Conquering The World part 2

Asmodeus led her inside the castle and brought her inside a spacious clean room with a fixed bed. When he closed the door he turned her body to face him and unexpectedly crashed his lips against hers in a heated passion.

Unlike the first time, they kissed this one was filled with passion, love, and longing. Asmodeus was feeling the shape of her hips and she can feel his cock harden against her thigh. It's so easy to make him hard, she thought as he started kissing her neck and leaving love bites.

"Aaahhhh." Scarlet moaned as she wrapped her arms around his back.

Asmodeus started tearing down her clothes desperately like a mad man and pushed her on the bed before undressing himself. It didn't take him long to remove all his clothing before crawling on top of her and engage her lips in another heated kiss. The girl however placed her hand on his chest and turned her face when he was going to kiss her again making him kiss her hair instead.

"Why do you still refuse me?" Asmodeus had a menacing look on his face. The demon easily pulled away and gazed down at her.

"Let's just talk." Scarlet said as she tried to cover herself up.

"Okay, I'll listen. What do you want to talk about?"

"You and I have a-" Scarlet paused and stopped what she was going to say and shifted instead to something else. "Why do you want me? Am I just a sex slave for you?" She suddenly felt a flick on her forehead before a weight was placed on her bosom.

When she looked down she saw Dyrroth laying his face on her breasts and rubbing it affectionately like a cat. "Isn't the answer very obvious? You're not a sex slave, you're my mate. My princess and soon you're going to be the queen of the world once I conquer the Holy Palace."

"I'm the prince of lust, Scarlet. Sex is the only way that I know how to show my affections for you. I grew up in a harsh and cruel place so teach me... How to make love to you in a more gentle and careful way and never call yourself a whore because..." Asmodeus lifted his face from her chest and pursed his lips as he battled himself whether or not he should utter those cliché human words.

"I love you, Scarlet, or else you'd be dead by now." Asmodeus confessed placing a chaste kiss on her cheek before wiping away a strand of hair that fell on her face. He placed his forehead against hers and gazed lovingly into her eyes.

"I thought I was a random fuck for you. You were this strong powerful prince and yet you feel in love with a girl like me. Why?" A tear fell from Scarlet's left eye which the prince wiped away with a kiss.

"Who knows the answer of why in love? It just happens and I feel magical around you. I can't stop thinking about you all this time. How we'd be together and how I'll take care of you, how I'll give you the crowns of Alcessione and sit you on the throne beside me."

"Scarlet, you are my greatest quest. I love you." He said before capturing her lips and engaging her in a heated passion. This time Scarlet didn't protest nor squirmed but laid there still and kissed him back.

Asmodeus pushed his tongue inside her mouth and wrestled with her tongue to fight for dominance which he won, allowing him to explore her orifice. Scarlet's mouth tastes sweet like strawberries and blueberries which she probably ate before going here. Asmodeus enjoyed the taste and he caressed Scarlet's thigh to show his excitement.

He pulled away from the kiss with amazement in his eyes before diving back for her neck. Scarlet giggled as the demon's kisses tickled her. Asmodeus brushed his nose on her shoulders before sucking her perfectly smooth skin.

Scarlet moaned as he found her sweet spot and she encouraged him to do it more. Asmodeus was touching her whole body, roaming and probing which sent electricity flowing in her veins. His touch was invigorating and Scarlet can't help but beg for more.

Asmodeus trailed kisses from her neck, over her shoulders, down to the valley of her breasts where he buried his face and groped it. He pulled the string of her white bra and slid it down from her shoulders exposing her supple breasts. Her nipples are pink and hard with excitement and the demon poked one in curiosity.

"These beauties seem to have grown bigger. What sort of things did you do without me to make them this big?" Scarlet blushed and only turned away.

"Just shut up and fuck me." She grabbed his hand and placed it on her breast. Asmodeus started fondling both of her mounds and licking them alternately. Scarlet placed her arms around her lover and moaned for more.

Scarlet's breasts smell like fresh warm milk and Asmodeus couldn't help but want for milk to flow from her breasts. Can girls lactate without having babies? Scarlet's boobs had significantly grown bigger as well as her thighs that Asmodeus worshiped but her ass stayed the same perfection. While they were apart, he was always thinking of burying his face on her soft warm butt and eating her hungry cunt from behind. He'll probably do that later.

He sucked on her left nipple, grazing it with his teeth, and twirling it with his tongue while massaging the other so that it won't get lonely. His left hand descended down to her legs and probed her clothed hole. He released her left bud and started pleasuring the right one before parting her pantie and inserting his finger in her hungry wetness.

Scarlet moaned. One finger is still very tight. Asmodeus thought as he added another and started moving it inside. He had his middle and ring finger inside her, stimulating her pussy to be ready for him. It seems like Scarlet hasn't had any man since they last copulated. He can still remember how tight she was when he took her virginity and he can't wait to feel her insides again.

Asmodeus released her bud and trailed loving kisses down to her toned flat stomach. His last kiss fell on top of her clothed pussy. Their eyes met and Asmodeus had a mischievous smirk on his face. He went to pull down her pantie but Scarlet slapped his hand away. He looked up at her with a frown but the girl had a seductive smile that made his heart leap in excitement.

Scarlet pointed to her lips and mouthed something to him. "Use your mouth." she ordered him.

The frown vanished from the prince's face and was replaced by lust. He obliged and pulled the string of her pantie with his teeth and did the same to the other side. He bit the edge of the fabric and suddenly pulled it away making the girl moan at the friction on her cunt.

"I love your stockings, I started having a fetish on them because of you so I won't rip them away. They're a major turn-on." Asmodeus complimented as he caressed her legs.

"Thanks, they're new." Scarlet spread open her legs presenting her salivating core to her lover. Asmodeus can see a thick clear liquid flowing from her hole and down to her asshole and he wiped it away with his tongue upwards, from her butt to her clit. Scarlet moaned in pleasure and encouraged him to do it some more. Asmodeus was more than happy to oblige his mistress's command therefore he lapped at her cunt like a hungry dog.

Scarlet was a moaning mess as Asmodeus sucked at her clit and occasionally pushed his tongue inside her hole to tease. The demon twirled his tongue inside her cunt tasting her warm juices flowing into his mouth reserved only for his taste. "That feels so good, darling. I really love your tongue." Scarlet complimented as she enjoyed his oral sex.

Asmodeus suddenly stopped which disappointed his lover and Scarlet started whining about why he stopped. He lifted her torso making her sit up and kissed her lips long.

"I have an idea. Go sit on my face. I've always wanted to try this." Asmodeus ordered as he replaced Scarlet on the bed and laid in a reposed position.

"What? Why?" Scarlet questioned.

"No more questions. Just do it." the demon beckoned for her to come and she obliged. Scarlet leaned her butt down on his face as if she was going to sit on him. Asmodeus grabbed her rump and slapped it hard making her yelp.

"Hey! Why did you do that for?!" Scarlet complained but paused as she felt his wet tongue licking her slit which sent shivers down her spine. Asmodeus pushed his tongue harder against her clit before pushing it inside her lower mouth again.

Scarlet can only moan in pleasure as Asmodeus continued with his stimulation. He sure knows how to properly please a woman and she's so lucky that he does or else it would be plain rape. Scarlet noticed his erect cock poking from his pants and she suddenly had the urge to put him in her mouth and drink his warm semen like how he was drinking her love juices. She leaned down and grabbed his cock, forming a 69 position. At first, she doesn't know what to do so she just jacked it off with her hands. She felt Asmodeus pause and heard him moan when she touched his head. That must be a good place for him, she thought.

Scarlet leaned her face down and wrapped her lips around his head and started bobbing her head up and down. She felt Asmodeus shudder in delight, his warm breath fanning her exposed slit as he pleasured her sex.

"I fucking love your mouth, Scarlet." He moaned as he returned the favor by flicking his tongue on her clit faster. Scarlet took him fully in her mouth and clamped on him tight. She felt the pleasure traveling from her pussy to her stomach and knew that she was close. Her partner seems to be close as well given how much precum he was exuding and how wildly he was twitching.

"Ahhh, Asmodeus. I'm cumming!" she moaned.

Scarlet felt the familiar knotting in her stomach that spreads a pleasurable fire within her body. Her heart was hammering pleasurably in her chest singing her lover's name. Her pussy twitched as her cum flooded down the demon's throat. Asmodeus drank her love juices and gave her cunt a last lick before the maiden rolled to her side, parallel to his reposed body.

"You didn't even let me cum." Asmodeus stated as he went on his knees. He leaned down to pick her up in his arms and placed her head on the pillows near the headboard.

"Sorry, I was so distracted by your. . . you know, that I couldn't focus on your blow job." Scarlet apologized as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Don't worry, we have the whole night for you to make me cum." Asmodeus leaned down and kissed her lips affectionately. The demon grinned as Scarlet blushed.

"You're blushing even though we've already fucked a lot of times. How cute." By now the demonl is laying on top of her and she can feel his erect cock poking her thigh due to their position. Scarlet shuddered in excitement at the thought of his cock pounding her pussy and reaching her cervix.

Scarlet wrapped her arms around his torso and her legs around his waist before suddenly flipping him over allowing her to be on top. She had a grin on her face as she looked down at him, her golden hair falling over his face and tickling his skin.

"This feels familiar." Asmodeus whispered placing his hand on Scarlet's soft warm ass and stroked it.

"We never really tried it this way. The first time you were rushing to cum that's why you flipped me over and we never get to try this position again. But now, as you've said, we have all the time in the world to make you cum. Starting now." This time Scarlet was the one to attack his neck with love bites and kisses. She sucked on the side of his neck and trailed it down to his collar bone which made the demon moan. She bit his Adam's apple and licked it down to his chest. Scarlet ran her hand over his hard abs and gazed seductively in his eyes, winking at him.

"Your hair has gotten longer." Asmodeus stated as he stroked the length of her wave-like golden hair. Her hair had reached the length of her lower back by now, compared to the first time they meet when it was still shoulder length.

"Hmm, does it displease my prince?" she placed her forehead against his and gave him a mischievous smile.

"How can I? It's beautiful like you, my queen." Asmodeus cupped her cheek and pecked her lips before slapping her butt, leaving a red mark on her snow-white bottom.

"Hey!" Scarlet complained

"Giddy up, rider. Don't keep your steed waiting. Ride me and show me what you got."

"You're a really bossy horse, darling. I'll make you beg later but now it's game time."

Scarlet lifted her hips and placed her opening over his erect cock. She leaned her hands on his hard stomach to help her balance herself and Asmodeus placed his hands on her hips to help her steady herself. His cock was already at her opening about to be swallowed by her deprived sex. Asmodeus groaned at the contact. Her warm juices dripped down to his head as Scarlet slowly started to lower herself down.

Scarlet threw her head back as Asmodeus slid inside her brushing against her most sensitive depths, releasing a great twister of butterflies in her tummy. She whimpered and started swinging her hips to move him inside her. She pulled up and pushed back down, making his cock enter her more. She repeated this continuously, their sexes creating a squelching sound. Scarlet's red wetness is still tight from lack of intercourse which pleased the demon.

By now, most of his length entered her with the tip touching the entrance to her womb. Her pace was still slow as she tried readjusting to his size. She circled her hips in a teasing manner with an upward movement that slowly releases his cock from her pussy. Asmodeus growled at this and tightened his hold on her hips.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He groaned when his cock was nearly out of her pussy.

"Fucking a demon prince." She answered before suddenly slamming her pussy down on his cock and fully taking his whole length inside her body. His head poked her cervix sending a flood of warmth racing from her stomach to her heart. The two of them moaned and Ruby repeated the action several more times before building up speed and force.

Scarlet moaned as she felt full, Asmodeus presence removed her loneliness and gave her pleasure as he reached places she didn't know was possible. She buckled her hips and pushed back down, his cock sliding against her labia and clit making her moan. His dick is twitching and seemed to be growing bigger as she continuously accepted him inside her. The thing seems to be very excited to meet its best friend again.

"God, your stomach is so small my dick is bulging." Scarlet placed his palms against her flat tummy before tracing it up to her breasts and fondling her mounds. He rubbed her pink erected buds between his fingers and enjoyed as Scarlet stimulate his lust and fulfilled his needs.

After her disappearance, Asmodeus never looked at another creature with desire therefore he never fucked in her absence and stayed faithful for her return and now he is reaping the fruits of his loyalty. He couldn't be happier with Scarlet willingly fucking him and moaning his name as he slid inside her, brushing against her pleasurable tight, soft walls and hitting her womb. If he could possibly go deeper he'd do it, but ramming inside her cervix might fuck things up for their future baby so he'll just be contented with what he has.

He felt Scarlet increase her pace and her pussy was contracting against him. She's close, he thought. He felt his dick release a squirt of precum and knew that he as well is reaching his orgasm. Asmodeus buckled his hips up and moved with Scarlet's hip swings, hitting her cervix hard.

Scarlet moaned his name and moved faster. The bed creaked with their movement as Scarlet rode his dick. Asmodeus was pushing against her most pleasurable depths, hugging his incredible girth with her walls feels so amazing as if he's feeding her most hungry cravings. The demon really knows the right places to go to and how to get to them as he angled his hips and pushed with her. Scarlet threw her head back as the demon's dick hit her g-spot.

"I love you, Scarlet."

Asmodeus grabbed her hips and trusted upwards wildly, outpacing her riding. She felt his dick twitch harder and knew that he's about to cum. Scarlet threw her head back. She felt her stomach knot in orgasm, the tip of his dick spread an inferno of pleasure into her womb that traveled up to her whole chest. Asmodeus groaned as he released his monstrous load directly in her womb. Scarlet's walls are tightening around him as if wanting to milk him of every drop of his sperm.

Scarlet collapsed on his chest as she panted heavily in exhaustion. Asmodeus wrapped his arms around her and stroked her golden hair. He kissed the side of her head with a smile. His dick stayed inside her still unloading with a few drops already dripping out of her pussy.

Scarlet lifted her head, her emerald eyes meeting with his mismatched crimson ones. She bopped his nose with her index finger and started playing with his hair. "Did you use your Lifesteal on me? I feel so drained." Scarlet complained as she pressed her breast against his chest.

"Maybe I did, so you can't stop me from doing what I want later." Asmodeus chuckled and kissed her nose.

"Boo, you pedophile. You do realize that I'm only 20 and you're already 300." Scarlet stated rolling off of him. His dick slid out of her with a pop and his semen flooded down her legs.

"Age is just numbers. What matters most is love."

"Disgusting, you always cum so much like a pig I'm going to squirt your junk for five days. You're cleaning my panties for the whole week." Scarlet complained putting on her underwear.

"Who told you to dress up? We're not done yet. The fun's just begun." Scarlet pulled her back to the bed and straddled her waist. Scarlet gulped as she noticed the lust-filled look on the demon's face.

"Let me take you to another world."