
I stood in front of my 5 disciples, four of them looking at me with weird eyes and one looking at me with hearts on hers.

"Today we will do something different, as you may already know there are various strange beasts and monsters showing up on the forests, rivers lakes, and places in general, the iron boar was one of them as you know." I pointed at the leather armor I was using, made from the boars hide, it was lighter than chain mail and as resistant as the mail itself.

"Today our objective is simple, we are going to hunt those creatures!"

"Isn't that very dangerous?" goon 3 spoke.

"Yes it is but your group of five defeated a hundred armed soldiers with ease did you not." They nodded their heads proudly.

"We will separate in 2 groups, me and you 5."

"That isn't a team at all..." Bart spoke.

"details arent important, I want your group to be able to hunt at least a boar per person or some other weird creature, I will be acting alone, Be careful and make sure not to engage in a fight you can't win, running away isn't shameful." I picked up my quiver and the new bow that I carved recently, we separated into the forest I moved east while my disciples went west.

I walked into the forest keeping track of the plants around me, there were a lot of changes in the flora too not only the animals so its good to be careful, looking at the ground I noticed a track on the ground.

"This should be the track of a boar but the size should be bigger than the cow-sized one that attacked my house... I smiled as A heat rose from within me.

[A Target was set, The mutation Hunting Instincts was activated.]

[You developed the Skill Tracking Lv.1]

I moved quickly and expertly in the forest following along a trail of broken twigs, bushes, and heavy footprints as I followed the trail that heats within me increased and I was unable to stop smiling, stopping a top of a tree I saw the hulking beast.

[Lv.2 Mutated Beast (Steel Horned Boar) - The evolved version of the Iron horned boar.]

The boar was the size of a small truck, the ground trembled whenever he walked and on his nose, there was a large metallic horn, it was as sharp as a sword. I smiled widely as I nocked an arrow on the bow, feeling that heat inside me strengthen mi Qi revolved inside my body on its own flowing into the bow and arrow.

*woosh * The arrow flew incredibly fast and hit the boar eye embedding itself deeply into the boar's eye, it roared, making the leaves around him shake I was surprised as I felt a hint of Qi in the creatures roar if he evolved once again maybe it would be able to use his Qi?

"Well too bad for you." I jumped down of the tree holding kori in my hands the boar looked at me with red vicious eyes, smarter than the less evolved version of itself, instead of charging straight at me it circled around me, observing me, in an almost human-like way.

"you are my prey," I spoke as a psychotic smile formed on my face, stepping hard on the ground I charged at high speed at the boar, circulating my Qi in my body to strengthen it even further, the boar was clearly surprised by my speed as my Qi covered blade made a long gash on his left side, surprisingly it was extremely hard to cut and I wasn't able to go too deep.

*Roar! * It screamed and jumped up, trying to crush me with its hoods I slipped in between his legs swinging my sword again and again wound after wound blood rained on top of me and I rejoiced that heat within me growing stronger and stronger until it broke.

[you successfully hunted your prey +0.1 CON]

I looked at the dead huge boor lying on the ground the heat of the hunt disappearing from inside me, how the hell will I bring this thing back home? but before I could do anything I heard a louder roar in the distance, the ground quaked and the trees parted from there a giant creature walking on two legs, had a boars head and human torso, two steel tusks on the sides of his head.

[Lv.3 Beast (Steel Tusked Boar Man) - The evolution of the Steel horned boar, a huge humanoid giant that resembles a minotaur but with a boar head.]

Instantly I felt that heat once again but this time together with the heat there was a moist sensation between my legs, the boar man was carrying a tree using it as a club.

[Your Prey Was Selected!]

I smiled wickedly as I charged at the boar-like giant, levels of adrenaline soaring, my sword barely pierced his steel-like skin and he was surprisingly agile for his size, I jumped upwards avoiding a low swing of his club and swung my sword sending an ether blade flying towards the boar chest, it roared in pain as he once again swung his club and I avoided by jumping to the side a loud sound was heard when his club hit the ground, I jumped into the club and using his own strength as a lever I jumped upwards towards his head, he turned his head showing his sword like tusks, I concentrated Qi into mu foot and stepped with a swoosh sound I stepped onto the air as if it was solid ground avoid the tusks and cutting his left eye.

[You developed the Skill Air Step Lv.1]

I ignored the message as I felt my Qi revolving around in my bloodstream like crazy the with every breath I took in the life force in the ambient flooded my body Swing, stab, Freeze.

*Boom *

"Gugh." I was hit by the club in a horizontal moving, sending me flying backward cracking the tree making it fall, I got up spitting blood I laughed.

"Yes, This feeling that's what I want a true battle!" I screamed as the Qi inside my body raged out of control entering my Dantian like crazy and coming out as cold air, covering my skin, the ground, and the surroundings.

[Your core has attuned to the ice element, you are now able to use ice magic.]

Feeling new energy flooding my body I quickly swung my sword once again the ice energy being heavily amplified by kori, the ether blade froze the ground, the beast's arm, and shredded the tree behind.

*Roar * Roaring in pain the boar man screamed and I charged once again, jumping up I stepped on the air once and swung my sword, converging all of my Qi into a single point, a giant head flew up and landed on the ground, breathing our a cloud of ice I looked towards the forest,

"Oh, you are all here, good, help me take both these guys back home." I looked at my five disciples who were standing to the side with wide eyes.

[You reached Level 2, Please chose a perk or mutation from the list below.]

[swordsmanship (Advanced) Lv.2 > Lv.3] (+0.9 CON)

[Qi Control (Basic) Lv.5 > Lv.7]

[Breath Of life Lv.1 > Lv.2] (The amount of Qi that can be retained from each breath increased, increased Qi regeneration in combat.)

[...] (Camille POV)

I was moving inside the forest cautiously, barely containing the smile on my face for Master to have accepted me as her lover, ever since I saw her that time in the cabin for the first time I was in love but I was too shy to just approach her so I watched from afar, who would know that she would find me in the bushes...

"So... Camille... What were you and master doing last night."

"Training" I spoke coldly to mark who made the question.

"Y-Yes of course training." I looked forward and noticed footprints on the ground.

"Hey look footprints." I pointed to the ground.

"A hunter? in this place?" Bart asked.

"I doubt after the monsters started to appear this forest became extremely dangerous, no hunter dare approach this area," Virgil spoke.

"Let's follow, maybe we'll find an iron boar on the way," I spoke as we quickly walked in the direction that the footprints let to soon we noticed that the number of footprints increased.

"One... two... At least twenty people?" Marcus spoke as we noticed that all of the footprints led to the mountains to the north but in the middle of the way the footprints disappeared into a cave.

"Should we?" Bart asked.

"No let's warn Master, she will know what to do, lets get a boar and move out of here." I moved back, it took around 30 minutes to find a boar, first Daimos started, hitting the ground in front of him a wave of fire was sent towards the boar scaring it, a wind blade cut his path of retreat and a rock hit the boar's head disorientating him I took my rapier and did a quick thrust, strong lightning blasted killing the boar instantly. We tied the boar to Barts's staff and let him and Virgil carry the creature.

*Boom! * We heard a loud sound and a roar from the east.

"That's the direction that master went!" I spoke my heart clenching as I heard the beastly roar if it reached this far then how big was the creature?! We dropped the boar and ran towards the place, soon the booming sound was becoming louder and the sound of roaring was painfully high and that's when we saw it, on the ground there was a gigantic boar dead, at least 5 times bigger than the one we hunted but the biggest surprise was the situation master was in...

Jumping high in the air and stepping on it as if it was solid ground the beast as tall as the city walls had one of his arms frozen and the blade but his head cleanly from his body.

"Oh, you are all here, good, help me take both these guys back home." master's sweet voice entered our ears but the situation in front of us forced us to stay silent, that giant creature was easily killed by Master, that's when I notice the blood at the corner of Master's mouth."

"M-Master are you ok." I ran forward seeing master taking deep breaths and sitting down on the ground, smiling at me, her spotless skin and her shining eyes made my heart shudder.

"Don't worry Camille I won't die so easily. But I need your help with something urgently."

"Anything!" I spoke as she approached my ear.

"I won't be able to hold it much longer how about we make our way back to my cabin?" Her seductive whisper hit my ears her hot breath made me shudder and I felt my face going red, I could only nod my head weakly as A strong heat rose from my belly.

"You four take the 2 creatures back to the courtyard well be going back first you can ask the workers for help." they nodded their heads and once again I found myself in Master's embrace, this time taught master was... I barely remembered how many times my mind went blank that afternoon...

[...] (Amelia POV)

I looked at Camille under my blankets and sight now I know exactly what she went through... I looked at my new mutation and smiled not expecting something like this to show up.

[Infused Flesh Lv.1 (Stores Elemental Qi inside your flesh, doubling your body's Qi capacity and immensely increasing your affinity with your Qi element (ICE)]

But it was surprising when I choose the mutation, I felt my body growing incredibly hot even though the ground around me was freezing, I was barely able to keep myself from jumping on Camille right there and doing her in the middle of the forest with the others around. But the sensation of leveling up was exhilarating almost to the level of taking some heavy drugs... I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing though, sure this will make people want to become stronger and smarter even more but at what cost? I looked at my cute disciple and a new determination to keep all my disciples on a good path.

She twisted in bed a little and turned to me, covering her body with the blanket.


"What did I say yesterday?" I asked, her face blushed.

"Amelia..." Her face was a little red I wonder why it's just my name, but seeing her shy was a reward in itself... am I becoming a pervert, I was never this lustful when I was a man... probably has something to do with the system... I quickly opened my status window.

[Amelia (Alexandre) (Age:16)]

[Level: 2]

[Titles: The Immortal, First System Tester, Martial Way]

[Sword Grandmaster (127)] [Divine Swordswoman (32)]

[Constitution: 6.5 ] (Class 1 Super Human)

[Dexterity: 100%] (Total Control over the body)

[Intellect: 1.2K] (Thousands of years of Knowledge accumulated)

[Soul: Super Massive] (Bordering Divine)

[Qi Pool: 211/235] (79% Control)

[Magi Qi Core (Ice)]


[--- Common Skills ---]

[Woodworking (Basic) Lv.2] (Improves the material quality when worked on.)

[Blacksmithing (Basic) Lv.6] (+0.6 CON, You infuse strength in the things you forge.)

[Qi Control (Basic) Lv.7] (Control a lot of your Internal Qi)

[Breath of Life Lv.2] (You can absorb and retain a portion of the lifeforce in your body as Qi current level (70/200)

[Body sensitivity Lv.1] (your body has increased sensitivity detecting movements in the airflow around you, as a side effect sexual activities became a lot more pleasurable.)

[Tracking Lv.1] (The Ability to track your prey)

[--- Combat Skills ---]

[Swordsmanship (Advanced) Lv.3] (+2.7 CON)

[Shaolin Kungfu (Dragon Style) Lv.3] (+0.6 CON, Permanent increase to body control)

[Tai Chi Kungfu Lv.6] (+0.6 CON, Permanent increase to body control)

[Air Step Lv.1] (Allows you to step on the air as if it was solid ground at a Qi cost of 10 points per step.)

[--- Magic Skills ---]

[Ice Magic Lv.1] (You can convert your Qi into Ice energy and use it at will depending on how well your control over your Qi is.)

[--- Mutation ---]

[Hunting Instincts Lv.1] (whenever you are pursuing someone, your body will become stronger and you will become faster causing strong fear on the target and marking him as prey, whenever you successfully eliminate your prey you will receive a permanent increase in the constitution status.) (Current Increase: 0.3)

[Infused Flesh Lv.1] (Stores Elemental Qi inside your flesh, doubling your body's Qi capacity and immensely increasing your affinity with your Qi element (ICE)

[--- Social Skills ---]

[Fear Lv.1]

[Liar Lv.3]

[Bargaining Lv.1]

[Sex Lv.5]

I looked at the list of information that became bigger gave me a sense of accomplishment, I sat on a chair in the kitchen still naked, ignoring Camille gaze on my body I closed my eyes feeling the new power within me, the cup of water that stood on the table freezing almost instantly.