My Step Brother is the Devil part 1

"Tell me if it's nice or not. I'll grab the first flight out of Arab and bring you with me in Britain." Khali's mom fused over the phone. She can already imagine her mother in her fancy career woman suit in front of her desk holding a cocktail and about to sign off a flight to America from Arab if Khali complains one bit. Honestly, mothers are some times over-exaggerated. Especially her mom who will fly from the other side of the world just because she scraped her knee.

"It's actually very lovely mom. There's a lovely little garden with a white and pink swing, an arch with gorgeous flowers, and dad even said that I have my own balcony, so it's perfect. You don't have to worry mom. I'll be fine. Besides, you gave me a premium Netflix and a shit load of books to read."

"Language, darling!" her mother reprimanded. She can already imagine her brows furrowing and her forehead wrinkling in displeasure.

"Ohh, sorry mom." she giggled. She heard her mother sigh on the other side of the phone and heard shuffling of papers. Her blond hair styled in an intricate braid is probably a mess now with how much she worries on both her job as a lawyer and her daughter moving in with two new strangers.

"Just tell me if that new wife of your dad is a freak or her son a convict. The moment that bitch lays a hand on my baby." Her mother's voice becomes very threatening like a lion's growl when it's about to pounce on a pray. "I'll make sure that she never sees the light of the day because I'll bring her World War III." Khali can only gulp in fear knowing that her mother is not a woman of empty threats.

"O-okay. I'll make sure that it's all fine so that nothing will distract you from your lawsuit with that crazy rich Persian prince Gilgamesh. Go win that thing mom, so that we can have a European trip, just the two of us. I've always wanted to go to France and taste their French chocolates." She heard her mother chuckle from the phone.

"Yes, dear. We will win this thing. Now, I want you to behave nicely or else I'll be a failure of a mother. I've sent money to your bank account just in case you want to run away."

"Aww, thanks, mom. You're my favorite parent."

"Hey, I heard that." Her father, Ares, appeared from the glass sliding door carrying a large box filled with bubble wrap and squishy pink things.

"Oh ow." Khali stared at her father in shock and faked a smile.

"Your father heard, didn't he? Well, just give him the phone and I'll run my case on why I am the better parent." Her mother chuckled and she joined in with her amusement.

"Just send pictures of you're living quarters to me and I'll see if it's up to my liking. Take care and be careful. j'taime, ichc liebe dich, my sweet princess." Her mother bid her farewell before she handed the phone to her father.

"You hurt my feelings Khaleesi Einsworth. No Cheetos for you after dinner."

"That's tyranny, dad! That's child abuse, child deprivation or something!" she exclaimed with her puffed cheeks and knitted eyebrows.

"Let me talk to your mother so she won't bring World War III to my doorstep anytime soon." Ares took the phone from his daughter who started hitting him with her fists for not give her junk food.

"Run along now little rosebud and fix your room. Alice is coming in a jiffy as well as your new brother. Hopefully, the two of you can get along so that I don't have to spend extra money on murder attempts and fireproofing the house just in case he happens to be an arsonist." He turned his attention on the phone and ignored her.

"Hey, Altria, she's just lying. I know she loves me 3000 times more than you." Her father's voice trailed off as she went inside the house to finally see her room.

She rushed climbing the stairs and into the spacious second floor. She looked out of the large glass window that showed the beautiful garden and smiled in excitement of her new house. There were six rooms on the second floor and there is another set of stairs going up beside her. Her father told her that the third floor is where his and Alice's room is located as well as their respective offices and their shared bathroom while the second floor belongs to her. Khali started exploring the rooms and found two guest rooms, a library for the aforementioned 'shit load of books' her mother bought for her, a large blue-tiled bathroom complete with all her necessities as well as a large circular bathtub in the middle of the room.

She started looking for her room and found her name engraved on a wooden plaque hanging outside a white door. A smile made its way to her lips and she instantly opened her door to find an elegant red and white room. Her oaken bed has a canopy and red curtains. On the wall, in front of the bed, is a large flat-screen TV and empty shelves integrated on the wall. She'll fill that up later.

She also found her walk-in closet already brimming with her various dresses, shoes, and accessories curtsey of both her mother and father. She exited her closet and set next for the balcony. She heard the faint rumbling of the engine and knew that her stepmother and stepbrother is already present. She opened the bared glass door and raced up to the terrace to see them.

"Dad, our house is really nice!" she yelled with a large smile on her lips.

"I'm glad to hear that, sugar roll. Just don't fall off the balcony cause daddy won't be able to catch you. I'm getting old." Her father yelled back.

"Come down and greet the new members of our family."

"Coming!" she ran out of her room and into the hallway, nearly knocking off a vase, and down the stairs to finally see the new extension of her family.

"Alice!" She exclaimed at seeing her stepmother. The said woman beamed when she saw her and waved at her with a smile. Unlike the Cinderella story, Alice may seem like a snob or an evil stepmother at first but if you got to know her, you will discover that the intimidating curve of her brows and her stern face are façades for her big heart. Alice gave Khali a long and tight hug before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I finally have a beautiful daughter. This one's a real snob, boys are so uhhh. But I still love my baby boy, my only baby boy." she said pointing towards the silver-haired male with headphones on who was unloading the boxes from their car.

"Mom, I know you're backstabbing me. Blame dad's X-chromosome sperm for being slow and weak shits." He said stoicly, walking between them while carrying a cardboard box.

"Cipher, why don't you introduce yourself to your sister?" ordered Alice placing her hands on her hips. The male sighed and placed the cardboard box down before facing Khali. She noticed bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for three days straight while poisoning himself with coffee but his tired face didn't hide his handsome features that can pass him for a magazine model.

The guy was very attractive though he was tired. His features have the beautiful boyish charms of the Greek god Apollo however in a wicked way, like a black sun that drenches the world in darkness instead of light. In short, he is devilishly handsome like a young Lucifer and Khali's mortal heart couldn't help but be seduced by his abysmal beauty. She can feel her nipples perking up and her pussy tingling in excitement.

She mentally slapped herself for thinking impure thoughts about her "brother". Stop being a whore, Khali! He's you're brother now. You also have a "potential" boyfriend so stop lusting like a common whore. You can only salivate for Granger. Granger is courting you! You must remain loyal!

"I'm Khaleesi Einsworth-Logan. Dad calls me Khali since he's a huge fan of Game of Thrones."

"Hey, I'm Cipher Wraith. We were classmates during sixth grade and we shared math, science, and history together during freshmen but you probably don't know me since you were all about that shit-head Alfred." He introduced, not bothering to hide his boredom and desire to walk away already.

Khali blushed at his statement. How come she didn't notice him before? Like ever. He looks like one of the school princes or something and yet she barely knows him. He must have noticed her confusion because he brushed it off with a wave of his hand.

"Don't bother figuring out who I was. I was that thin dude with only a few friends while you are this dazzling goddess that everyone worshipped. I'm all good now, I started working out and eating more meat. I even have my own fan club."

"Oh, that's nice. Do you still study there?" Khali asked in curiosity. She didn't know if he was praising her or berating her due to the intonation of his words but she didn't bother asking if he has a problem with her.

"I left when you did." He answered.

"What?" she raised her brow at this.

"I mean I left the same time that you did cuz mom and dad separated so we had to move out." He explained, nonchalant.

"Cipher, why don't you give her the gifts that we brought?" Alice suggested clapping her hand together to break the awkwardness of the situation. Cipher left the two and went to the car to retrieve the package.

"Oh, you shouldn't have! I didn't even get you anything."

"Oh don't worry about it dear, we're family now." Alice reassured, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. Cipher returned shortly, holding a bouquet of red roses and blue orchids as well as a box of cake in his other hand. He handed the items to her and waited for another order from his mother.

Khali's emerald eyes shined in happiness. The flowers are her favorite and they're very mesmerizing as they are expensive. "How did you know my favorites? Did dad tell you?" she asked Alice.

"Not really. Cipher was the one who chose those beauties as well as the blueberry cheesecake. He even had the cafe present all their cheesecakes so that he can choose the best one for-"

"Mom stop talking!" Cipher interrupted with a heavy scowl. He faced Ruby and frowned.

"Don't get your head filled with ideas. I only did this to be civil with you but I don't want you as a sister so don't act like you are. Second, don't ever go in my room and speak as less as possible to me." Cipher walked away, retrieving the cardboard box on the floor and headed upstairs. The two were left dumbfounded by the male's sudden outburst.

"Did I do something wrong? Does he hate me?" Khali asked with an upset expression.

"Don't worry, he's just being moody. He's currently on his period so don't mind him." Alice joked to lighten up the mood. Khali only nodded in reply.

"He discovered that his girlfriend Selena is cheating on him and it's with a girl called Luna. The chick was blond and cute so I think he kind of saw her in you. Please forgive him." Alice whispered conspiratorially.

"Oh, I guess I understand."