
So, on the second day, the teachers taught us how to hack codes. Codes like ROI1029JF could be hacked into Roy is in M section of the Junior Fiction library. But the teacher who taught us wasn't so kind. He was the head of the Turing 2 house, so he kept giving Turing 2 points they didn't deserve. So, we kept trying to answer questions correctly but sometimes we got them wrong. It's not like we're the most fantastic and bright student ever in the School! But later on in the lesson, while he was talking about how *.exe files are made, I quickly glanced at his laptop. Evidence. Traitor. The teacher had one of those Dark icons in his chrome web browser when you get into the Dark Web team. I quickly got out my iPhone and took a picture of the screen. Luckily, the teacher was too busy to notice. Soon, the class was dismissed. I took a run to the plains to have a break since I had been looking at the screen all day long. Hacking lesson was actually 4 hours long. Lunch was not long, so to get the best food, I ordered Fish and Chips. I put the address to my dormitory and headed back to my dorm. While I was eating lunch, and still doing my assignments on hacking, I remembered the photo I had taken on the teacher's screen. I still didn't have the photo on my laptop. I rummaged for my iPhone, it was gone, not in my bag. I ran down to hacking class as quickly as I could. But when I got there, it was gone.