*3rd POV*
It was a night like any other in Konoha. The time was early night time, and Shisui had just returned from a mission outside Konoha. He had given a report of the missions success to the Hokage earlier that day. After the debrief, Shisui had taken to just walking around Konoha, with no specific purpose. He always liked the village. Whenever he was outside the village, on mission, he always longed to be back in Konoha again. This was the only place, where he truly felt like he belonged. It was the one place in the world, where he could relax and let his guard down just a little.
As Shisui was walking through Konoha, the time passed, and the shops and market vendors started to close up and get ready to head home. Most of the people of Konoha would head home to start preparing dinner, or spend time with family. The streets got almost deserted for a few minutes, but as darkness descended on the village, an new type of person started to flood into the streets. Mostly people who wanted to celebrate, or go out with friends.
Several other type of stores and entertainment places started to open up. Life returned to the village, this time in a more rowdy manner. It wasn't long before the streets were filled up with people, drunkenly singing or yelling. Plenty of people that just wanted to go from A to B, avoided the crowds for rowdy patron. A kind of balance was put into place between everyone on the streets.
Shisui took it all in. This is what it was all about. He was out there in the world, protecting, fighting and sometimes suffering, so that everyone here would never know about him or his deeds. So that everyone would have the time, and opportunity to act like drunken idiots. And boy did some of these people take advantage of that.
Shisui suddenly sensed something approach his fast. While he could get out of the way, he didn't think it was anything dangerous, so he stayed put. A few moments later, a figure emerged behind him. The figure was dressed in a typical ANBU uniform, and was wearing a white mask, in the shape of a dogs face, over his own face.
"The Hokage requests you in his office, as soon as possible" The figure said.
Several different scenarios ran through Shisui's head. When you get summoned by the Hokage with that short notice, it is never anything good.
Shisui indicated he had received the message, by a nod of his head. When the ANBU agent saw this, he made a hand seal and disappeared just as quick as he appeared.
Shisui sighed. His night was interrupted now, and whatever future plans of relaxation he had, would probably have to be cancelled.
He then made a few hand seals, quicker than anyone would ever be able to see, and used his favorite jutsu, to make way towards Hokage tower.
As Shisui arrived at Hokage tower, he was immediately let into the office of the Hokage. Even before he was let inside, he could hear several angry voices discussing very loudly. As the door to the Hokage office opened, to let Shisui inside, the voices fell silent.
As Shisui entered the office, he could see several people inside. Behind his desk, sat Hiruzen. Standing behind him, was 4 ANBU guards. The guards were visible, and standing completely still. If there were 4 visible guards, there were probably just as many that could not be seen.
Standing next to the Hokage desk, was 3 figures, who all looked to have been engaged with the Hokage in a discussion just a moment before. All three were older figures, about the same age as Hiruzen. There were two men and one woman. Shisui was not sure about two of them, but recognized the last person, Danzo Shimura. Behind Danzo, there were also two ninja standing, from the look of their uniforms, they were from Root. From context, Shisui was assuming that the two unknow elders, must be from the Konoha council. If they were all gathered here, then something big must be going on.
"Hokage, I am here as reported" Shisui said, announcing his arrival.
"Good Shisui, we were just discussing something, that I want your input on" Hiruzen said, and indicated that the door be closed, and Shisui move closer to the desk.
"First, let me make clear, that everything that we discuss here tonight is classified as an S rank secret" Hiruzen continued. After a short pause, noticing Shisui nodding to indicate he agreed to this, Hiruzen continued to speak: "We have recently become aware of a planned operation, involving most of the Uchiha clan.
From the intel we have gathered, it seems like the Uchiha clan is dissatisfied with the current leadership of Konoha, and plan a hostile takeover. To that end, as a valued member of both the Uchiha clan and Konoha, I wanted your input on our plan of action."
"This is a waste of time Hiruzen. What the Uchiha clan is planning, is treason against Konoha. There are no other option for traitors, they must be executed. All of them." Danzo said. It was clear that this was not the first time this argument had come up.
"I told you Danzo, they have done nothing wrong yet. We cant punish them for something that they have not done." Hiruzen said, trying to remain calm and levelheaded, after hearing the same argument to many times tonight.
"Haven't done anything? Who else but and Uchiha could set loose the nine tailed fox on the village?" Danzo said, and clearly the other two elders agreed with him his viewpoint.
"I will not have this discussion again with you Danzo. Were here to discuss the current predicament. Now please calm down, and let us continue." Hiruzen said.
Hiruzen then started to tell Shisui what they knew. While the intel was solid, there were not much actionable information there. The information boiled down to: The Uchiha clan, current Konoha police force, was planning to take over Konoha and install a Uchiha clan member as Hokage. The plot was lead by many high ranking Uchiha clan member, but the ring leader was the current head of the clan Fugaku Uchiha.
Konoha was left with few options to prevent this coming to pass. Any attempts at negotiation or mediation had failed so far. Thus there were only one real option left as Danzo had mentioned, and Hiruzen was desperate to find another path.
"I understand Hokage" Shisui said after Hiruzen had finished his briefing. Shisui then continued: "I might have another option."
"Please, do tell young Uchiha" Danzo said, making it clear he was not happy about an "enemy" being part of this meeting.
"I will, but before how much do you know about the sharingan and what happens when the sharingan evolves?" Shisui said.
Either none of them knew about this, or they all feigned ignorance, so Shisui continued:
"Most people think that the 3-tomoe is the final form of the sharingan, however there are a few instances where an individual has evolved the sharingan to an entirely new form. We call this form mangekyo sharingan. What is special, and interesting for this conversation, is that when the mangekyo sharingan is awakened, the sharingan will develop a new power" Shisui said, and waited a moment to make sure everyone was on the same page.
"I am once of these individuals, and I believe my power might be of help here. I call my power Kotoamatsukami. I can only use this power once every 10 years, but it allows me to change memories in any individuals head. Basically it allows me to implant, change or erase memories from anyone that I can see, undetected." Shisui said.
There was a shock through the room, when they understood just how powerful this ability was. After a few moment, they had gathered themselves again, and the conversation continued.
"What are you suggesting then?" Hiruzen asked.
"I suggest that I use my ability on Fugaku Uchiha to avoid a worst case scenario. I will make it so Fugaku Uchiha will cooperate with Konoha, instead of seeing it as an enemy." Shisui said.
After a bit of discussion back and forth, Danzo insisting that it would not work, Hiruzen eventually used his power as Hokage to silence everyone and made a verdict:
"Shisui Uchiha, as Hokage of Konoha, I Hiruzen herby grant you a mission of highest importance. Use you power, and make sure the Uchiha clan will cooperate with Konoha. This is the only way to ensure that no blood need to be spilled over this incident" Hiruzen said, and from his tone of voice, it was clear that the meeting had ended.
After the meeting Shisui left, but didn't go straight to the Uchiha compound. While he had suggested it himself, he was not sure he wanted to use Kotoamatsukami. It was basically a form of brainwashing. The moral question, if it was fine to brainwash one person to save hundreds, was not sitting right with him. He needed time to figure out his feelings.
As such Shisui went to an unused training ground. He needed some time alone.
A few moments after the meeting was done at Hokage tower, 3 figures could be seen leaving the tower.
"Such a stupid plan" Danzo said to himself. His two bodyguards following behind him. They both knew that Danzo was just talking to himself, he was not looking for any input from them.
"But, to think that the Uchiha boy would have such a powerful ability. And just as my sharingan is starting to fade, and loose eyesight." Danzo once again said to himself.
"Yea, I think this might just work out for me and Konoha. The Uchiha clan is doomed either way. And there is no way such power can be left in someone else's grasp. It is my duty to Konoha, to make sure that eye power does not fall to someone that would harm the village. And who better to wield that power, than me. The only one who always protects Konoha." Danzo's speech was more of a mumbling now. Clearly he was working out a plan in his mind.
"Number 11, follow Shisui Uchiha, don't leave him out of you sight. Number 45, gather 2 squads of Root ninja, then meet up with me again. Were going to ensure the safety of Konoha's future tonight." Danzo said, indicating tasks for his two bodyguards.
*POV Anya*
About half an hour later, 25 ninja was jumping through the wooded area, still considered inside Konoha village. The ninja were moving in a special formation, where 24 of them all moved alongside and around the last ninja in the middle. A formation clearly intended to protect the one ninja in the middle, while traveling. The 24 ninja's all wore standard Root clothes, but the one ninja at the middle was different.
This ninja was wearing an all black kimono. His face was partially obscured by a bunch of gauze bandages, that covered his entire forehead, his right eye, and most of his right cheek. While not many people, or even ninja knew of him, he had a huge impact on everyone's lives in Konoha. This man was Danzo Shimua, and right now he was on a mission.
None of these ninja noticed a small, almost invisible seal placed on several of the trees. The seal was covered in paint and dirt, that made it blend into the surroundings very well. The seal recorded all the ninja moving at high speed through the forest.
This was the scene that was send to me, from one of my "Image recording" seals installed all over Konoha.
I had already noted Danzo's movement before, and was tracking his movement through the village. I knew he was going towards Shisui Uchiha, but I had no idea where Shisui was at this moment. I really wanted to get to Shisui first, to make sure Danzo does not get his eye this time around.
From the previous few places, I have seen Danzo's group moving, I can extrapolate a direction they are moving, but not how far in that direction they are going. So right now I am running in the general direction they are moving towards, and activation my "Image recording" seals in that general direction, hoping to catch a glimpse of what they are hunting.
When I first noticed Danzo on the move tonight, I got into my "black ops" gear. This is just a name I have given my disguise I use for work, where I don't want to be recognized. The outfit consists of black army boots, or rather the closest thing I could find in this world to black army boots. Black tight fitted pants, with several pockets along the outside of the legs. A black long sleeved shirt, with no logos or distinguishing marks. Black tight gloves. A grey face mask (for some reason they don't make them black), with a build in voice changer (not electronic one, but basically a hollow tube that you speak into, that distorts the voice). On top of this, I put a black whole body coat, with a hoody (think like the Akatsuki coats, but with an added hood and no red clouds). The coat is 2 sizes to big for me, but it is loose on me, so no one can see my body size, the hood and mask helps me hide as much of my red hair as possible. The outfit is designed to keep my identity a secret and hide as many of my features as possible.
After running for a few minutes, I got lucky. The seal I activated caught Shisui on it. I almost missed him, because he was just sitting there, not doing anything. I recognized the area. It was an unused training ground, at the edge of the village. I think I can be there in about 10 minutes, and it would take Danzo's group about the same amount of time to get there.
I kick my speed up another notch, but it is still going to be very close.
As I arrive at the training ground, I see Shisui Uchiha still just sitting there. Good, they have yet to attack him. I hide myself, getting ready to intervein at any moment.
Shisui was situated out in the open area of this training field. All around him, was just open field of grass. At about 100 meters to each side of him, was forest. Shisui was sitting there, looking at the night sky. The full moon was out tonight, and there was no sign of any clouds in the sky. If I had not seen Shisui's eyes, then I would have thought he had fallen asleep.
Just as I was about to start preparations for a fight, and maybe install a few traps around the area, I saw several figures moving around the area. Damn, they must have arrived, and now the Root ninjas are taking up position to attack Shisui.
Silently, I cast my vibration detection justu, to get a overview of how far the Root ninjas preparation have come. After about 20 seconds, I had a pretty good idea about their general positions. From their positions, I could determine their plan of attack.
20 ninja were positioned all around Shisui, encircling him. I assume to prevent his escape, and to attack from many different angles at once.
The remaining 5 ninja, Danzo included I presume, were gathered together on the opposite side of the clearing. In the forest area furthest away from my current position. They were walking towards Shisui, not looking to be in any kind of rush.
Afraid they would notice me, if I moved around to much. I held my position for now, and observed their actions. Even at this distance, I assume I can hear them when they talk. Just as I thought that, it was confirmed:
"Shisui Uchiha" Danzo said, making himself known to Shisui. Up until this point Shisui had not shown any awareness of not being alone. Now however he stood up, and seemed to take stock of his surroundings.
"Danzo. Are you here to follow up on the previous discussion with the Hokage?" Shisui asked.
There was no immediate answer from Danzo, they just kept walking closer and closer to Shisui. When they were within a few meters from each other, Danzo finally answered:
"No. That matter is already over. But I was surprised to learn about the sharingans powers, and the special abilities yours have. Such a powerful ability is a threat to the village, and I can't leave it in the hands of an Uchiha. As such I have come here tonight to ask you to hand over your sharingans to me."
As Danzo finished, the hidden ninjas all took a few steps out from their hiding place. They were giving up their advantage of an ambush, in favor of trying to intimidate Shisui into handing over his eyes.
I could see Shusui using minimal movements to get an overview of his situation. Judging each ninja strength and abilities, to the best of his knowledge, in just a few seconds before answering Danzo's request.
"You know Danzo, not many ninja in the village know about you. Even fewer know about your dealings. However the Uchiha are one of the few, who know most about you. You have never, nor will you ever have the best intentions for my clan, or the village. So, on that argument alone, I would not entrust you with the powers of my eyes. So I will have to refuse you." Shisui said, clearly understanding that his response would most likely lead to a fight, and he activated his regular sharingan.
"I see. That is a shame. You leave me very little choice then, I will just have to take your eyes from you corpse. Don't damage his eyes, but kill him." Danzo said, indicating for every ninja to attack Shisui.
Just as Danzo uttered the last word, several hundredths of shuriken and kunai's covered the air between Shisui and the Root ninja. All the thrown weapons had directions towards Shisui or his most likely dodging places. It was an impressive display of coordinated attack, with no escape. Or so I thought.
I was just about to make a move, to help out Shisui, when my eyes caught glimpse of a flicker from Shisui. Due to this I hesitated, and was unable to react in time. The kunai and shurikens were so close to Shisui now, that I could no longer intervene in time.
To my surprise all of the kunai and shurikens simply passed through Shisui, and landed in the ground on the opposite side of him. I surprised all of the Root ninja and Danzo as well, because there was no immediate follow up, and you could just hear Shisui voice:
"Do you know why the call me Shisui of the Body Flicker?" Shusui said. While he said this, suddenly several figures of Shisui appeared behind all of the Root ninja. As several "copies" of Shisui appeared each of them, one after another, placed a kunai and cut in such a way that the mask of each Root member fell to the ground. This revealed the face, and shock of each ninja present. I could then again hear Shisui say:
"They call me Shisui of the Body Flicker, because I am so skilled with the body flicker, that I leave an afterimage behind when I flicker from place to place. Thus my enemies will not know where I am on the battlefield" Shisui said and arrived in the middle of the circle again. Each of his body flicker clones started to fade away behind the Root ninjas. Even in the pale moonlight, you could see the trademark Uchiha smirk on his face.
"So Danzo, I think it is best if you just leave here. It is clear that you and your ninja are no match for me"Shisui said, keeping up the smirk on his face. Danzo was visibly getting angry at this.
"Kill him. Kill him now!" Danzo raised his voice, a lot less composed than what he was used to be.
All of the Root ninja started to attack again. However before they even got to that point Shisui could one again be heard talking:
"Genjutsu: Sharingan"
All of the Root ninja, Danzo included, stopped their actions. It was like their body was frozen in time.
"How is this possible?" Danzo said. Apparently not their entire bodies were frozen, they could still use their mouth.
"It is quite simple Danzo. A true Uchiha's abilities far surpasses what you can think of. Even stolen sharingan can't measure up to the real deal" Shisui said, once more sporting the smirk. He was slowly walking closer and closer to Danzo. At the last part of Shisui sentence he was looking shocked.
"You knew?" Danzo asked.
"Yes I know, but a stolen sharingan will never reach its full potential. The sharingan needs a Uchiha body to function and evolve further" Shisui said. He was now standing so close to Danzo that if he reached out his arm, he would touch him. They were both having an intense starring match.
"So, now what Danzo? Will you retreat, or do I have to prove further that we are not in the same league?" Shisui asked him.
After a short moment Danzo responded.
"Such power, at such a young age. The Uchiha clan is truly fearsome. Just another reason we have to eliminate this threat to the village" Danzo said, more to himself than to Shisui. After a few moments of contemplation Danzo spoke again:
"I admit, I severely underestimated you Shisui Uchiha. However you also underestimate me, if you think this is all I got" Danzo said, and glared at Shisui. Shisui didn't look like he believed what Danzo was saying, and had clearly dropped his guard, believing the fight to already be over. The next word out of Danzo's mouth changed all of this:
Although it should be impossible, with just a thought Danzo dispelled the genjutsu cast on himself, and every Root ninja present in the clearing. Faster than Shisui could even react, or understand what was going on, Danzo was striking out with his left hand. Clearly targeting Shisui's right eye. From what I can see, that is not just a normal strike, but his entire hand and arm is coated with wind.
From canon I remember Shisui will lose his one eye in this fight, and escape to give his other eye to Itachi. This must be the moment that he looses his eye. Fortunately for Shisui, I have not just been idle while they have been fighting around. I made a plan, to get past the Root ninja, and help Shisui. Unfortunately, I need to act sooner than I though. Damn that Uchiha arrogance, why would you walk up to a man as dangerous as Danzo.
With literally only second to act, before Shisui looses his eye I have to act now.
"Body flicker" I said, and I suddenly appear right behind Shisui, taking everyone on the battlefield by surprise.
Now comes the hard part. I can see the wind around Danzo's strike. There is no way a mud wall will stop this strike, if hit straight up. The strike will just go through the wall and take Shisui's eye anyway. I don't have time to erect a barrier, that would require at least a few seconds, and I don't have that right now. All right, lets go with this then. If I had more time to think, I might have come up with something better, but now is not the time to think, but to act. The timing has to be just right:
"Earth release: Mud wall"
A wall of earth is rising between Danzo and Shisui. But instead of trying to block Danzo's strike, the wall is rising such that it will hit Danzo's arm just one the elbow. Forcing his strike to rise up along with the earth wall, thus avoiding Shisui altogether.
As I hoped, the earth wall rises up and hits Danzo's arm on the elbow, deflecting his strike upwards, avoiding Shisui. And as an added bonus, I now have a wall of earth between some of the Root ninja, Danzo and myself. I turn to Shisui and say:
"Come with me if you want to live" I always wanted to say that. Apparently I was the only one who thought that was a prudent time for that line, because Shisui just seems like one big question mark.
Before I can do anything further, my earth wall suddenly disappear in a flash of wind.
"Kill them both. Hurry up!" I hear Danzo almost scream at this point.
Several hundred thrown weapons are coming towards us again at this point.
I grab Shisui, and say:
"Fine, I will not stay where I am not welcome!
Earth style: Hiding like a mole"
Both Shisui and myself disappear into the ground, and all the thrown weapons harmlessly hit the ground above us.
I start to dig us away from the scene, when there suddenly is a loud sound, and the entire world around us is shaking violently. With a final violent shake (luckily the ground around us is sand at this point, due to the jutsu), and a loud tearing sound, suddenly the sky is above us again.
It seems like Danzo used some kind of jutsu to blast a hole in the earth, and were once again visible to him and his Root ninjas. Damn I hate Izanagi. Stupid OP justu. Danzo can literally for 1 minute do whatever he wants. Change the laws of the universe, but only in a short range around himself. So we need to keep our distance from him, until his one minute is up.
"The jutsu he used, gives him incredible power and abilities" Shisui says, and continues "but even under the best of conditions, the time he can use this jutsu should be short. He should be incredible weak after this period. We have to stall him out for this duration, and we win. I expect he will run away, when the time is up, and I can take care of the remaining ninja at that point."
I don't say anything, just nod at him. I really want to avoid using to many of my jutsu here, to avoid Danzo discovering who I am, so I will keep to just my earth style jutsu. My other jutsu are to unic. It seems like the other side is ready again.
Me and Shisui are standing together at the bottom of a giant hole in the ground. At the top of the hole all the Root ninja and Danzo are gathered. They have the high ground here. Without any indication, all of the Root ninja start to throw weapons at us again. However this time, I can see they are mixing in explosive seals aw well.
Danzo has 4 ninja standing close to him. It seems he is imbuing all their weapons with wind chakra before they throw them at us.
"Careful of the weapons from those 4. They have wind chakra imbued in them." I yell at Shisui as we split up, to make more target for Root to aim at.
The entire hole is now raining down with weapons. We try our best to avoid them, but it is not easy. We need more help.
"Earth style: Shadow clone" I say, and summon 5 earth clones. They will function as meat, or rather earth shields, and help protect us as we try to make our way up the sides of the hole.
However Danzo is not sitting idle:
"Wind style: Vacuum Sphere"
Several wind bullets fly through the air, aimed at me, just as I start to make my way up the side of the hole. I am forced to dodge. As I successfully dodge, a new bullet arrives, and I am forced to dodge again. Damn these wind bullets are coming to close to each other, I have no time to make way upwards. I turn to see, and it is the same for Shisui. I have to make progress. So I take a bit of a gamble.
I have one of my clones jump in front of the next wind bullet, and hope it can tank the hit well enough that I will not get hit. The wind bullet comes closer, and my clone jumps. The wind bullet hits the clone, and passes right through it, leaving a giant hole in the clone. However the wind bullet is slowed down just a bit, enough for me to make headway up towards ground level. My clone also reforms itself after a few moments. So I continue this ascend while avoiding everything else that is thrown at me. I loose three of five clones during the progress. But eventually make my way to the top.
Now this is where the fun begins. I find the first and best Root ninja, and engages him in hand to hand combat, making sure the Root ninja is between myself and Danzo, so he can no longer hit me with his stupid wind bullets. I make my remaining clones do the same.
I however underestimated Danzo's range of actions. I just engaged the Root ninja in hand to hand combat, when Danzo with no hesitation fired of another wind bullet. The Root ninja between Danzo and myself only slowed the wind bullet down half a second, before bursting through him. Before I could register that Danzo just killed one of his own men, I had a wind bullet to close for comfort. With no time to think:
"Earth style: Iron skin"
My skin turned grey, just as the wind bullet hit me in the stomach. The blast send me several meter back, knocked the wind out of me and shredded a hole through my coat and shirt. But it didn't wound me, due to the iron skin.
As I was standing there, several kunai and shuriken rained over me, however with my iron skin I could ignore them now. After recovering a moment or two, I reengaged the Root ninja, keeping an eye out for Danzo's jutsu. As luck would have it, this was the moment that Danzo's Izanagi finally gave out, and I could see him falling to his knee.
After a few moment, I watch him bark a few orders, and the 4 ninja close to him and himself took of, while the remaining ninja were left to keep us busy.
It only took a few moment after this for Shisui to dispatch the remaining Root ninja, with his body flicker. It was finally over. Shisui was safe, and would live past tonight. Mission accomplished.
I was celebrating inside my head, when I suddenly though about something. The fight destroyed half a training ground, and killed several ninja inside Konoha. And someone would have to report this to the Hokage. Maybe if I can negotiate well with Shisui, I could pawn that task onto him.
Shisui came up to me and demanded answers. Mostly who I was, what I was doing there and so forth. So I decided we should talk, but wanted to find somewhere more private. So we traveled to a secluded area, for a talk.
So that's where we are right now. 30 minutes after the fight, me and Shusui are sitting in a small clearing in a forest. I have deployed my image recording around, to ensure we have privacy. When I was satisfied I took of my hood and mask, and introduced myself to Shisui.
"Anya Uzumaki" I said, while pointing at myself. Shisui visibly relaxed more when he knew who I was.
Shisui nodded, before saying: "So your the one that Itachi is always talking about"
"What? Itachi talks about me? What does he say?" I asked.
"Heh, why don't you ask him?" Shisui said, clearly teasing.
"Hey, if you want to know some about what I know, then you will tell me!" I said, maybe a bit to loud.
"Fine. Not like its a big secret or anything, but he always talks about you, in regards to training. If I had to put it into words, I think you are the first one that has ever been able to keep up, and potentially surpass Itachi." Shisui said, taking a short break, before continuing: "I think that to Itachi you are a rival, that motivates him to become stronger. And I also think he sees you as an important friend. Although I would think he is to proud to admit either." At that last part, I could see a smile on Shisui's face, like an older brother that was proud of his younger brother.
"Hehe, that sure sounds like Itachi. He is just a big softy under all that arrogance and pride" I said back with a smile, and continued: "But I could say the same about you. Itachi always talks with a lot of pride about you. The one who taught him, and helped his training so much. I think he thinks of you very similar as that".
"You could be right about that" Shisui said, and he continued: "However were not here to talk about Itachi. We are here to talk in greater detail about what just happened tonight. So let me start with stating what I know, and then you do the same."
"That seem fair" I said, and continued: "However I must mention before, that the contents of this discussion is classified as and S-rank secret in Konoha. The only reason I will talk about this, is because you are already involved in this, and I think it is for the village best that we are both up to speed."
"Funny you should mention it, I was just about to say the same" Shisui said with a small smirk.
Thus we started to exchange info.
While most of the information Shisui said, just confirmed what I already knew, I was surprised by the plan to use Kotoamatsukami to stop the Uchiha rebellion. Either this is different in this world, or I could not remember it from canon.
Shisui on the other hand seemed very outraged by Danzo's plan for his clan. I didn't tell Shisui about my knowledge of the future, but instead said that I had investigated Danzo and his plans for a while now. Which is also true.
After we had exchanged the information each had, we were left with what to do with this information.
"My goal is still the same as it was before today. I need to gather evidence of Danzo's dealings, and the only way to do so is in Root headquarters" I said to Shisui.
"I still have my own mission to do, but with this latest development, I need to consult with Hokage about it." Shisui said.
I nodded at this, indicating my approval for his plan.
"I will need help to break into Root headquarters. I need some incident that would leave their headquarters as empty as possible. Basically a distraction. Is that something you have any idea about?" I asked Shisui.
"Hmm, I will take it up with the Hokage. But Danzo seems very focused on the Uchiha clan, so I have a few idea that could draw him and Root out" Shisui said.
"Much appreciated. After your talk with the Hokage, maybe we could met up again, to discuss the finer details of the plan?" I asked him.
He nodded.
Thus with a plan to met up again in a few days time, we departed the spot.
After a few minutes of quite, there was a sudden shift in the ground. Like something was struggling to wiggling out of the ground. After a moment the top of a plant like structure started to become visible. As more and more of this structure became visible, a set of hair emerged between what looked like two large folded leaves. Below the hair a humanoid head emerged. Once side of the head had completely white skin, while the other side had completely black skin. As the entire head and top of the creature shoulders emerged out of the ground, it started to talk.
What was strange about this talking, was that this one creature talked to itself, with two different voices. One voice more light and innocent, while the other voice more dark and gravely.
"Danzo took the bait like we planned, but didn't succeed" The white side said.
"No, the Uzumaki woman interfered. Our plan for the Uchiha clan might be in jeopardy now" The black side answered back.
"What should we do?" The white side asked
"Nothing, even if our plan for the Uchiha fail, we have several other plans in motion to reach the same goal." The black side answered.
"What about the Uzumaki woman?" The white side asked.
"Let us observed her for now, and see what happens. She might become very useful for us later." The black side answered.
And with that, the creature started to sink into the ground once more. Eventually disappearing from sight, like it was never there to begin with.