Nakuma almost called White Wolf's name but she remembered that Kat was standing there with them. The rouges smiled because they thought he was badly injured and he could no longer fight them.
"You would kill one of your own?" asked Lone Wolf.
"Yes, he is a trader, he is no longer welcomed," said the rouge.
"He is not a trader, you did not come back for him when we went to war with each other, you just left him there to die, so we took him in as one of us, and he is doing just fine," said Lone Wolf.
The rouges looked past Lone Wolf and saw all kinds of colored eyes in the fog and heard howling. Kat looked back and she was afraid she could not see anything.
"Stick with me and you will be okay," said Lone Wolf.
Once they knew something happened to White Wolf they all started to come out of the fog.
"You are outnumbered," said Jason coming out of the fog and turned into a two-legged.
White Wolf opened his eyes and looked around, he started to get up, he limped over to the rouge who was still down on the ground. White Wolf went over and grabbed the rouge by the neck and broke the rouges neck with his powerful jaws. The rouge turned into an old man, it disappeared like dust in the wind, his photo of when he was a child will be gone as well.
"Lone Wolf?" questioned Kat.
"He was one of those kids that went missing years ago, his photo of when he was a kid will not be there the next time you look at," said Lone Wolf.
"So is this happens to these creatures, all those kids are not dead, they are still alive, all those kids are these creatures, is that what you all are as well, I did not see any of your photos?" asked Kat.
"Yes, we are wolves, and this will happen to us as well, my father is the one that took our photos down including White Wolf's," said Lone Wolf.
"So White Wolf is a wolf too?" asked Kat.
"Yes, he is a rouge," said Lone Wolf.
"Amazing, I always wondered what it would be like to be a wolf," said Kat.
"It can be amazing sometimes, and it can be very difficult as well," said Lone Wolf.
White Wolf went behind Lone Wolf and the rest to face the rouges.
"Now you can leave and go home, you will not take Kat, she will always be protected from the rouges," said Jason.
"Leave now and never come back on this side again," said Lone Wolf.
He just smiled and motioned his clan to leave and they took off.
"You are safe now," said Nakuma.
White Wolf stayed as a wolf until he could hide and turn into a two-legged. He did not know that Lone Wolf told her what they were. White Wolf went to his home and turned into a two-legged.
"Would you like to come inside, you will be safe inside," said Lone Wolf.
"I don't know, I am a little scared now," said Kat.
"They are all humans now, they look and act like you and your family," said Lone Wolf.
"I don't know?" asked Kat.
"Come on, stick with me you will be alright," Lone Wolf taking Kat's hand and leading her into the fog.
"Okay," said Kat. When they reached inside the fog went away, and to Kat, it was liking walking into town.
"Is that her coming out of the fog?" asked the mother.
He turned around and faced the window and turned into a two-legged.
"Yes that is her," said White Wolf his eyes glowing red.
"Here take this," said the mother.
White Wolf turned around and took the pill from her hand and he swallowed it. His eyes began to turn a normal red and started to walk out the door.
"Hey White Wolf look who came to visit," said Lone Wolf.
"Kat," smiled White Wolf.
"Let's show her around town," said Nakuma.
"Sounds good to me, let's go," said Jesse.