They came to the edge of the highway and started walking down the highway towards the school.
"Any rouges?" asked Victoria.
"No, not that I can see,' said Nakuma.
So they walked inside, all their eyes were glowing because of the shining lights.
"Look there they are," said Anakin.
"Lone Wolf over here," said Takoda.
So they went over and started talking.
"You guys look great," said Aiyana.
"Thank you, you all look great yourselves," said Lone Wolf.
"Thank you," said Kat.
So they all sat down at the table and started drinking tea and water and ate some food as well. Everybody got on the dance floor and started dancing. So everybody went to the middle and started dancing.
"Would you all like to dance?" asked Aiyana.
"Sure let's go," said Lone Wolf.
So they started dancing. White Wolf and Kat stayed at the table. His eyes glowing, he looked at Kat, then looked at Lone Wolf, Lone Wolf gave him a signal to ask Kat to dance. White Wolf looked back at Kat and got up and walked over to her and stood over her.
"Would you like to dance?" asked White Wolf.
"Yes, thank you," said Kat grabbing his hand.
They went on the dance floor and started dancing.
"You look beautiful tonight," said White Wolf with his eyes glowing red.
"Thank you, you look handsome tonight," said Kat.
"Thank you," said White Wolf.
So they started to dance, then his eyes were glowing.
"What's wrong?" asked Kat.
Lone Wolf, Jesse, Victoria and Nakuma's eyes were starting to glow.
"The rouges," said White Wolf.
He motioned the rest, they all stopped and looked.
"We need to go," said White Wolf.
So White Wolf took Kat's hand and started walked out, then Lone Wolf and the rest walked out without saying anything to Kat's friends.
"What is going on?" asked Kat.
"The rouges," said White Wolf.
So they started walking down the highway, they were too far from Kat's house so they continued to walk quickly on the highway and into the woods.
"We just need to keep moving," said Lone Wolf.
So they kept walking in the woods, White Wolf, Nakuma and Jesse turned into wolves, they heard howling.
"Run," said Lone Wolf grabbing Kat's hand and running. The rouges started to surround them.
"Kat quick up that tree, climb as far as you can, they can't get you up there," said Lone Wolf.
So Kat started to climb the tree. Lone Wolf and Victoria started to turn into wolves. White Wolf started howling loud calling the pack as he was running towards the woods to hide behind a tree, he got a good spot on Kat up in the tree.
The rouges surrounded them.
"Where is the girl?" asked the leader. The rouge leader was White Wolf's father.
"That is none of your business," said Lone Wolf.
"It is my business," said the leader of the rouges.
"You will not have her, she is not yours, you are done killing and taking humans for your self-worth," said Lone Wolf.
"Sniff her out," said the rouge leader.
They started sniffing. She remembered that she was dancing close to White Wolf, maybe they will not pick up her scent since she probably smelled like a rouge.
White Wolf was watching the rouges surround the tree and sniffing the ground. Then he saw his father, and he was starring at him through the woods. Then he noticed that his father turned around and faced him.
"White Wolf, come out, why are you hiding?" smiled the rouge leader.
There was silence, White Wolf was so focused on Kat, up in the tree that he did not realize a rouge was creeping up behind him until it was too late. The rouge jumped on White Wolf they started fighting and rolled out of the woods into the middle of the opening in the woods. He pinned him down, White Wolf's rouge father came walking up to him and staring down at him.
"Stop," said Lone Wolf running towards the rouge pushing him off of White Wolf. White Wolf jumped up and started growling at the rouge leader.
There was silence again, then Kat started looking around in the trees, she heard howling, White Wolf was right, it does sound beautiful. She stayed up in the tree, and looked down, she could barely see because of the trees being so thick. The rouges kept sniffing the ground.
"You need to back up rouge," said Nakuma to a rouge that was coming near her.
He just grinned showing his teeth and went back to sniffing. One black wolf with red eyes sniffed around the tree and looked up and sniffed. White Wolf watched the black wolf very closely, and slowly started to head towards the wolf. He knew he must have sniffed her out. The rouge leader saw White Wolf moving towards the black wolf, he quickly jumped and pinned White Wolf down.
"White Wolf," said Jesse.
"You wouldn't kill your son," said Victoria.
"He is not my son," said the rouge.
"Yes he is, you left him, he's the one that should be killing you instead," said Lone Wolf.
" I did not leave him," angered the rouge.
"Yes you did, you left him to die in battle, when we went to war, he was hurt badly, but you did nothing, you left him there, he would have been a human forever if my father and Grey Owl hadn't come along," said Lone Wolf.
The rouge leader got even madder.
"In the tree," said the black wolf looking up, he turned into a two-legged.
White Wolf's eyes glowed even brighter, he bit the leader's bottom jaw and ripped it off. White Wolf jumped up and bit the two-legged on the leg and dragged him down before he could climb to Kat. White Wolf broke the two-legged's neck and he vanished into dust. On the billboard, his photo is no longer there. White Wolf went back to the rouge leader and stood on him and howled. All the rouge wolves howled even Lone Wolf and his friends started howling. Kat started climbing down the tree when she saw Victoria standing underneath the tree telling her it is okay now.
All the rouges were walking away and White Wolf walking behind them.
"Lone Wolf, where is White Wolf going?" asked Kat.
"He is their leader, they need a leader now, White Wolf killed the rouge leader.
White Wolf stopped and sniffed the air, he turned around and faced Kat, he slowly walked towards them, Lone Wolf turned into a wolf and stood beside Kat.
"You are safe, he won't hurt you," said Nakuma in human form.
He starred at Kat while he was walking up to her, he looked deep into her eyes and he could tell she was afraid. She felt him looking deep into her soul. He walked up to her and put his head down. She slowly reached out and started patting him on his head, she reached down and kissed him on the head. He started walking backward and stood there looking at her with his glowing red eyes, and he turned around and ran into the woods, the rouges were howling as they were running.
"Where are they going?" asked Kat.
"They are going home now since he is there new leader, there is going to be a lot of changes now, there will be no more kids missing not ever, especially while he is there leader," said Jesse.
Lone Wolf turned into a human.
"He is where he belongs now, no more kids will be missing," said Lone Wolf.
"Will I ever see him again?" disappointed Kat.
"Oh yeah you will see him at school, he will not stop going to school, there is an old rouge who take care of the clan while he is at school with us," said Lone Wolf.
"What about his father and mother?" asked Kat.
"Don't worry about them, they already know," said Lone Wolf.
"They do?" asked Kat.
"Yes, look closely in the trees," said Lone Wolf.
Kat was looking towards the woods and saw different glowing eyes.
"See, they all know," said Lone Wolf.
"Oh," said Kat.
"Come on we will take you home, you are safe now," said Lone Wolf.
So they started walked back to Kat's house. Her porch light was one, they walked her up to the porch.
"Don't worry, you will see him again," said Lone Wolf.
They all took off down the highway and into the woods, they started howling. Kat just smiled as she was watching them run and listening to the howls. Then she walks in and locks the door. As she went in and turned the light off, red eyes were glowing in the woods watching her and her house.