Custom Ability Slots

His eyes shot open, and he turned his attention to the AP bar in the corner of his vision.

[AP] (600 / 1,200)

'So, are my reserves gonna rise exponentially then? If that's the case, why isn't it going past the base six hundred?'

He pointed his finger outward and shot a gust of wind forward, depleting his reserves by five points. They quickly recovered, but only up to six hundred.

Shrugging his shoulders, he figured there must be a reason for that. Maybe he had to learn some sort of technique to draw in Ardor?

Whatever the case may be, Zack had more pressing matters to attend to.

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[Valerio's Mendmetal Helmet: +4 Defence]

[Valerio's Mendmetal Chestplate: +5 Defence] (Custom Ability Slot Available!)

[Valerio's Mendmetal Slacks: +4 Defence]

[Valerio's Mendmetal Boots: +4 Defence]

[Complex Utility Belt: +15 Inventory Space]