The day to day started normally, or so I would like to say... but it didn't, I woke up first with a booming sound outside, Camille was by my side at the time so we quickly dressed and went outside it was chaos.
"M-Master we are being attacked by monsters!" Goon 3 came running my way while holding onto his war ax in hands.
"goddammit." I quickly took Kori and entered the fray, the number of creatures was surprisingly large, from mutated wolves, boars, and birds all of them the size of lions and with razor-sharp claws, teeth and beaks.
the chaos started to spread further as citizens from the town came running here, seeing that we are able to fend off the creatures they screamed for help I of course wouldn't let someone die right in front of me so we took them in the courtyard, thankfully we had more than enough people here to fend off the small horde.
"What exactly was that?" I asked looking at the tired faces of my disciples and workers all of them covered in scratches wounds and blood.
"I don't know they just showed up from the forest, coming from the direction of the mountains."
"The mountains?" I heard Camille say and my other disciples also looked surprised.
"what is there something in the mountains?"
"When we were hunting a boar there on the day you fought that giant, we found human tracks leading to the mountains by the number of footprints there were at least 20 people going there, we tracked them to a cave but decided not to follow."
"Why didn't you told me earlier?" I asked.
"Well, we forgot after seeing you decapitating a giant monster the size of a tower..." couldn't really blame that on them as I would be surprised myself if it was the old me.
"Ok, we are going to investigate that latter..." I turned to the people who showed up in the middle of the battle, fathers, mothers, and children.
"What is the situation in the town?" I asked, the mother of one of the children seeing that they were safe spoke.
"O-Out of nowhere monsters started attacking we were barely able to run here when the wall fell, giants, monsters everywhere they killed so many people, if it wasn't for Blacksmith Alfred we would be dead..." She spoke with a saddening tone I turned to Daimos he was clearly distressed.
"Alright, workers and you 3 will stay here, me, Camille and Daimos will go to the city and try to help." You can use the weapons under the cabin but be careful! I don't want anyone dead when I return!"
"Yes, Master!" The workers quickly pulled from under my cabin a box, inside was some experiments I made in the forge, most of them were pikes and spears around 50 of them that I built over time with the mysterious bio-metal.
"Let's go!" I spoke as I started making my way towards the city of Blackrock. as we approached, the smell of blood in the air, dead bodies littered the ground, some half-eaten some just mutilated.
Soon the city was seen in the distance a wide dark cloud covering the city as flames burned and raged in the city and slums, the gate was busted wide opened and various roaring creatures charged in, at least 2 giant boar men were inside swinging wide tree trunks in the midst of the flimsy houses, the tall black castle was still standing proudly, his gates tightly closed as screams and cries were heard from the people asking to be let in.
"You 2 save as many people as you can, I will deal with the big guys"
"Yes!" both of them spoke, Daimos running in his father's smithy direction while Camille in her family clothes store. I did a quick stretching and pulled Kori from its sheat and put the new mask I made on.
[Hannya's Cursed Mask] (A Mask Crafted by a grand craftsman made from bio-metal and Steel.)
[Causes a natural Intimidation to whoever looks at it.]
[Increases the effectivity of the Mutation Hunting Instincts.]
I Smiled under the mask, that feeling once again growing on me.
[Your Prey was chosen.]
Like a ghost, I moved fast between buildings and the city, the ground under my feet freezing as I skated my way near a giant boar man, concentrating my Qi into my body a cold aura surrounded my body, and ice condensate on my skin and clothes flaking off as I moved.
"Time to test something new..." I jumped upwards stepping on the air to stay face to face with the giant boar man he looked surprised at me but I ignored it, focusing all of my Qi into the edge of my blade I swung the blade, fast like lightning a cold air spread as the body of the giant creature slid horizontally, one piece to each side.
[Your hunt was successful, +0.1 CON, +0.1 CON (Mask effect)]
[You developed the Sword Skill Flash Strike Lv.1 (Sends an extremely concentrated blade of Qi at lightning speeds consumes high amounts of Qi and is extremely destructive.)
Just that single strike I felt like a quarter of my Qi pool was gone, better use this sparely I quickly turned to the other giant who was now looking at the separated body of his friend, his body trembled slightly.
[(Steel Tusk Boar Man) Was affected by the alignment Terrify.]
I smiled wickedly under my mask stepping twice on the air I was now in front of his face, he was still frozen in fear so I made quick work of him unfortunately unable to activate my mutation as they are not anymore a challenging enemy for me and I had no feeling of excitement when we fought like last time. Looking at the chaos around me I quickly started working.
"For all of you that are alive, follow me, to the forest, there's a safe place there, be careful!" I screamed out loud as I quickly dispatched a group of large wolves and decapitated what seemed to be an Ork like creature the group of survivors who heard me quickly went out of their hiding places and started coming out.
"Master!" I heard a scream, looking backward it was the noble who came to my house with a hundred soldiers the other day he was armed with a long sword covered in blood, following him there was a group of children and women, I nodded my head.
"Follow along and keep close, if you separate from the group you are on your own!" I spoke coldly and moved forward swinging my sword and killing a beast who approached, his frozen body falling on the ground dead soon we reached the breached gate and there were Camille and Daimos together with their families and another big group of people.
"Let's move!" I screamed as we quickly joined our group and started moving towards my cabin, there was a lot of people here but with our strength, it will be easy to protect them in the courtyard, and of course, the extra working hands will be very useful...
[The number of believers on the title (Sword grandmaster) exceeded 500 their belief in you increased your strength, slight increase to your soul power.]
I felt no actual diferencçe but that is probably for the fact that my soul is already supermassive somehow? but its good to know that its the true belief of others that you increase your soul power.
Soon we reached my cabin in the woods, seeing the dead bodies around the stone walls and the workers (They currently looked like soldiers because of the boar leather armor and the pikes) the citizens seem to calm down a little, I quickly settled the people inside the stone walls.
"Everyone, stay calm you are all safe for now but the beasts are still out there so avoid making too much noise!" I entered my cabin, inside was my disciples and Alfred
"So what's the idea?" Alfred asked.
"No idea, we will let them stay here for some time until the capital sends help, this is probably happening everywhere in the world, this kingdom or not, the nobles are probably stay cooped inside Blackrock castle, well use this chance to make this place a true force to be reckoned with.
"A real force why thought?" They all looked at me confusedly.
"To separate from the kingdom of course."
"You plan to separate this area from the kingdom?! That's impossible, the royal family would never let..."
"does it really matter if they don't want to let, we could destroy any army they send here with ease, they are all weak, and with the threat of the monsters everywhere they won't have any time to deal with us, commerce will be completely stagnated as the monsters on the forest will annihilate all of the caravans, we need to create a safe space for us and the best way to do that"
"Is to make a kingdom!" Alfred spoke nodding his head but I shook my head.
"No, a Kindom is a flawed system, nobles only get in the way, I'm planning to create a sect."
"A sect? what's that?"
"It's not that difficult to understand a sect is like a school and an empire mixed together every citizen of this place will be taught the same way and the rulers will be the stronger ones, the strong protecting the weak."
"Will this work?"
"No ruling system is perfect Alfred and there will never be one that is but we can work to try and make a better one."
"But how exactly will we make the people outside work for us?"
"It's easy, we just saved them, if we feed them and teach them they will naturally become part of our forces."
"do we even have the food to feel all of these people, there are at least 500 people outside."
"How many monster corpses there's outside of the wall?"
"too many to count." Goon 3 spoke.
"well then start butchering."
I looked at the group of people, all of them were feeling down, this was after all an unexpected situation they would have never expected a huge scale attack from monsters they never even saw in their lives but I guess that the warm meal made from meat gave them back some strength.
These people were medieval peasants, they were already used to constant deaths and situations like this, a good amount of them was already moving about helping each other, this is not like the modern times where people live long and easy lives thanks to the wonders of technology, of course, I plan to bring that technology here but it's not the time yet.
"Everyone hears me out, the situation midge seems grim but we are safe here thanks to these people who saved us! they even fed us so we should be thankful to god for this luck of ours." A fat man in priest clothes spoke out loud to the people who were feeling down, I lifted an eyebrow.
"We should thank them properly!" He spoke aloud once again and the people around started to thank the workers around, this feels weird, what is this guy's plan...
"Now I would like to talk to the owner of the house..." He approached me and spoke with a smile.
"Your talking to the one," I spoke while taking a sip of my teacup.
"Haha, don't joke around I want to talk to your husband..." I lifted my hand making his stop speaking.
"Did I stutter fatty?" I asked coldly looking at his fat face." and I noticed a weird shine in his eyes clearly annoyed by my actions.
"W-Well It's just unexpected that the owner of the house is a single woman." He spoke forcing a smile.
"Yeah, Yeah, now tell me what do you want I'm busy can't you see?" I pointed to the cup of tea in my hand, I didn't really want to talk to this guy he clearly has bad intentions.
"Yes of course... I was just thinking that because there so many people here there should be a leader and as a cardinal of the church, I thought..."
"Rejected, you won't lead anyone inside here fatty."
"Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that woman!" He burst into rage really easily, people around were now looking but I ignored his gaze.
"Who the hell am I? I'm the person keeping you alive, you think that you would still be alive if I hadn't decided to help the people in the city, now how about you go back to your place and shut your mouth before I throw you out there."
"Hump A Sin, you would make a sin of killing a cardinal, witch, This woman is a Witch!" He screamed out loud pointing at me, people around were looking at the situation with wide eyes, I just took a sip of my tea and waited.
"We should throw her out immediately you help me with this." He pointed to one of my workes who didn't even flinch when he spoke.
"What are you waiting for come on people, if we keep her here our purity and our belief in God will be questioned and our souls will burn in hell!" some of the refugees seemed to get scared and started.
"r-Right throw her out!" I could just sight as more and more people started screaming the same thing, I sight, looking at the priest who was rallying the people
against me, I got up pulling Kori from its sheat.
"W-What are you going to do, kill a servant of god this will only prove that you are a Wit... AHHHHHH!" I stopped him from speaking by hitting his arm with the blunt side of the blade a sickening crack as his arm was broken.
"Damn Bitch!" He screamed and I struck again, breaking his other arm.
"Are you going to keep speaking or do I need to break your legs too?" I spoke coldly and he shivered but still spoke.
"Y-You will see, God will punish you."
"A shame... Hey, you break his legs and throw him outside." I pointed to one of my workers who was just standing there after being trained by me they were now perfect soldiers and as ex-criminals, he didn't even blink while completing the order.
"There's always a greedy one," I spoke and went back to drinking my tea, ignoring the now-silent crowd.
"Now let me explain something, I saved all of your lives, and I gave you food for a reason, there's nothing free in this world, of course, I'm no devil or witch but I am not going to sit down when an idiot like that one appeared, we will protect yall for sure but I want yall to work for me.
"So you are making us slaves?!" One of them screamed he also had a priest uniform.
"Slaves? of course not, slavery is something that shouldn't exist in the first place, every living being has the right for freedom this is what your God gave us, so keep that in mind priest, I don't care if you are a servant of God or the devil if you piss me off you are going to end up with both of your legs broken outside of that wall."
"Now let's begin..." I pulled from behind me a box, inside there was a lot of parchment that we accumulated, and using a feather pen.
"All of you come forth and state your age, job." I smiled warmly.
[Fear Lv.1 > Lv.2]