So they started showing Kat around town. It was like any other town it had a grocery store, gas stations, restaurants, homes, further down into a wooded area there were mountains with holes on the sides.
"That is a big mountain and beautiful trees all around it," said Kat.
"Yes that is where we keep mothers and pups, its kind of like a nursery," said Lone Wolf.
"Oh puppies, I love puppies," said Kat with excitement.
"Well these are not your average house pups, they are wolf puppies," smiled Jesse.
"Oh that is even better," Kat said with excitement.
"Alright let's visit some pups," said Lone Wolf.
"Can I hold one?" asked Kat.
"Sure you can, some of them just barely opened there eyes,' said Jesse.
So they climbed halfway up the mountain and came to an opening in the cave and walked inside.
"Oh my goodness, they are so cute," said Kat picking up a black pup, it had red eyes like the rouges.
"That one barley opened its eyes," said Lone Wolf.
White Wolf just smiled as Kat was loving on the pup and baby talking it as it whined. Then it tried to howl.
"Awww, it is trying to howl already, I noticed he has red eyes and the rest have different color eyes like you all have?" asked Kat.
"Yeah well some of the litters have at least one or more pups with red eyes," said Lone Wolf.
"White Wolf are you up there?" asked mother.
"Yes," said White Wolf.
"Can you come down here, I need to see you?" asked the mother.
White Wolf turned and walked out of the cave.
"Wait, I think I am getting it now, these pups with red eyes are like the rouges, and the colored ones are like you all," said Kat.
"Yes, the pups with the red eyes are White Wolf's and the rest our ours," but the will not be raised by us, we just breed and they take care of the rest," said Lone Wolf.
"Let me see you, are you okay? Jason told your father and me what happened," said mother.
"Yeah, I'm just a little sour, my shoulder hurts a little too," said White Wolf.
"Come to the house," said mother.
So he walked with her to the house, he walked in and sat down at the table. She gently removed his shirt had a little bruising on his shoulder but not to bad, then she started to reach down and move his arm up and down and felt a little bit of a broken bone, but it was already healing.
"Your shoulder is already started to heal, I think you will be alright," said mother.
"Thank you, mom," said White Wolf.
White Wolf's mother started to put cream on his shoulder and he put his shirt back on and ran back out the door and up to the mountains. Kat felt a breeze from behind her, she turned around White Wolf was already standing there like he never left.
"Well we better get you back home before your parents get worried," said Lone Wolf.
"Okay," she put the pup down gently and they walked out of the cave and down to the town.
"Hey mom we are going to take Kat home, we will be right back," said White Wolf.
"Be careful you guys, the rouges still might be out there waiting," said White Wolf's mother.
"We will," said White Wolf.
So they walked out of the fog and into the woods. They were still cautious about the rouges. So, White Wolf, Jesse, and Nakuma went behind Kat and turned into wolves and Lone Wolf and Victoria stayed close to Kat as they were walking through the woods.
They were almost to the edge of the highway, they could see a little bit of the highway, then Jesse started to growl.
"Wait, stop," whispered Lone Wolf.
"The rouges," whispered Kat.
"Yes," whispered Lone Wolf.
"Run," said Lone Wolf taking Kat's hand and running.
They ran, as they were running rouges were jumping out at them, Nakuma, White Wolf and Jesse attacked those that jumped at them. Kat did not dare to look back, she heard whimpering and growling. They kept running, pretty soon they were out of the woods and standing on the highway. They started running down the highway towards Kat's house. They knew that the rouges would not come into town and stay very long, there was a lot of whimpering and growling in the woods.
"Where are they?" asked Kat worried.
"They are coming, do not worry," said Lone Wolf.
Jesse, Nakuma and White Wolf came out of the woods and started to walk down the highway towards Kats's house. They all had blood on their coats, they started to transform into two-legged when they did, they had blood on their clothes.
"You all alright?" asked Lone Wolf.
"Yes just a few scratches but we will heal," said Nakuma.