blacked out for a few minutes, because the next time I came to, was when I heard Naruto talk to himself as himself again:
"Transforming into big sister, is so much easier than anyone else. I wonder why that is. Also I tried the transformation on some of the ninja around town. I don't understand it myself, but for some reason when big sister has no clothes on, the other ninja start to bleed from their nose and pass out. Must be part of Big sister power" Naruto mumbled to himself.
I had just regained myself, and a fiery hot burning sensation had ignited in my stomach. I will have my revenge for this Naruto!
Later that day, when he came over for dinner, I had a special surprise for him. After my surprise (it was eating ramen in front of him, without him getting any of it. He just got a vegetable dish. I have never seen him more defeated), I explanation for what he did wrong. After he was convinced that I, for some reason, always knew what he did.
Although it was quite an experience, the test of my new jutsu was still a success.
In regards to the rest of my time, over the last two years. I have trained in my already know jutsu, and they have all been upgraded to a new level. I finally had the chakra control, and chakra amount, where I could take advantage of shadow clone training. This has increased my training speed a lot.
I spend a considerable amount of time on improving my adamantine sealing chains. I have double my controllable amount of chains from 12 to 24. I have progressed to a new level, in both adding earth release and chakra absorption to my chains. And I finally got hold of another trick, left to me in my father book. Barrier jutsu. I can now use just 2 chains, and created a barrier between the two chains. I can even layer the barriers on top of each other, if I need extra defense. I even think I can use earth chakra to strengthen the barrier in the future, however for now that is just a dream.
As much of my time over the two years was used for investigation, I have take up the art of disguise. While I can transform myself, like any capable ninja, there are instances where a transformation will fail. A transformation takes chakra, and some ninja can detect the use of chakra. and figure out the jutsu. Other ninja, can absorb chakra, making the transformation fail. However if I can change my appearance with just using normal disguises, then those means become ineffective against me.
As such, this is how I would rate my own performance, where I am today. Since I have passed into that real in some area's, I have added two new categories, SS and SSS:
Notebook performance
F = Academy student, E = Academy graduate, D = Genin, C = Chunin, B = Tokubetsu Jonin, A = Jonin, S = Kage SS = Beyond Kage SSS = Top of ninja world (like prime Mardara or prime Hashirama)
- Hand to hand combat: A
- Mystical Palm Technique: B
- Shadow clone: A
- Earth style: Mud wall: B
- Earth style: Hardening: B
- Earth style: Iron Skin Technique: B
- Earth style: Shadow clone: A
- Earth style: Hiding like a mole: B
- Earth style: Vibration detection: B
- Earth style: Earth spike: B
- Body flicker: C
- Summoning: A
- Explosive note: A
- Image recording: A
- Pain seal: A
- Adamantine sealing chains (24 chain): S
- Adamantine sealing chains - chakra absorption: A
- Adamantine sealing chains - earth style: A
- Adamantine sealing chains - barrier: A
Stamina: SS
Stealth: B
Chakra control: A
Chakra level: SS
On the personal front. I haven't seen much of my former teammates. Both Itachi and Yugao are busy with ANBU work. However we made a promise, to meet up at least once a month, to check up on each other, and swap non classified work stories. For the most part we have kept this up. Although it more like each time we meet, it becomes a sparring session.
After the chunin exam, both myself and Itachi have started to wonder. If we fought for real, who would win. Our fight at the chunin exam got interrupted, and since were both Konoha ninja, there was never a reason for us to fight with all our might, against each other.
Thus started a sort of competition between each of us. It began the first month, after our new assignments. The very first time for our monthly meetings, Itachi stated a challenge:
"Anya Uzumaki! I challenge you to a shuriken jutsu contest, to determine who of us is stronger!" Itachi said, pretty much the first thing, after we had just greeted each other.
"But that is so not fair. We all know that you train way more in shuriken jutsu, than I have ever done" I stated back to him.
He just smirked, with that dumb Uchiha smirk. So stupid. Or should I say, I am so stupid. Because with that smirk I accepted, and lost horrible. However I was not gonna give up after:
"Itachi Uchiha, next month I challenge you to a Earth release jutsu competition!" I said, trying to save a little face after loosing so badly, just a minute ago.
"No way. I am not dumb enough to give you the advantage" Itachi said.
Two can play at that game: "Oh, okey, that means I won then" I said, while smirking my best. This caught Itachi's attention.
"Fine lets do it. But be warned, I am going to train only earth style before next month" Itachi said, while looking super confident.
After this small exchange, all three of us would go back to hanging out. But thus started the competition between Itachi and myself. Each month we would have a challenge, and each month one of us would lose. The loser would then state the terms for next months challenge, and so forth. As of last month, we have had 22 challenges, and were tied right now 11 to 11.
Yugao though we were crazy. What was the point, she kept insisting. Honestly, there probably was none. Each competition was designed to one of our strong suits, and completely unfair to the others, but both myself and Itachi was motivated by the competition, and it got me to explore other areas that I wouldn't have othervise.
It's not like we excluded Yugao. On several occasions, we tried to include her, but she was not interested. All se ever wanted was talk gossip, and talk about her new boyfriend Hayate. Urgh. I didn't like him. Not because there was anything wrong with him, but each time Yugao was with him, or talked with him, she was like a different person. She clearly liked him, but she would act like a stupid girl around him. Giggling and laughing at everything he said, like she was some sort of giggle machine. He was not that funny.
I just focused more on my competition with Itachi instead.
During the last two years, I also got to visit Shira a few times. But as our worlds drifted further and further apart, we saw less and less of each other. She also got a boyfriend. Someone local from the Aburame clan. She seemed happy, and still passionate about her insect development. So far her insects experiments have produced a total of 12 new variants. Most impressive is a variant that is almost completely immune to fire. Fire is a commonly used method to dispatch large number of insects at once. The tradeoff is that these insects are very sensitive towards cold, and if the temperature drops to rapidly, they will die.
Another big event, as I mentioned before, Naruto turned 5. As promised I help him to unlock his chakra at this age. We made an entire day out of it together. He spend the night at my house, and I awoke him in the morning to a celebration. He is a heavy sleeper, so while I was cooking breakfast, I used my adamantine sealing chains, to pick him up, and carry him to the shower. When he still refused to wake up. He left me no choice. I turned on the cold water, and got a satisfied "Yelp" from the bathroom.
"Naruto breakfast!" I yelled at him, trying to stifle my laughter.
After about 5 minutes, a very wet, but clean, five years old yellow fuzzballs came into the kitchen for breakfast.
After eating, and making a bunch of small talk, we finally got down to the wire.
"So Naruto, you are five now, are you sure you want to continue down the ninja path" I asked him, trying to keep a serious tone in voice.
He took a few seconds to think, but answered:
"Yes dattebayo!" Naruto screamed. No idea why he felt like he had to scream it, I was at most 2 meters away from him.
"Alright then, lets go to one of the training grounds. I think we should pack a bit of food to go. It can be quite tiering to awaken Chakra." I said, as we both started to pack some food into a storage scroll.
We then left towards one of the training grounds, that was not used by anyone else.
After setting everything up, I walked Naruto through what was going to happen. The biggest challenge here, was that he had to sit completely still, while I awakened his Chakra.
When I was satisfied her was mostly calm, I put my hand on his back, and started to pour my chakra into him.
It was a strange sensation to say the least. As soon as my chakra entered his body, I could feel Naruto starting to shake. I don't know if this was due to pain or excitement, but as I had already started, I had to finish.
I continued to push my chakra through his chakra network, priming the network for his own chakra, that would soon be released. When I had primed his network, I came to the last part of it, the stomach. While in any case you would always end with the stomach, for Naruto it is an extra challenge. Due to the beast he has within him, that is constantly leaking chakra into his system, it requires a bit extra during this process. After a few moments of hesitation I pushed my chakra forwards towards Naruto's stomach.
I was suddenly surrounded by darkness. Naruto was no longer in front of me, just completely and utterly darkness. After some time, a few light sources appeared. I shielded my eyes from the light with my hands, and after a few moments I got use to the light, and lowered my hands. I could finally see where I was.
I was standing in what looked like a cellar. The floor was made of some kind of stone and earth. The walls around me where some kind of dark grey brick wall. Ever so often, the brick wall was replaced with a jail bar like door. Behind each of the jail bar door were utterly complete darkness. The only light around here, came from a few torches burning. The torches were placed on the grey brick wall next to each jail bar door. The burning light got more and more intense as I watched, illuminating more and more. Almost like this place was booting up for the first time.
I looked behind me. As far as I could see, there was nothing more than grey brick wall, and jail bar doors. After this, just endless darkness. I looked in front of me. Just inside my vision range, the cellar ended in a gargantuan jail bar door. Easily 100 meter tall, although I could only see the beginning of the door, not the end of it, I assumed due to the size of the bars.
As I studied the giant jail bar door, liquid started to flow out from behind the jail bar door. It was just slow flowing ripple of liquid, but with nowhere else to run, the floor started to get covered in the liquid.
"Who are you little one? Are you here to let me out?" A deep growling voice asked. It sounded like the voice came from behind the giant jail bar door.
I suddenly knew where I was. I wondered why I hadn't though of it sooner. I am inside Naruto's eight trigrams seal, and the giant jail door was holding the nine tailed fox inside it.
I started to shake. Last time I had anything to do with the creature, I lost my entire family, and was almost killed myself. I knew it was locked up, and could not hurt me now, however my mind didn't listen to reason. I was scared, terrified and just wanted to get out of here as fast as possible. But there was no exit.
"What is the matter? Are you to stupid to speak?" The voice growled at me again.
I tried my best to ignore the voice. To not think about who it was on the other end.
"Just my luck. The first living thing I see in years, and it is to retarded to even speak" The voice said, and ended with a "huff" sound. Like it had given up on something.
I was still just trying to to think of anything else. For some reason I started to think about the Naruto anime, and some of the later episodes. A particular memory of one of the times Naruto and the nine tailed foxed, talked. I remember when watching the episode I thought that the nine tailed fox was a bit of a tsundere. And that just made me laugh.
I started to laugh, and suddenly all my fears and instinct to run away was gone. That right, the nine tailed fox is not a bad guy. When he attacked the village, that cost me my family, he was not in control. Obito was controlling him for the most part. As such I got up the courage to answer him back.
"Heh, big bad demon fox. You call med stupid. At least I know about the seal that has you locked up. Even if I wanted to, I can't undo it" I said.
"Grrr, you sure are talkative now for such a weak creature" the nine tailed fox said, and moved his head closer to the seal, so his big red eye were visible in the darkness.
"Meh, I might be weak compare to you right now, but just wait. At the time where such a thing is possible in the future, I will fight you and show you who is the weak one" I said to the fox, trying my best to sound taunting.
"Not likely. I will escape this prison, and kill everyone and everything. There is nothing stronger than me in this world" The fox said.
"The seal is strong, you wont get outside before someone with the key releases you from it. Also if you are so strong, how come you are trapped in here?" I said, once more trying my best to taunt him.
There was no response.
"Nothing to say?" I asked.
Still no response. Slowly his eyes started to close. When they were completely closed, nothing was visible behind the giant jail bare door, except utter darkness.
Just as I was about try another witty remark or taunt, I was suddenly yanked back to my body again.
I opened my eyes, and could see Naruto in front of me again. I could feel his natural chakra, mixed with another chakra, starting to push my own chakra back. I quickly retracted my chakra from his chakra network, so as not to cause any damage to it. Within a few minutes, Naruto's chakra had completely saturated his body.
After getting him to understand the basics of chakra and telling him about chakra control, chakra limit and everything else I though he should know, I started to teach him a few things.
Because I knew from the anime, that he was quite skilled in transformation, I started to teach him this. Which I would later come to regret bitterly.
And that brings us to right now. Just a few moments ago, my "Image recording" seals, placed around Konoha caught wind of Danzo himself on the move. He is not alone, but has a number of Root ninja with him. From the direction he is moving, and from the fact that I know Shusui Uchiha just returned to the village from a mission, I can guess what event is about to happen.
This time however it is not going to go the way Danzo hopes, although in canon it also didn't. This time I will stop a tragedy from happening.