
"-The tracks leading into the corridor lead you to believe the venture might be worthwhile. Gotcha."

Zack turned to Ivan, his eyes narrowed, and his lips pursed. "Way to steal my thunder, ya' punk ass bitch."

Ivan shrugged his shoulders in response, before Nick decided to chime in again. "Very cool stuff, but the cave keeps going onwards. Not to mention, you haven't even checked the other corridor."

Nick then stomped the ground, and then shifted his legs apart. The tracks split apart with an ear piercing pop that echoed throughout the cave, accompanied by the rumbling of the ground beneath it. "I say we continue onwards. If worst comes to worst, we'll have a clear and direct path to the cave's entrance."

With a nod of agreement from Ivan and a sigh from Zack, the trio continued onward into the cave. The path continued to be just as bland as it had been, the only thing catching their attention being the sparse raw materials spread out throughout the rocky walls surrounding them.