Fair Winds

The forest path was calm as usual, the area brightly lit by a full moon. On this otherwise seldom traveled path, two young men were haphazardly jumping from tree to tree as they made their way to the nearby town, doing their best to hold a conversation without biting their tongues.

"So, with today's technology, we can perfectly simulate the physics of the real world, right? But we experience that all the time whether we pay attention to it or not, and the point of a game is to have fun. Well, boring old normal physics isn't all that fun, because normally you wouldn't be able to jump from tree to tree like this."

Diz nodded his head in response, seeming to understand where Zack was going with this explanation. "Right, so while ordinarily we're subject to the usual laws of physics we would experience in real life, like when we're casually walking or even running, there are certain triggers to alter those rules to allow for crazy stunts that'd otherwise be impossible."