Cruel Blood

Leonidas neatly set aside the materials he would need for their armor, and was now ready to start the next phase of their transaction. "Alright, so to cover the cost of your armor, you can part with the Viper Bear meat, and two sets of claws. Sounds like a plan, you two?"

With a nod from Zack, and a thumbs up from Diz, the man took the meat and claws and set them to the side as well. "Right then, time to talk copper. You now have two sets of claws to work with. Seeing as they're in good condition, I'll peg them at around five copper per claw."

Zack raised an eyebrow while pointing at the beast head, and Diz was quick to speak for him. "Yeah, what about the beast head? It has to be worth something."

"Yeesh, you two really are rookies. The poison sacks just behind its jaw are pretty valuable, but only to places like the apothecary down the street. As for the rest of it, you could probably pawn it off to one of the Lord's children for a decent price."