It was school time again.
"Morning Kat," said Aiyana.
"Morning, such a beautiful day," said Kat.
Yes it is, fine day today," said Anakin.
The bus arrived and everybody got on and went to school. Back in the woods, the young ones were getting ready when one of the messengers came running back.
"What is it?" asked Jason.
"It is the rouge wolves, they sent their young ones to the school already," said the messenger.
"Protect her now, I'll be working in the Indian shop next to the school, if need help, you know where I am, she must never know what you are, try and keep it low key if you can, if you can't that is fine too, she will know soon what we are," said Jason.
They all took off running towards the school. When they arrived they smelt the foul odor. White Wolf recognizes that smell.
"They are here," said White Wolf.
So they casually walked inside the cafeteria. They looked around, the rouge wolves were sitting at a table near the windows. White Wolf walked up to the table that Kat and her friends were eating at. White Wolf's buddies remained at the there table in the back watching the rouge wolves.
"May I sit here?" asked White Wolf.
The rouge wolves smiled and grinned because they knew, once White Wolf got close enough his eyes will glow red, he'll make Kat his own or first kill.
"Do you think White Wolf can control it?" asked Jesse.
"Well if he doesn't, we will be right there," said Lone Wolf.
So they watched carefully.
"Sure you can sit with us," said Anakin.
"Thank you," White Wolf pulling the chair out and sitting next to Kat, he has a good view of the rouge wolves in front of him.
"So what brings you over here?" asked Denali.
"Oh nothing, just came by to check on you all," said White Wolf.
Then someone walked by fast pushing Kats scent towards White Wolf's face. His eyes closed, then he opened them and his eyes were glowing red, they were talking and he looked at Kat, his fangs started to show. Lone Wolf quickly got up and walked over to the table.
"White Wolf, why don't you come with us?" asked Lone Wolf.
White Wolf got up and looked at the rouges, their eyes were glowing red as well, they were grinning at him and getting ready to attack when he did.
"Come on," said Lone Wolf pushing White Wolf towards there table.
He sat down with is back facing Kat.
"Calm down, relax, here take this, it will calm you down," said Nakuma.
"She's mine now," said White Wolf taking the red pill. Once he took it, his fangs started to turn normal and his eyes turned back into a dark red.
"You okay now?" asked Lone Wolf.
"What do you mean?" asked White Wolf.
"Well you started to turn," said Victoria.
"Did they know?" asked White Wolf.
"They did not notice, but the rouges eyes were glowing red, they were also getting ready to attack her when you started to turn," said Lone Wolf.
"Oh gosh, I hope I did not scare her," said White Wolf.
"You didn't, they did not notice what was going on," said Nakuma.
"Next time, take these pills with you, they will help you control," said Lone Wolf.
"Thank you," said White Wolf putting the red pills in his pocket.
So they continued to watch Kat until the bell rang for class. White Wolf quickly got up and asked Kat if she would not mind him walking her to class. He walked Kat to class, White Wolf's friends were walking behind them, the rouges were walking behind White Wolf's friends.
Again they sat down in there normal spots, White Wolf kept his eye on the rouge wolves and Kat. Class started they were learning about the history of the myth that the townsfolk tell stories on. The rouges started smiling as did Lone Wolf and the others. The students had questions.
"So what really happened to all those kids that went missing?" asked a kid.
"Well legend has it that the kids were actually stolen or kidnapped from walking home or riding their bikes home or to school, most of the students did not make it to school or home," said the teacher.
"That's crazy, I wonder what took them?" asked Kat.
"I know what happened to them," said the crazy kid.
"Here we go," said Little Fawn.
"Among us today and back in the day, kids were stolen, kidnapped or even killed by strange creatures that are alive today. We call them werewolves, the natives call them skinwalkers. There are some here in our school, but nobody will believe me, but I know what my family has seen and heard," said the crazy kid.
"So you have seen these so-called creatures?" asked Awinta.
"Well no I have not, but my father and his father have," said the crazy kid.
"Alright that is enough for today," said the teacher.
So they went back to doing there work. The bell rang, White Wolf and his friends offered to walk Kat home.
"Sure but why do you want to walk me home?" questioned Kat.
White Wolf looked at the rouge wolves and back at Kat.
"Well I just want to," said White Wolf.
"Okay," said Kat.
So they went through the hallway and walked outside, the rouge stood outside of the school watching them. Kat's friends left in different directions and went home.