My Step Brother Is The Devil part 2

It's been a month since they moved into their new house and built their new family. Khali barely speaks with her brother because he was always in his room doing God-knows-what and only comes out if he needs to use the bathroom, eat, and go out for stuff. Alice doesn't have a problem with her son's behavior because she can't be bothered by it with all the stuff she needs to deal with as an executive of a major cosmetics brand. She later explained that Cipher was already working for his father's company which explains his usual stressed face and constant hermit-like behavior, which also explains how he got the money to buy her the special bouquet. Ares is also busy with his job as a surgeon which often leaves the two alone in the house to their own devices since it's still a school vacation.

While their respective parents work Khali handles the house along with Alice when she's free and the house helper, Angela. Today, Khali and Angela had already finished the house works and they're already preparing lunch while having a nice conversation about their love life.

"Granger is really intimidating and I can't help but fear him at times but he is actually a very sweet lover. He's very gentle and caring and his songs are very pleasant. His voice is very godly, deep but beautiful and romantic." Khali narrated dreamily while stirring the vegetables.

"Oooohhh. Your man seems like the classic bad boy, which is totally envious. Harold is such a child and he doesn't even have that large of a dick, I can barely feel him. So how far have you two gone?" Angela has a devious and malicious smile in her lips while wiggling her brows.

"Well, we've only kissed so far. He doesn't want to touch me yet. He said he respects me enough to wait when I'm ready, but truth be told I want him to violate me already. I've seen how big his dong was when I slept in his house. He thought I was sleeping so he changed in front of me."

"What the fuck!? How big was it?"

"About 8 inches or bigger. It wasn't angry yet when I saw it."

"OMG, girl, never ever let go of that man! You've got the gold, sis."

"I know. Oh by the way, have you seen my black lace panties with the small pink ribbon as well as my other Victoria Secret ones? I can't seem to find them." Khali questioned.

"Well, I haven't seen those during the laundry. Are you sure they're not under your bed or something?" replied the maid.

"I've looked for those everywhere and the last time I saw them was when I removed them before bath and placed them in the laundry basket in the bathroom."

"Well, I don't know maybe your new brother took them and wore them because he's gay?" Angela suggested. Khali playfully slapped her friend's arm in disgust and rolled her eyes.

"As if he would. He hates me. Dude is such a bitter bastard since his ex left him for a blonde chick. Never mind, I can buy new ones anyway."


Later that day, Khali invited Granger to her house to watch a movie and he agreed, happy to spend time with her. He brought her a bouquet of red roses and blue orchids as well as a box of her favorite Belgian Chocolates which she gladly accepted. She wrapped her arms around his neck the instant that he entered her door and he leaned down with a smile to capture her lips. He encased her waist in his arms and pulled her closer to him. Their kiss was wild and passionate as they enjoyed each other's contact.

Khali soon pulled away before it leads to something else, her face was colored by a huge blush which amused Granger. His little princess is so innocent.

"How have you been my love?" He greeted with his melodious deep voice.

"I was so bored, but thank God you're here. My brother doesn't want to spend time with me so I'm usually left alone that I'm so bored. I've read most of mom's books so I have nothing else to do so come, let's watch a movie. I made popcorn and cake!" Khali sang, clearly ecstatic to finally have company. She led him upstairs to her room and prepared everything for their movie date.

Granger sat on the sofa with Khali comfortably sitting on his lap as they watched a horror movie on her flat-screen TV. Khali had a fearful expression as she covered her eyes due to the intense violence of the scene while Granger wore a poker face. He was more absorbed with Khali's cute reactions when something startled her making her cunt brush against his dick thanks to her mini skirt. The only things keeping their sexes from meeting are her thong and his zipper. She didn't even bother wearing shorts as if she was implying something.

Khali squeaked as a ghost appeared. She trembled but was distracted from the movie when popcorn started raining down on her hair and falling inside her loose shirt. Some made its way to her bra, wedging themselves between her breasts.

"Sorry, I was also startled by the ghost. Let me help you get that out." Granger whispered mischievously in her ear. His hand went past her collar and inside her cleavage making her moan in surprise. His hand groped her breast while collecting the popcorn that found their way to her bosom.

"Is this popcorn? I can't really tell." Granger said while knowingly pinching her nipple, giving it a good squeeze which elicited a moan from the maiden.

"No? What about this one?" he teased pinching her other nipple.

"What are you doing, Gran?" (Pronounced as "grain") Khali questioned with a blush. The male had a mischievous smile as he played with her tits.

"Nothing, just getting the popcorn." He removed his hand from her bosom and ate the popcorns he collected.

"I see what you did there, perv." she whispered in his ear before giving his cheek a gentle peck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his head on her shoulder, breathing in the scent of her hair.

"Your hair smells nice."


"Hey, Khali. Do you know how Alice got to Wonderland?" Granger asked out of nowhere.

"She followed a rabbit?" Khali replied.

"Nope, she went inside the hole." Granger purred seductively in her ear as he plunged two of his fingers inside her cunt. Khali moaned in pleasure as he teasingly pumped his digits inside her innocent sex. His other hand went under her shirt and played with her breasts. He pinched her nipple and twirled it between his fingers as he sucked her neck.

The stimulation on three of her sensitive body parts made Khali a moaning mess. Granger moved his fingers faster and much forcibly inside her pussy making her juices spill out. His long slender violinist fingers brushed against her pleasurable spots making her sing like his instrument.

He tore open her blouse and lifted her bra out of the way, exposing her dainty pink buds to the cold air. The chill and the arousal made her nipples harden and Granger couldn't help but flick it gently. Khali squeaked and turned her head sideways where Granger kissed her lips and pushed his tongue inside her mouth. Their tongues danced with each other and Granger explored her orifice, tasting the sweetness of her lip gloss.

Granger brought his other hand down to her pussy and played with her clit as he pumped his fingers faster. He added a third digit inside her making her throw her head back in both pain and pleasure. He was stretching her more than she was used to handle from his fingering but she likes it when he takes her to another level.

She can feel her pussy constricting around his finger and knew that she was near her orgasm. Granger noticed this as well and increased his pace in his stimulation making Khali moan louder. She climaxed on his fingers and squirted out her love juices on the floor. The familiar feeling of orgasm flooded her pussy and womb up to the very chambers of her heart making her call her lover's name repeatedly.

"Granger! Granger! Aahhh! Granger!" The said man had a victorious smile on his lips as he listened to her beautiful voice that rivaled his favoritism on the sound of the violin.

When Khali's orgasm subsided leaving her limp with satisfaction on her face, Granger pulled his hand out of her vagina and placed it in his mouth to taste her juices.


Unbeknownst to the pair is a sinister figure spectating the whole event from a hidden camera attached to the TV.