Wind Walk

"So, with all that said and done, I would be right in assuming that you'll be showing up to the Outer Sect Arena at sundown, yes?"

Zack eagerly nodded his head.

It was an offer he couldn't refuse!

"Well then, pardon me Sect Elder Pure Jade Eye, I need to rest so I can participate at peak performance!"

He got up and walked to the door, before opening it and peering down below.

"What's wrong, you can't get down on your own?" the Sect Elder said, in a tone of faux ridicule.

"I'm fine, just enjoying the view."

And what a majestic view it was. The taller buildings that made up the Inner Sect lodgings failed to hide the tall tree in the distance. Sun rays pierced through some parts of the overcast sky, illuminating both the tree and a few other buildings.

After a few seconds, he decided it was time to get moving.

'I may feel fine, but that's probably only because of the buffs. I bet that once I log off, the sleep deprivation will hit me hard.'