So Lone Wolf and the other's were walking Kat home. A breeze came, they sniffed the air, it was the rouges.
"We need to walk fast," said Lone Wolf.
"What is going on?" asked Kat.
White Wolf remembers what Jason said. "If you can, do not let her know what you are."
"Just keep walking," said White Wolf, his eyes glowing red.
So they walked her to her house and made sure she was safe.
"Whatever you do, you must not leave, because I know kids like to go in the woods to explore but it will be dangerous, so stay in town," said Lone Wolf.
She thought it was kind of strange and odd.
"They won't come after you if you are in town, they don't bother coming into town to many people and houses around, so you will be safe," said Nakuma.
"Who?" asked Kat.
"Don't you worry about it, as long as you are here you will be safe," said Lone Wolf.
Kat's parents were inside cooking supper. So she walks inside the house.
"She will be fine," said Lone Wolf.
They looked around and the rouge wolves were gone.
"I knew they would not come near, too many houses," said Lone Wolf.
"Yeah, once we step off this porch and into the woods, they will be on us," said Jesse.
"That is true," said Lone Wolf.
"We will wait until we get into the woods where she can't see us transform," said Victoria stepping off the porch.
"She will be watching," said Lone Wolf.
"She is already watching us," said White Wolf with his back towards her window.
"I know," said Lone Wolf looking up into her window.
So they all started to walk down the highway before they decided to just go into the woods from her house. Kat quickly ran to get her binoculars to watch. When she got back to the window, they were no longer on the highway, she could not see them. They were already in the woods, they started running, as they were running they started to transform. They continued to run, as they were running the rouges were running beside them through the woods. One rouge wolf jumped in front of them and made them stop, they were almost to the fog.
"What do you want?" asked Lone Wolf.
"You know what we want, we will get her," said the rouge wolf.
"No you will not," said Lone Wolf.
"She will leave on her own, she will get curious and walk into the woods near her house, we will get her," said the rouge wolf.
"When she does we will be there," said Jesse.
"That is right," said Nakuma.
"Good I hope you will be there, so she will know what we are," said the rouge wolf.
"We will try to keep it a secret, but you want her to find out so she can become one of us, she will think it is cool to be like us," said White Wolf.
"Is that what you want? so you can make her your first," said the rouge wolf.
"No that is not what I want, I don't wish this on anyone," said White Wolf.
"We all know what happens to kids here, they become like us, forever," said Lone Wolf.
"That is why we don't want her with us, because she will find out that those kids over the years are actually us, our parents, and grandparents," said Victoria.
"I'm shocked she has not found all of your photos on the wall outside of the Native American Indian shop," said another rouge wolf.
"The dentist, White Wolf's father took our photos down including White Wolf's, she does not know that we are those missing kids," said Nakuma.
"What about your clan's photos?" asked Lone Wolf.
"They are still there, we don't come into town often, too many people," said the rouge wolf.
Deep into the fog wolves was howling.
"I think it is best if you get out of here, I would not try to fight us," said Lone Wolf.
"Why not, there are more of us than you, come on White Wolf you know you want to take a chuck out of Zack here," said the rouge.
Zack stepped forward with his haunches raised and ears perked and growling.
"This is not the time," said Lone Wolf.
"Come on let me rip him apart," said Zack.
"You guys better leave now, before my father comes behind you," said Lone Wolf.
"Why do you say that?" asked the rouge wolf.
"Once my father gives the signal you will be out numbered," said Lone Wolf.
"Or White Wolf can attack Jason and his own father, because you all have this idea that he is a tamed wolf, he is still a rouge and will always be a rouge, he can not escape it." One day he will return to us and fight Jason, and he will fight his own father, to take the clan, you all know he is stronger than both alpha's in your clan," said the rouge wolf.
They heard a wolf howl from behind them, it was Lone Wolf's father, Jason running up.
"You should have left," said Lone Wolf.
"What are you doing here rouge's?" asked Jason circling them and came to a stop in front of Lone Wolf and the rest.
"We were just talking," said the rouge wolf.
"It does not look like you were talking, it looks like you were about to fight," said Jason.
"Yes father, they were about to," said Lone Wolf.
"Well I tell you what, you guys can leave now before I give the signal, also White Wolf's father will be getting off soon, and he's the same size as I am, so your choice," said Jason.
Then they heard another howl behind them, it was White Wolf's father Grey Owl.
"Well, I hope I was not too late for something," Grey Owl circling the rouges.
"We were just leaving, remember White Wolf you can't run from what you are, we will get the girl with or without your help, you already have her scent, so in do time you will make her your first and you will come back to us, let's move out," said the rouge taking off running as the rest followed and disappeared.