They were all sitting on the porch and relaxing, White again sat in the corner and starred into the woods.
"Excuse me," said Lone Wolf getting up to go check on White Wolf.
"White Wolf are you okay?" asked Lone Wolf.
"They got me good, it is not closing," said White Wolf.
"Let me see, they must have used something that affects you, probably got it from a two-legged," Lone Wolf turning White Wolf around so he can check it out.
"We need to go now," said Lone Wolf.
"Stay inside, we will see you tomorrow at school," said Jesse.
So they took off running down the highway and into the woods, they transformed into wolves. As they were running White Wolf had a hard time keeping up with the rest as they were running.
"Oh no you don't, come we are almost there," said Lone Wolf.
So they continued. They came to the fog and walked in. White Wolf sat there. Lone Wolf ran towards his house and turned into a two-legged.
"Dad, it is White Wolf he got hurt, and he is not healing," said Lone Wolf.
So Jason came running out of the house towards White Wolf.
"White Wolf, to my house," said Jason.
He slowly got up and started walking beside Jason, Jesse was beside White Wolf so he can lean on him if he started to fall.
"I am going to tell his parents," said Victoria taking off.
When she arrived at White Wolf's house she turned into a two-legged and walked in.
"Grey Owl, White Wolf is hurt bad, he is not healing like we all do when we get hurt, he is at Jason's place now," said Victoria.
"What happened?" asked the mother.
"The rouges, we had to fight them off, I guess they used something that will affect us and them," said Victoria.
"Come, let's go see," said Grey Owl.
They headed towards Jason's place.
"Can you turn?" asked Jason.
"I'll try," White Wolf in pain.
He turned into a two-legged and Jason caught him before he fell. Jason helped him to the bed.
"Dad," said Lone Wolf.
"I don't know how or when but whatever they used it will affect us all including the rouges, it will turn us into a two-legged forever and we won't remember being a wolf," said Jason.
White Wolf's parents came inside.
"Jason," said Grey Owl.
"Dad," said White Wolf.
"Where in here," said Jason.
"What happened Jason?" asked Grey Owl.
"The rouges, used a contraption that will affect us and them, it will turn us into a two-legged forever, I am going to help it heal, I will be right back," said Jason leaving towards the kitchen to get a jell like substance.
"You are going to be alright," said mother.
"I know that," smiled White Wolf.
"You are such a good boy," said mother.
"Thank's I try to be," said White Wolf.
Jason came back into the room with the jelly-like substance in a bowl. He sat the bowl down on the bed next to White Wolf, Jason lifted White Wolf's shirt and wiped the blood that had dried and cleaned it up, then he applied the jell. The jell started to clear and White Wolf's wound started to heal on its own very quickly.
"Wow that stuff works fast," said Lone Wolf.
"Yes it does, but if it was too late, it would not work, he would be turning into a two-legged," said Jason.
"Wow, I am glad we got him here on time," said Lone Wolf.
"Yes you did, thank you," said Grey Owl.
"You are welcome, I better go tell the rest that he is going to be alright now," said Lone Wolf.
"Well he is alright?" asked Victoria.
"Yes he will be alright, he is already healing," said Lone Wolf.
"Oh good I am glad," said Victoria.
"Me too, my dad said it was a close call on being human forever," said Lone Wolf.
"That was close," said Jesse.
"Yeah it was," said Lone Wolf.
Jason kept his eye on White Wolf. Pretty soon White Wolf's eyes were glowing red.
"Calm down, it is just us," said Jason giving White Wolf a quick shot in the arm to make his eyes go back to a normal red.
"You are alright now," said Grey Owl.
"Thank you," White Wolf got up and put on a clean shirt.
"Come on son, let's go home now, you have school tomorrow," said mother.
"Thank you, Jason," said White Wolf.
"You are very welcome," said Jason.
White Wolf walked out of Jason's home and saw his friends.
"White Wolf I am glad you are okay," Victoria hugging White Wolf.
"Yes, thank you," said White Wolf.
"We will see you tomorrow," said Jesse.
"Yes," said White Wolf going home and getting some rest for school tomorrow.
Lone Wolf and the rest went home to rest up for tomorrow for school. Then after school is the school dance.