Outer Sect Treasury

With a loud crack, the thunder wielding wolf stopped moving. The rest of the pack stood still, and Zack wondered whether or not they'd flee. The standstill lasted for a short time, but in the end the weaker looking wolves began fleeing.

Zack let them run away and focused on the last three wolves. The second thunder wielding wolf had sparks flying wildly off of it, and its fangs were bared.

Judging from the angry snarl it let out as it stared him down, Zack had just killed it's loved one.

Another pang of guilt hit Zack's heart, but he steeled his resolve and dashed towards the weakest wolf of the three. It yelped in agony as he kicked it in the nose, and they all quickly retaliated.

The wolf he had just kicked was too sluggish to properly attack, so he kicked it away again, and turned to the others.

One slashed through his pants and dealt fifteen points of damage, and the other quickly shot a thunderbolt.