Next morning Kat got up and got dressed, she stormed out of the house towards the bus stop and waited.
"Hey Kat," said Takoda.
"You ready for tonight?" asked Aiyana.
"Yes, so who are you all going with? asked Kat.
"Nobody we are all going together like a group," said Denali.
"That is not a bad idea," said Aiyana.
Then the bus showed up and they all got on the bus and went to school. When they arrived they got off the bus and went inside the cafeteria, when they got there breakfast they sat down and started eating.
Then Lone Wolf, Jesse, Victoria, Nakuma, and White Wolf walked in and sat down in the corner.
"No rouges today," said Lone Wolf looking around.
"Nope," said Jesse.
"But I'm sure they will try again," said Victoria.
"No doubt they will," said Nakuma.
The bell rang and it was time for class, they got up and went to class, they walked in and sat down. Then, Lone Wolf, Jesse, Nakuma and White Wolf came walking in and sat down as well. They started doing there work. Then the bell rang and everybody went to there lockers and standing around and talking in the hallways.
Lone Wolf and the rest came walking up to Kat and her friends.
"Hey guys," said Lone Wolf.
"Hey, are we all going to the dance together?" asked Kat.
"Yeah we will go as a group and just have fun together," said Lone Wolf.
"Yeah it is going to be great," said Aiyana.
"Yes I am excited," said Jesse.
So they all went to class again until the bell rang for them to go home. The bell rang and they all got up and left the school, they all decided to walk to Kat's house and hand around there for a bit. Finally, Kat walked over to White Wolf cause he was sitting on the rail looking towards the woods.
"Can you hear them?" asked White Wolf.
"Hear what?" asked Kat.
"They're singing," said White Wolf.
"You mean the wolves?" asked Kat.
"Yes," said White Wolf.
"I can't hear them, but I bet they sound beautiful," said Kat.
"Yes they are," said White Wolf.
Lone Wolf was watching White Wolf, his stance and emotions. His eyes started glowing.
"Your eyes are beautiful," said Kat looking deep into his eyes.
"Thank you, so are yours, hazel, I like that color," said White Wolf.
"Thank you," said Kat.
"You are welcome," said White Wolf.
"I think he is alright," said Lone Wolf.
"But his eyes are glowing red," said Nakuma.
"I know they are, but I think he is learning to control it," said Lone Wolf.
"Well we better go and get ready for tonight, we will come back and we will hand out with you and help you get ready," said Awinita.
"Oh okay," said Kat.
"Yeah we better get going a well," said Lone Wolf.
So they took off down the highway and into the woods. Kat walked into the house. Lone Wolf and the rest stated to run in the woods and turned into the wolves and went to the edge of the fog and went inside and turned into two-legged.
"So do you boys need help in trying to find out which outfits to wear to the dance?" laughed Victoria.
"Ha you are funny, no we don't, we know which clothes to wear," said smiled Lone Wolf.
So they went home and started to get dressed.
"You look so handsome," said White Wolf's mother.
"Thank you," said White Wolf looking into the mirror at himself.
The black suit and white shirt brought his eyes out and they shone. Then his friends came over.
"Son your friends are here," said Grey Owl.
"Coming," said White Wolf.
So he walked out of his room and came into the living room.
"Whoa you look so handsome," said Victoria fixing his collar.
"Thanks," said White Wolf.
"You are welcome," said Victoria.
"All you guys look nice, we need pictures," said the mother.
So they all stood in front of the door and White Wolf's mother took the pictures.
"Perfect, you guys are ready, have fun and be careful, "said Grey Owl.
"Oh we will, we will keep an eye out for the rouges," said Lone Wolf.
"Good, go and have fun," said mother.
So they walked out of the house and went into the fog and ran through the woods.