Conquest Carnival: Two Worlds Collide

Conquest Carnival: Two Worlds Collide

Games120 Chapters211.0K Views
Author: MisterFlare
Table of Contents

With a dark past driving him to work harder than most, Zack Rivera entered college two years early as a High Honors Student.

As a result, he found himself with just enough money for an Immersive Virtual Reality Kit, and a pre-order for Conquest Carnival.

In the two years between then and now, he had developed a passion for IVR Gaming, going so far as to get a world record for his favorite game! Thus, he had become a famed speedrunner known as HypeBeast27. Unfortunately though, due to his strict academic responsibilities, he faded into obscurity, becoming a mysterious legend amongst the hardcore gamers of the world.

And now, he finds himself at a crossroads.

Will he continue on the path of higher education, living a simple yet successful life? Or, will he take a gamble and become a pro gamer, opening the gates that could fulfill his wildest fantasies?

And what about. . . The truth?

Only one way to find out.

*Important Disclaimers: R18 stuff will happen, but that will not be the focus of the story. There are cool fight scenes, and cool characters, but this novel is finished as it is, unfortunately. Join my discord if you want to follow my future works!*


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14 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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kinda meh.. damn character requirement usystnwjtqjrajraktsntaktsktsnwrnabrsnrakrsnfsnrsntwnfsntsntsngwktsntsktsmtsnrsngsktwktskywltwktwykwkt

4 years ago

Never had I read a novel before that kept me wanting to read more, but this one has. I love the wonderful effort you put into your work; the plot is so engaging, the characters are dynamic, and every detail is exquiste. I am very impressed! I hope you continue your writing! Best of luck to you! ~ Mrs. Flare 🥰

4 years ago

This novel manages to blend a sophisticated narrative style with entertaining dialogue, which is quite the feat. The setting of this story is wonderfully described, and the characters are memorable. Development wise, this story seems to be taking things slowly (very slice of life like), and that's not bad at all. It allows us readers to get familiar with the characters and their world. In short, I'd def recommend this novel if you're interested in a gaming novel. Keep up the good work author :D

4 years ago

man when I saw that it was cancelled I was very sad, but now it's back and once again I highly recommend you give this a try, I love everything, the fights, the dialogue, the characters, and the occasional detailed parts. in summary read it, it good, yes

4 years ago

Fun and exciting read with an equally fun and exciting protagonist. Zack is entertaining at times as well as being a badass. He's also different in character, and his role within the story is vastly different from what I often see in novels around Webnovel. I appreciate the balance between the text that shows game elements and the story paragraphs. Everything is easy to read. I have yet to see more about the world, but I think there would be more to show in the future. Looking forward to more chapters.

4 years ago

Honest review here! I actually enjoyed reading it ehehehhe~ Well first, the writing is amazing, it's smooth and easy to follow :3 I like to imagine the scene happening as I read hueheheh For update stability, full stars since I know writing needs a lot of effort, and it's not that easy to always update everyday eheheh And about story, although some might complain that the pacing is slow, but well in my opinion, the daily life adds extra layers to the character. Like we can learn how they think and act that way, which I like. And even though it's not jam-packed with actions and what-not, we can still clearly see where the plot is going, so i kinda like it still :3 For characters though, not much to say from meee, because I personally care more about the personality and how they act, compared to how they look. That being said, even though I prefer the side characters more because the MC is ahem, maybe spoiler-ish idk, pretty perverted. That's only my opinion, but in a way, that's good because it's more humane to have flaws, and flaws are characteristics, too. I look forward to seeing more flaws since right now he's being portrayed as a genius hard-worker who got the highest score and a good sum of money and a deep-thinker, while his flaw right now is just... Perversion? The thing that kinda made me wonder, though, is that sometimes the MC acts weird, but that's probably going to be explained later. Like how he was sooo desperate to chase after the thief because that game was extremely important to him, but then stopped to listen to the thief's story. I mean, sometimes people do that, but when you're at a risk of getting something extremely important to you, i think most people would just leave rather than risk getting sneak attacked or ambushed by the thief's friends, idk? Prolly I'm just being picky ahahaha-- World background is pretty okay, it's a virtual reality game and it's exciting, but I think I still need to read more to fully understand it ehehehe since I haven't read too much, and so far I think it's just like, well, a VR game :3 Great work, author~

3 years ago

Hey, is this discontinued? I’m kinda confused, cus it looks really promising, but I don’t want to spend too much time reading something that wont even get a proper ending.

2 years ago

G'day friends! Here's a 5 section review for Flare's novel! Writing quality: Great writing. The grammar is good, and there aren't any spelling errors. Stability of updates: Batch released chapters as opposed to daily updates, which works for me! Story development: The story is developing slowly and with a lot of slice-of-life. The attention to detail is great, but the pacing is a lot slower than in most novels. Great for a slower read, but the excitement is a bit more spread out. Character design: The characters seem interesting, and have a lot of detail behind them. That said, a lot of characters are introduced very fast, (in the intro chapter) to the point that it is difficult to even tell which side they are fighting for. I'm sure that we will get to know the characters over time, but having so many new characters being named all at once was a bit confusing. World background: Has a lot of detail, and based off the end of the intro, there will probably be quite a lot of interesting stuff set up in the future!

2 years ago

well i started reading this and i had no idea of what it was about, the synopsis was great and it it hooked me right away . this author has a great way with words, in the games he describes the fights the powers in a way thatmade me imagine vivdly in my head ,and in zake's reality too. the mc is relatable i mean he is fighting the urge of being normal with having passion and i am satsfied with what he chose . the world building is slow but it only gave the storg more depth and i didn't mind it. lastly ,i don't know why is the this story is supported by few when it need to be viral

2 years ago

I love fantastic fantasies and colorful lands. Magic battles and at the same this dash of realism. I always love seeing new ways creators handle these types of stories. Completely immersive, it's easy to get lost in their story. I recommend this completely!

2 years ago

Writting quality: the quality of writting is very catchy and intresting and will keep you intact with the story Story Development: Story development can not be grasp by 1st 5 chapters, but one thing is clear that author knows how to do his work. and sometimes it's part of story to keep the suspense for later time. Character Design: Characters are unique, especially Amon and Valerio. the rest needs a little bit more of honing before we can make judgment. Updating Stability: it's good but not the best. World Background: The world background is very intresting, author has made multiple types of beings and power ranking divided very professionally.

2 years ago

fun novel with great attention to detail! the characters are lively and create a fun live environment not found everywhere I recommend everyone give this book a try!

2 years ago

a great book

4 years ago

first 5 ch is just him getting home 5 freaking ch its ridiculous. this novel is obviously just a filler novel for the author to try and make money. ****kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkingggggg dumb

4 years ago