Conquering The World part 3

"We ended up doing it all night." Scarlet sighed as she leaned her head against his chest. Asmodeus had his arm wrapped around her waist, hugging her nude body against his. A white blanket was placed over their bare forms while they cuddled under the shining light of the moon.

"I haven't had sex since you left. I've been craving you for years now." Silence reign over the two as they laid in each other's arms.

"Scarlet, why did you suddenly leave?" Asmodeus asked. It was a question that's been bugging his mind for years now and it nearly drove him mad not knowing the answer. Scarlet was silent, she didn't move nor turned to look at him.

"Lilith came to my house one night. She said that she'd kill both of us if I don't stop seeing you. She said that I'm distracting you from executing the Apocalypse Plan and performing your duties to the Infernal Armyl. If I don't disappear from your life she's going to kill us." Scarlet explained stroking his stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me? Lilith won't stand a chance against me much more kill me. I won't let her or anybody else hurt you. And also with our combined strength, she won't be able to beat us." Asmodeus sat up making Scarlet follow as well.

"She wasn't talking about killing you and me, she was referring to me and the baby." Scarlet clarified.

"What baby?" Asmodeus asked in confusion.

"Asmodeus, I was 3 months pregnant when I left."

"WHHAAAATT!?" The demon exclaimed in disbelief, his whole world suddenly shook at the information.

"We're parents now, darling."


"You fucked me of course."


"Probably the first time we did it. She was three months when I left and it was three months when we first met."


"I gave birth in Lytebright and temporarily left her with my friend Angela to see what was happening here. She's two and a half years old now."

"What's her name?" Asmodeus asked with a gentle look on his face.


He started imaging what his offspring looked like. Did she have her mother's sunlight colored hair or her enchanting emerald eyes? He wish she does because her mother is very beautiful. How much of his features did she inherit, he wondered.

"Amethyst." he repeated.

"It's perfect. I love her already. I can't wait to see her soon when I launch my invasion on Lytebright. Then we'll be a family and make her more sisters and brothers." Asmodeus lifted her chin and kissed her lips affectionately. Even though they've already shared many kisses over the night, Scarlet's heart still beats faster due to the action. Her heart feels warm and pleasurable. Asmodeus eventually pulled away but keep their faces close as he caressed her cheeks and brush their noses against each other.

"But you know, love, it's really odd." Scarlet suddenly voiced.

"What is?"

"Your seed is strong like all the other demons and yet our little Amy doesn't have a single demonic quality like your purple skin, tail, demonic eyes, anything. She looks very human with golden hair and purple eyes and an exact mixture replica of the two of us." Asmodeus suddenly hugged her.

"After our first time, you asked me what I would do if I got you pregnant. Do you still remember that?" He felt Scarlet nod on his shoulder.

"Then you become a mommy and I, a daddy. Do you know what that means?"

"I have a vague idea but your mind works completely different than mine." Scarlet shrugged her shoulder and just hugged him back. His warmth was very comforting to her chilled body.

"You become a mommy and I, a daddy, that means that I want to have a family with you and that I'm ready to take responsibility for the life that we create. Scarlet, I love you and I love every life that our love creates in your womb. Actually, I want lots of children with you, tiny monsters that would all conquer the world." Asmodeus chuckled.

"That it's why I got you this." Asmodeus pulled a small purple box from the drawer and presented it to her. He opened the box and inside is a red rosebud with golden pixie dust circulating it to keep it floating. The flower started blooming and unfolding its gentle petals. It increased in size as the seconds passed and Scarlet couldn't help but be amazed by the thing.

"You found it." Scarlet whispered in awe. Her emerald eyes shined brighter and glossed over when she saw the same silver ring with rubies and amethysts that he offered her years ago.

"Scarlet Edelweiss, will you give me the greatest honor of having you as my wife?" Asmodeus proposed, gazing in her eyes with a love-struck look. He held his breath waiting for her answer, confident in her positive response yet still fearing rejection.

Scarlet smiled at him with tears about to fall from her eyes and gave him the answer he wanted to hear the most.

"Yes, I'll be your wife."

The Demon's heart skipped a beat and started pumping faster in elation. A huge goofy grin spread of his lips as he took the ring from the rose and inserted it on her finger. Scarlet giggled at his reaction and lifted her hand to inspect the gorgeous accessory that symbolizes their eternal matrimony.

Asmodeus recapture her lips in jubilee and hugged her tightly like he was afraid to ever let her go. Soon enough dawn arrived and bathed the newly engaged couple in its blessed light. The moon sunk and the sun rose as a prince finally found his princess.


"Daddy, tell us a story!" requested a five-year-old boy to his father who chuckled in amusement. The boy has bluish-black hair and dark purple eyes that resemble deep pools of amethysts.

"Yes, Darius is right daddy! Mommy always tells us stories, now we want you to tell us stories." seconded his older sister, Amethyst who is now seven years of age.

"Uh-huh, mommy and Auntie Angela, tell great stories but we want to hear ones from you too." added Darius's twin, Violet Orchid who has silver hair and citrine eyes.

"You heard them, dear. They want to hear you tell us a story." Scarlet , now a blooming beauty with her long golden hair and vivacious womanly body, smiled at her husband who had his arm wrapped around her waist.

Scarlet wore a gorgeous red gown that hugged her curves perfectly and a golden crown sat on top of her head with intricate designs and red rubies. Asmodeus wore a white and purple suit that matches his rank as the highest monarch of the land with a matching cape and a golden crown that perfectly pairs up with the one that Scarlet wore.

When Asmodeus reached Lytebright he discovered that he was actually the long lost prince kidnapped by the Infernal Horde. He was furious at first but then he learned to accept the truth and turned his back from his true enemy, that is why he led the Lightbringer forces instead and crushed the ones that fooled him. He killed Lucider and tortured Lilith for making him a puppet and for threatening to kill Ruby. Mammon became the new ruler of the Inferno and he reunited with his true family. He eventually married Scarlet and they later earned the thrones of Lytebright due to the old age of his parents, leading the empire anew with his sister Andromeda and his wife Scarlet.

"Story, story, story." chanted his children.

"Fine, fine, anything for my prince and princesses." Asmodeus said removing the golden crown of Lytebright from his head and placed it on the nightstand. He knelt before their bed and spoke softly to his children.

"What's it about?" asked his firstborn.

"Well, it's about Little Red Riding Hood and her true love the Demon Prince." answered Asmodeus looking smug at his wife who raised her brow at him.

"Whaaaat?! Little Red has a boyfriend!" exclaimed Orchid.

"How come we never hear it from mommy's stories before?" asked Amethyst.

"Mommy's quite conceited my little monsters." Scarlet directed him a cold glare.

"Whaa's that mean?" wondered Darius.

"Nothing, let's just get to the story. I want to hear this version as well." Scarlet booped the nose of her son and hugged him.

"Start the story, darling."

"Right, right. Once upon a time, a demon prince went into the Dark Forest looking for trouble however he unexpectedly, found love instead. . ."


The End.
