
I went back to my dormitory. Jacob and Jake weren't there, of course, they were at the plains doing their assignments while I was here in my dormitory, sitting on my bed, returning from Mr Fennerard's office. I took little notice of this, though. I thought I would be more peaceful on my bed with no one else. I glanced at my half-full lunch and started crazily eating for some reason. About half an hour later, I finished eating and started doing my hacking assignments. I went to the school app in one window and shopped for a double monitor. After I found a double monitor product, I clicked BUY and the assignments had finished loading. I clicked to do the first assignment. I answered the questions. I got all of them right as usual. I ran to the plains to find my friends. I opened the House Chat only to find out that most of the people had finished their assignments. I glanced around the plains cut I could not find Jake and Jacob. I started to go back to my dormitory to find my friends. They still were not there. When I sat down at the bed, I started to do my assignments. There was still no sign of Jake and Jacob. I sat down on my bed. I went to the roleplaying section of the school app. I hadn't played the roleplaying game yet. I started to search. I entered the command !C == "Search". A bot asked me where to search. I said to search the wardrobe. The wardrobe opened and I found 2532 coins! The next thing I did was to beg. I was kinda poor after I checked in the leaderboard. I was 80th with 2532 coins. I entered the command !C == "Beg" and the bot asked me who I wanted to beg from. I entered House Teacher and it said "Your house teacher gives you… 5000 coins! I went to the shop, and I bought a laptop. There was a thing you could do with a laptop: post memes. I entered the PM command and it awarded me with 1032 coins. I searched again. This time I answered a ridiculous answer: air. I found 50380 coins! When I checked the leaderboard, again I was 1st. I started to feel tired so I slept.