Morning arose and it was time for school. Kat and her friends were at the bus stop waiting. The bus arrived and took them all to school. When the bus arrived at school they all got off the bus and headed towards the school. As they arrived they walked into the cafeteria and sat down at there tables. She was looking out the window, she did not see Lone Wolf or the rest come. She wondered what happened to them.
"Hey Aiyana, what happened to Lone Wolf and his friends?" asked Kat.
"Oh where they don't show up, this is normal, they would come and then all of a sudden they would disappear for a while," said Aiyana.
"Oh," said Kat disappointed.
So they went on about there day, the bell rang and they all went to class. Even when Kat went into the classroom there sits were still empty. "What could have happened." she wondered to herself.
She started doing her work until the bell rang. It was time for them to go to the busses. The busses drove all the kids home. When Kat arrived home she ran up to her room and looked out her window, hoping to see White Wolf come out. But nothing came. But what she did not know was that Lone Wolf and the rest were actually there in the woods watching and listening.
"Do you think she figured us out?" asked Nakuma.
"I do not think so," said Lone Wolf.
Kat grabbed her homework and walked out on the porch and sat down. White Wolf slowly started to make his way out of the woods.
"White Wolf, stay, she can't know who you are, stay, I know her smell is strong, you have to control it," said Lone Wolf.
White Wolf with his glowing red eyes, started to walk back towards Lone Wolf. Then a new smell came, a bad odor smell, they looked and saw a two-legged walking up to Kat's house. Then across the street, they saw red glowing eyes.
"That is not a two-legged, that is a rouge," said White Wolf.
"Hello I am new in town," said the rouge.
"Me too," said Kat.
"That is cool," said the rouge.
White Wolf came out of the woods.
"Oh my gosh, there is a wolf behind you," frightened Kat.
He slowly turned and smiled at White Wolf.
"Do not worry, here come on the porch, they are more scared of us than we are of them," said the rouge.
White Wolf growled and snarled and showed his teeth. then White Wolf's friends behind the trees turned into a two-legged and started to walk out of the woods onto the highway and started walking down the highway towards her house.
"Kat," said Lone Wolf.
"I am alright," said Kat.
"She is alright now, thank you, you can let her go now," said Lone Wolf.
The rouge just smiled at them. His eyes glowing red.
"Let her go now," said Victoria.
"What is going on guys? You can let me go now," said Kat.
She tried getting away but he had a good grip on her. She looked at White Wolf, White Wolf starred back, he looked deep in her eyes, she looked deep into his eyes, she was in a trans like White Wolf was looking deep into her soul with his piercing red glowing eyes.
Lone Wolf slowly walked up to White Wolf and stood beside him.
"I would not move any closer, I am not alone," said the rouge.
They looked to the left and saw red glowing eyes starring back at them through the woods.
"Let us take her, she will find out what we are anyway," smiled the rouge hoping White Wolf would follow them.
"That is not going to happen," said Lone Wolf.
"Why don't I show her now what we are?" asked the rouge.
"Show me what?" asked Kat scared and shaking.
"Kat, try to get away from him, and run towards me," said Lone Wolf.
She elbowed the man and he let her go, so she took off towards Lone Wolf.
"Get behind me," said Lone Wolf motioning White Wolf to get behind them and they face the woods.
She was afraid of what is going to happen, she had no idea what was going on. Then she noticed the two-legged started to transform, her eyes got big and with fear started to shake, he turned into a wolf with glowing red eyes. The rouge started to growl and show his teeth as he walking down the steps.
"Should we take her and run?" asked Jesse.
"It will expose what we are," said Victoria.
"Well I would rather her find out, then her being dead," said Lone Wolf.
"Let's go," said Nakuma.
"Kat, you are going to do what I say, we are going to run for the woods, we keep running until we reach out home," said Lone Wolf.
"Okay," said Kat in confusion.
So they took off running. Lone Wolf holding Kat's hand as they were running through the woods.
"They are surrounding us," said Kat looking towards the side of them.
They were running and howling, one jumped out of the woods and White Wolf attacked the rouge and took off running to catch up with the rest. They kept running they were at the entrance of the fog and they stopped and turned around to face the rouges. Kat heard the growling and howling, then she saw the red eyes. One rouge wolf turned into a two-legged and faced White Wolf.
"Well are you going to hand her over?" asked the rouge.
White Wolf growled and snarled, then another rouge came up and growled at White Wolf.
"No," said Lone Wolf.
A rouge wolf started to walk quickly towards Kat, but White Wolf quickly reacted, and the rouge wolf and White Wolf jumped at each other at the same time, they whimpered and both went down to the ground.