It Started with a Napkin part 2

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, Di." Ruby apologized as she placed her KitKats on the counter, smiling brightly at him.

Dimitri suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body closer to his chest. He crashed his lips against hers in a pretentious passion while the two cheating skunks watched dumbfounded. The feeling of butterflies fluttering in one's stomach is not enough to describe the way Ruby felt at that moment. There's like a thousand fireworks exploding in her whole body creating an inferno of mixed feelings. Joy, confusion, shock, pleasure, love, and a thousand more emotions she can't name. With all the confusion going through her mind one thing is for sure to her though. That she never want this to end.

"Is that Ruby and Dimitri kissing?" wondered a girl who goes to the same school as them, while holding a bunch of spicy Chinese noodles.

"Oh my God! It's totally them! They look so good together I never thought that this could actually be a thing." her friend chirped.

"I ship it." their gay friend said while casually slurping a smoothie.

And since then the two started dating and being shipped by the whole academy. They were dubbed as the king and queen of the whole Academy of Dawn.

Flashback End

Ruby hugged him in her sleep and started biting his shoulder unconsciously while mumbling incoherent words. She must be dreaming of food again, Dimitri thought looking at his girlfriend's cute face.

Dimitri sighed. Right may seem as meek as a flower but she's definitely a monster in bed. He can feel the bruises she left throb on his abs as well as his neck. Ruby was also able to match his energy in sex that's why they lasted until four in the morning. They would have gone longer if it wasn't for Thomas banging on the door and yelling that he'd chop the two of them to pieces if they don't keep it down.

Dimitri couldn't care less about his father's threat however his Ruby insisted that they should go to sleep and even though Dimitri still wanted more he couldn't really say no to his tired girlfriend.

Ruby shifted closer to his chest and sighed in contentment. He looked down at her beautiful slumbering face and smiled. He kissed her lips and run his hand on her curved waist feeling her smooth soft skin flinching at his rather cold hand.

Ruby opened her eyes tiredly and looked up at him with the cluelessness and innocence of a baby. Dimitri smiled and placed a kiss on the bridge of his girlfriend's nose.

"Good morning sunshine. Did you dream about me?"

Ruby closed her eyes and snuggled closer to the male, placing her head against his chest. "Probably. It was a nightmare."

"Why you little!" Dimitri tickled the girl's sides and started attacking her neck with more love bites.

"Stop! Stop that, hahahaha!" Ruby pleaded trying to pull away from the demon.

"No, not until you say that I'm the handsomest man alive." He said before diving for her nipple. He sucked it hard while tickling her side which elicited a semi moan semi laugh from Ruby's lips.

"Never! You look like shit!"

"Oh yeah? Why not tell that to my dick that you said was "fattest most handsome king of all cocks"?"

"Your dick is short and ugly!!" Ruby retorted.

"Well why don't we ask your kitten here what she thinks?" Dimitri inserted three of his fingers inside the girl and moved them harshly inside making the girl moan his name. Ruby's liquid, however, felt odd. Her love juices are usually viscous and slippery but the liquid coating his hand is quite the opposite and it also smelled different. Dimitri removed his hand out of her cunt to inspect the liquid his girlfriend produced.

What they saw is a red liquid which symbolized the near release of an egg from the girl's womb. Menstrual blood. Ruby gasped and Dimitri suddenly said "Shit!"

Dimitri pulled the sheet from Ruby's body and saw the same liquid on the cover of the bed. The demon sighed and looked at his girlfriend who has a guilty look on her cute face. Ruby sat up and covered her body with her arms, which truth be told barely covered her large bosom. "I'm sorry." she apologized like a kicked puppy.

This melted Dimitri's heart and he really can't see his baby sad and guilty for little things. He wrapped his arms around the girl's torso and brought her to his lap. He kissed her head and caressed her cheek, making her look at him. He placed a chaste kiss on her lips and spoke softly to her.

"It's okay. We can just change the covers and wash them on laundry. What's important is to make sure that you don't get pregnant and to take care of your mensies. We can make a baby once we have jobs and shit." Dimitri said trying to comfort the girl. Ruby instantly blushed at his statement and buried her face in his silver hair.

"You're really a smooth talker, are you? I just love you. Good thing Aluric dumped me for Milen or else I wouldn't end up with you. The dude probably has a smaller dick compared to your monster." Ruby said petting his sleeping snake.

"I probably would have murdered him sometime soon if he didn't let you go. You know I've always had a crush on you since first year and I always fantasize about you. Now I'm living a dream come true with you in my arms." Ruby giggled at this and kissed his lips. Dimitri is always passionate and loving when he returns her kisses and she can't help but drown in his abysmal love.

It felt like hours before they pulled away blushing and contented. Dimitri stood up and dressed himself before going to his drawer and taking a red shirt as well as a new pair of matching lace lingerie. He handed the garments to his girlfriend who gave him a questioning look at the lingerie.

"What?" He asked.

"Why do you have lingerie in your drawer? Did they belong to the girls you've fucked before?"

"What?! No! Of course not! That's disgusting. Mom brought me to the mall with her to make me carry her shopping bags and when we got into the lingerie shop. . . I just. . ." Dimitri paused with a blush.

"You just what?"

"I just can't stop fantasizing about you wearing them that's why I bought some for you since I know your cup and pantie size." Now it was Ruby's turn to blush.

"How many pairs did you buy for me?"

"About fifty-three or fifty-eight tops each one for a different mood of the day. I also adjusted my closet so that you'd have a place for your own there." He answered with a pleased smile. Ruby gaped at him.

"You really plan on sticking with me for a long time, don't you?" Ruby asked.

"I want to spend my eternity with you. To share all my victories with you by my side. I don't think I can live if you ever leave me."

Ruby blushed at her boyfriend's sincere and honest words. For her, its actually she who is luck to have someone like him. Unlike Aluric, Dimitri truly loves her and desires for her safety and well-being beyond anything else. She never knew that he will be the one to truly sweep her off her feet.

"You're too cheesy! Just leave and go get me my napkins!" Ruby said as she grabbed the clothes provided to her by her loving boyfriend and headed inside his bathroom to clean herself up. Dimitri only chuckled and went out of his room to plunder his mother's or Selena's napkin supply for his darling dear wifey Ruby.

Extra Ending

He burst open Selena's door without even bothering to knock and entered her quarters to plumaged through her toiletries.

"What the fuck you little brat?! Did mom never teach you how to knock?!" Selena yelled from her bed, covering her naked body as well as her companions.

"Hey, Luna. How's my sister in bed? Bet she's terrible. How do you even feel good none of you have a dick? So you just like rub your-" a lamp suddenly flew his way which he successfully evaded. Selena was fuming with rage as she continuously threw stuff at Dimitri which forced him to retreat out of the door.

His head pointed again inside the room. "Also, do you have pills and napkin? Ruby suddenly got her period today." Flip flops suddenly flew towards his direction that should have made impact on his face if he didn't pull back in time and closed the door.

"Guess it's a no."