King and Kingdom

Kingdom of Malav one of the biggest country on the southern side of the continent, the terrain is varied and incredibly difficult to walk through making it one of the hardest kingdoms to invade, at the biggest mountain within this county, carved on its rocky face stood a tall palace and a city the great capital of Malav...

"Any notice from the surrounding cities?" At a throne made from gold and marble sat an old man, blue eyes, and his once golden hair had long turned grey from age.

"Not yet, your majesty, we sent the royal army to deal with the monsters but their numbers are too big and they are too strong able to rip metal armor with ease. the steward spoke while bowing.

"What about Blackrock, any notice from sir Wellington and my son?"

"No sir, it seems that the situation near the dark forest is a lot worse than in the inland..."

The old man sigh.

"That stupid son of mine I told him to not go after the girl but it seems he didn't hear me."

"Your majesty she should already be dead by now..."

"I doubt it, she has too much support on the kingdom because of her father, even if we put more crimes on top of her head it won't make a difference they won't think twice before hiding her."

"What a bothersome brother..." The old man sight once again and got up from his throne.

"Your majesty?" The steward asked.

"Prepare my guards well be going to Blackrock castle, can't let that idiot die so easily, he's my current successor after all."

"Yes, your majesty."

The world was changing, everywhere monsters showed up on the surface, coming from everywhere, from down the earth, and high up in the skies...

"Is this the end of times?" the king asked himself looking at the bright skies, lit up by the flames surrounding the capital until the eyes can see the monster's bodies littered the ground.

But within all of that chaos, all of that death something new showed up, the king looked at his new guards, veteran soldiers who fought the monsters and were blessed with power from God to help, if we can get more people like these, conquering the southern side of the continent won't be difficult, he smiled wickedly and jumped on his horse.

"After that, I will personally hunt you down..." His eyes turned sharp and the group soon crossed the wide gates of the capital.

[...] (Amelia POV)

I looked around and nodded my head, the refugees were properly settled on a couple of shacks we hastily build overnight, the ovens we used to make cement at the back of my cabin was quickly changed into a crude forge that we used to craft some weapons and tools to help around, from time to time a group of beasts charged into the walls but was quickly repelled by my people with their spears and pikes, currently, I was in the process of separating jobs, blacksmiths would help to forge weapons and armor under Alfred's gaze, artisans and tailors were made to help and any able man or woman was given a pike or a spear to help on the wall.

"I-I can't fight I'm a woman!" One of the girls spoke as she looked at the pike I gave her.

"Really then what am I?" I asked her and she froze for a second noticing her mistake.

"B-But I never fought before..."

"Thrust me you will need to learn, you think that this is a one-time thing, this beast wave, it's very probable that it will happen again in the future and you all want your home back don't you?"

"Of course we want..." She whispered.

"good then fight for it, with the situation as is it may take months even a year before any troops come from the capital to help after all if the situation is as bad here how is in the rest of the kingdom?" Her hands tightened around the pike's shaft and she nodded her head.

"You are right, we can't depend on those nobles for our protection, they locked us out of the castle without a second thought." I smiled as the girl walked towards the wall.

[You developed the skill Persuasion Lv.1 (Social)]

I sat at the porch of my cabin and waited for the next person to approach, this time it was a big guy, with tan skin and covered in muscles.

"H-Hello miss." His voice was the incredibly high pitch.

"Humm yes... what's your normal job?"

"I'm a tanner..."

"Ok go to the back and speak to Alfred he'll tell you what to do, at this rate well be able to create a force to get Blackrock city in no time, also tell Alfred to create Javelins."

"Yes." He once again spoke in a high pitched voice I would ask why he sounded like someone was constantly stepping on his balls but I rather not judge I stretched and noticed that it was finally over that guy was the last. I felt a familiar pair of hands on my back, massaging my shoulders.

"So what do we do next from here?" Camille asked me.

"Pretty simple, we train them on the basics and we clear BlackRock city, repair the wall and siege the castle put all the crimes in the head of sir Wellington publically execute him and dominate the place."

"Is this right?"

"Thrust me for every crime that he commits in public at least 15 were committed in the dark we just need to find them and show how much of a bastard he is and people will be on our side immediately, and if the rumors are right, he will probably keep records of any and all his misdeeds on his mansion in the castle."

"What rumors?" I pointed to one of the new people protecting the wall.

"That guy was a servant inside wellington's mansion the guy is so sick that he keeps a record of the people he kills and rape as some sort of trophy to brag to other nobles, apparently a lot of the more beautiful of the female servants disappear overnight probably sold into slavery by Wellington."

"That's... how come we never heard about it?" She asked me.

"Of course he doesn't want these things to be publicized that will make all of the peasant's revolts against him would it not, I mean how many of those women who disappeared were daughters of people in the city?"

"you are right..."

"Don't look down like that I know you don't like to hurt people, but some of them deserve it."

"No, it's fine it's just that ever since you came my life just changed so much, I don't want you to do something like that and have the entire kingdom after your head..."

"This will probably happen but do you really think that someone could hurt me?"

"I mean if someone as strong as you exit, others should also, other mages..."

Well, I guess it was my fault for lying in the first place...

"maybe but if someone like that shows up I will still be able to beat him because I have you and the others..." I smiled and kissed her lips.

"Right you have us!" She spoke with newly found courage, quickly getting up from my lap and going outside.

"I'm gonna train!" She screamed as she left and I could only smile and follow along with my sword in the back, going towards the wall.

"Alright everybody, we're going out to hunt, those who want to participate follow along!" I spoke, my workers were the first to go with me, around 6 decided to stay to make sure that the wall was safe, and surprisingly most of the new "workers" decided to follow along.

they entered the forest slowly with me following from the back.

"The objective is to hunt an iron horned boar, I will only help if you are in danger of death so keep that in mind!" I spoke out loud as I jumped up into the trees outside of their view, I could see some people trembling in fear, most of those that were trembling were woman, they weren't used to be in the front lines after all in a medieval time, they would mostly stay home and work taking care of the children and other works that normally doesn't need you to face death.

"Alright everybody, prepare yourselves, we will be working as a unity, master is looking but makes sure to be careful!" One of my workers spoke out loud, he was the first guy that surrendered that day if I remember correctly.

"Men in the front, with the shields, woman in the back with the spears and another group of men in the back with pikes to cover for anything that jumps on the backline."

"Why do you guys stay in the frontline?!" A woman holding a pike spoke out loud, she was the girl that was afraid of holding a weapon some time ago did she have a change of heart?

"Well because we have been training with the Master for much more time than yall so we are more powerful!"

"Are you sure you aren't just making light of us girls?!"

"Of course not, have you seen senior sister Camille fighting? she can break rocks

and shoot lightning with a sword as thin as my pinky, if we train under Master we would be able to do that too so what difference it makes if you are a woman or a man?"

"Alright I will have to rethink the way I see this guy, he's surprisingly smart considering he used to be a thug." After following them along I was impressed, they were surprisingly efficient at hunting the creatures, a meatal horned boar, a monkey-like creature with steel arms, a turtle with metal carapace...

"Why are all the creatures in this forest somehow related to metal...? I better investigate that later, looks like there's a situation..." I looked at the group, they were surrounding an almost dead wolf but that girl was in front of it blocking the other ones from killing it.

"come on we need to kill it!"

"It's already down and not even struggling why do we need to kill it?!" She asked.

"It's a monster, it won't think twice before ripping your head out woman!"

"She is not even moving we don't need to kill it, she was only protecting her puppies!" The girl screamed while pointing at the small wolves with grey fur huddling near the wounded mother I lifted an eyebrow as I noticed something.

"Huh?!" The woman made a surprised yelp.

"What now?" the goon asked confusedly.

"Another one of those things showed up to me..." I jumped down from the tree I was hiding on.

"M-Master?!" The goon made a surprised sound but I ignored, approaching the girl.

"P-Please don't kill her..." she asked fearfully while trembling a little.

"Don't worry just draw what the symbols in the box are and let me read it." I smiled as she quickly used the shaft of the spear to draw the letters on the dirt still a little shakily, I looked at the message and smiled.

[You successfully tamed (Steel Fang Giant Wolf) Name it to complete the taming process.]

This just opened so many new possibilities for me.

"Incredible! What's your name girl?" I spoke and looked at her.

"Elaine..." I nodded my head.

"Name the wolf."

"N-Name it?" She asked surprised and I nodded my head.

"You successfully tamed it so you should name it."

"I-I tamed it?!"

"She did!?" I head the surprised yelps from the rest of the squad and I just nodded my head while waiting.

"T-Then she... She will be... Molly?" Immediately the wolf shined with a weak light that shot towards Elaine, the light concentrated on her hand forming a fang-like grey mark on the back of her hand.

"Good, from now on, you will be in charge of creating a cavalry for us, well I guess cavalry isn't right as we will be using giant wolves."

"M-Me? L-Leader?" She asked me.

"Yes, you will lead a cavalry."

"B-But I'm just a woman..."

"What about it? am I not a woman?" I asked her and smiled once again, looking towards the wolf mother that was licking its pups I smiled it won't take long before we will take the city of Blackrock back and I will finally have a foothold in this world, a place that I can do what I want with no fears or limits, am I being too greedy? this feels kinda nice? I asked myself but ignored it.

"Now go back to hunting, I will help miss Elaine to carry her wolf and pups back towards the base," I spoke to the others as I easily lifted the huge wolf over my shoulder.

"P-Please be gentle..."

"Don't worry let's go, time to talk to speak to you some details..."


I looked back at my cabin, originally I wasn't planning to do anything and just laze around all day here but it doesn't seem to be possible and with all this new power I acquired I wanted to fight something strong but it looks like that will have to wait, I looked back at my army, yes they were now an army, battle-hardened soldiers who fought against countless beasts on the forest, made up of 2 squads the infantry, and the cavalry, for some unknown reason the cavalry was mostly made up of women Led by Elaine and the infantry led by Rodrik, the ex-thug, I looked at the refugees surrounding my porch and got up.

"Today is the day people, we will storm the city, clear the beasts inside and judge sir wellington for his crimes against the people!" I spoke with a clear voice and the people around cheered, it only took around 2 months for us to reach this point every soldier and cavalry was trained under me so their ability was top notch and this system supporting every single action they did seemed magical.

"We March!" I screamed as the infantry led the way true the forest back to Blackrock city, I looked at the morning sun that shined on the sky, the cold breeze and smiled wickedly.

[You developed the Skill Leadership Lv.1 (Social)]

[All of your underlings received the temporary effect (Courage) by your leadership skill.]