The bell rang, everybody got up and walked out of the classroom. White Wolf quickly walked up behind the girl and pushed her in a closet and slammed the door behind. His eyes were glowing red and his fangs started to show.
"She smells good doesn't she?" asked the girl.
"What are you doing here?" asked White Wolf with glowing red eyes and in anger.
"I thought you would be happy to see me again," said the girl.
"I'm not, what do you want?" asked White Wolf pushing her up against the wall.
"Same thing you want? the girl." Her eyes glowing red and her fangs started to show as did White Wolfs.
"We are here to protect these kids from the rouges," said White Wolf.
"Oh that is right, you don't kill anymore," said the girl.
"I don't kill or take them anymore," said White Wolf.
"You still have to feed," smiled the girl.
"I do eat, just not two-leggeds, they taught me to control myself and the urge to go after human flesh," said White Wolf.
"You can't escape it, White Wolf, they may have taught you control, but your blood is the same as mine, when it comes to fresh you are still the same rouge wolf that would kill if given the opportunity," said the girl.
"I can control it," said White Wolf.
White Wolf opens the closet door and his friends were standing there watching.
"Not get out of here or we will throw you out and never come back, we catch you, here again, I will kill you and you will be gone forever," said Lone Wolf.
"Alright I'm going, but one day she will be alone and no one will be there to protect her," said the girl smiling and walking away.
"Let's go," said White Wolf.
So they walked outside and sat down on the benches, White Wolf's eyes went back to normal and his fangs went back to normal as well. They watched everybody and kept an eye out.
"We have to be careful now, we need to watch our steps and keep an eye out for the rouges," said Jesse Ten Bears.
"Yes we do," said White Wolf.
White Wolf looked towards the fence and saw the rouges on the other side. The leader of the rouges just looked at White Wolf and smiled.
"Lone Wolf, look towards the fence," said Jesse Ten Bears.
"They want her, they will do anything to get her," said Lone Wolf.
"We need to tell Jason about what has happened today," said Nakuma.
"Let's go," said Lone Wolf.
So they left the school and ran down the highway and back into the woods. As they were running the rouges were running beside them in the trees. So they ran faster. As they were running they transformed into wolves and kept running towards the fog. They came to the edge of the fog and stopped, they turned around to face the rouges. The rouges stopped, they knew not to go any further, they knew behind the fog were more wolves standing there on the cliffs watching them.
"This is not over, we will get that girl," said the leader.
Jason comes out of the fog.
"Well my boys and girls will protect her," said Jason.
"Will you protect her White Wolf, your blood is with us, it runs deep in you, you can't escape what you are," said the leader.
"Yes he will protect her,' said Lone Wolf.
"Once he gets close to her, we will see what happens, you can't tame what you are White Wolf, you will fail and she will be your first," said the leader.
"I will kill an animal before I ever think about killing a human," said White Wolf.
"You can't hide what you are," said the rouge leader leaving and the rest following behind and disappearing.
"Let's go," said Jason.
They disappeared into the fog.
"Hey I will see you later White Wolf," said Lone Wolf.
"See you," said White Wolf going inside his home.
"Hey mom I am home," said White Wolf.
"Oh good, I'm glad you are all safe, we heard what happened," said White Wolf's mom.
"Yeah, the rouges came to the school," said White Wolf.
"I know," said the mother.
"It smells good, what is it? It smells like elk meat," said White Wolf.
"Close, it is moose," said the mother.
"It smells good," said White Wolf.
"Thank you," said the mother.
So they started eating, then walks in the father.
"Sorry I was late, we had a good chase," said the father.
"That is good," said the mother.
"Did you catch them?" asked White Wolf.
"Yes, we killed them too, to make it safe for us and our young ones," said the father.
"Those humans are dangerous," said mother.
"Are those the people that capture wolves and make them mortal and sometimes even kill wolves?" asked White Wolf.
"Yes son, those men are not good, those are the ones we need to eat or kill, but remember if you ever get captured by them, do not fight them you will live longer if you do not fight them," said the father. He knows what happens to the wolves that do not fight back, they get captured and put into cages and they starve them of blood until they become human again, if they do fight back and get killed they will disappear forever along with there photo that is on the pole of missing persons.
The family started to continue to eat and then went off to bed.