
I headed upstairs to my dormitory and went on the School app. I saw the notification that I always hated to have. It said: "Go to Mr Fennerard's office". I was facing my doom. I was shivering, but I didn't want to get into more trouble in case Mr Fennerard coded in a *pyc file and blew up my dormitory. I headed downstairs and teleported right outside Mr Fennerard's office. I knocked, no response. I knocked again, no response. I knocked again, and finally, he answered. He said to come in, so I did. After that, he asked what I came here for. I said that I saw in the notifications bar that I was told to come to you by the headmaster. He was still calm as if nothing had just bothered him. He found an iPhone, the one exactly like the one I used, and gave it to me. When I said "Thank you" and turned to leave, he said to me to not leave my iPhone at class again. I suddenly did not feel like posting the photo to the class group chat. I didn't have a great sense of manners, but posting the photo made me think as if I deserved to get in trouble and made me feel impolite. If Mr Fennerard saw it, I would be getting into bigger trouble and probably get expelled, not even making a year in the School. Then things will be back to normal like my old life in the tiring, uncomfortable house.