
Zack sighed internally, feeling bad for wasting Leonidas's time. After thanking him for the armor, he stored it away along with his old armor set.

He had developed a hobby in other IVR games to collect all his equipment, and put them on display once he had the chance. Although he hadn't worn this one, it would be proof of his first battle.

Amidst some banter involving the storage rings, Zack heard someone enter the front room. Despite that, he waited until the topic of their conversation began to shift in order to get to the real reason for his visit.

"Hey, so, is there any way to get an audience with the Duke of this town? I've got some important business that I need to take care of with him."

Chuckling, Leonidas said "Man, you've got to be the luckiest son of a bow out there. . . Duke Dharma just came back from Kai's Castle earlier today!"

"Ah, that's great news! But uh, how do I go about getting an audience with the dude?"