My Step Brother Is The Devil part 3

A figure was huddled in front of the many computer screens displaying the different chambers of the house but his attention was fully devoted to one room in particular where a tall raven-haired male carried a helpless blond girl to her bed and started removing the rest of her clothing. A glass mug with steaming coffee was thrown harshly on the floor shattering on impact and spilling its hot contents on the carpet. One monitor was shattered with a punch and flung across the wall sprinkling the room with small dangerous shards.

Cipher released a furious scream that can pass for a monster's guttural noise. He had just seen his precious sister fingered by an impure man and she moaned his name in pleasure. He wants nothing more than to tear their door down and strangle the living hell out of that bastard, then he will grab her, tie her on her bed and fuck her till she's impregnated with his child.

But he can't. He doesn't want to hurt her. He needs to be patient and follow along with the plan if he wants to have her in the end. This is just a little setback in his plan. He just needs to wait and he'll be the one to fuck her in the end. He sat back down on his chair and poured himself a glass of wine.

He sighed, trying to calm himself down before opening a compartment in his table. He retrieved a piece of black fabric and brought it up to his lips. He sniffed the dried scent of pussy juice and sighed once again in contentment. He unzipped his pants and took out his cock before wrapping it with the pantie and started jacking off. He started playing a video of Khali masturbating in the bathroom and imagined that he was actually fucking her.

"It won't be long before we become one. You will be mine soon, princess. Just so you wait."


Granger hovered over Khali's small body sucking her neck and leaving red hickies to mark his territory. Her eyes are closed shut and her lips are stretched in a thin line due to pleasure. By now the two of them are stark naked like newborn babies and Granger lifted himself up to get a good view of his princess.

"Khaleesi look at me." He ordered gently caressing her cheek.

Khali complied and opened her eyes, her emerald ones gazing up at his intimidating silver irises that held so much love for her. She lifted herself a bit and gazed at him in total submission.

"Are you sure about this? As much as I want you I don't want to force you into anything that might hurt you so I need to know if you really want this. I can't give you back your hymen once I tear it. It's mine forever." Granger leaned down and placed his forehead against hers, gazing lovingly in her eyes.

Khali smiled and held his cheeks in her hands. "I love you and I'm ready to give you everything that I have." Granger's eyes softened and he placed his hand on top of hers. He returned her smile and kissed her lips.

He pulled away before grabbing her hips and positioning himself on her entrance. His hard cock twitched in anticipation that he had to hold it still to put the head inside. Once the head got in, his shaft easily followed in a slow entrance.

He soon reached her hymen and his hard cock tore through it like nothing. He watched Khali's cute face twist in agony but he continued to push inside of her. He pulled back out and pushed it back in until he created a steady rhythm that expanded her folds and brushed pleasurably against her tight, warm walls.

He gradually increased his pace so that his lady can keep up. His cock was soon pounding against her g-spot making Khali finally moaned in pleasure. He grabbed her legs and pushed it on top of his shoulders so that he can pound her faster.

Khali gazed up at his face stuck in a blissful expression. He was thoroughly enjoying their activity more than anything which made her happy. She can also feel the pain subsiding and the pleasure surfacing as her pussy finally get used to the penetrating stimulation. His penis was fat and long and more than satisfying. Who knew that she's been craving a cock for so long and now that she finally got a taste of it she will never stop craving for it like a drug. Her walls tingled and constricted around his shaft like an anaconda strangling its prey making Granger groan and moan her name.

By now he was pounding her with the speed of light, hitting the back of her pussy and pushing against her cervix as if wanting to enter her womb. Khali moaned helplessly under him, screaming his name and moving her hips along with his trusts. He leaned down to kiss her lips as he pistoned himself deeper inside of her sex, spreading a fire of passion that resonated within the four walls of the cold dark room.

Granger gave one final powerful push and his head penetrated inside her cervix where he released his warm energetic sperms directly in her womb. He released a loud groan, his dick was bulging on her flat stomach and Khali was rubbing in gently like there was life growing in it.

He noticed that Khali hasn't orgasmed yet so he restarted with his pushing and pounding while rubbing her clit. His methods were effective as Khali soon approached her climax. The intense stimulation made her head swim as her orgasm bubbled in her stomach. She opened her mouth and released a lustful moan as his dick spread a fire of pleasure inside her body that traveled from her pussy and up to her gentle heart that finally knew what pleasure was.

Granger lied beside her exhausted body and pulled her closer, keeping his cock inside her vulva sealing his ecstatic sperms inside her uterus. He sighed in delight and gazed lovingly at her tired face.

He buried his face in her hair and sniffed the aromatic scent of her fragrant locks. He caressed her curvaceous waist that drove hundreds of men mad and smiled as he knew that all of it was his alone.

Khali laid her head on his chest while running her fingers along his well-toned stomach, admiring his god-sculpted body. Granger's strong arm was wrapped around her waist possessively. Khali lifted her head and looked up at him, taking in his sharp handsome features. Granger noticed her ogling and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you." he proclaimed staring at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world.

"Those words aren't even enough to express how I feel. I wonder if there exists a word that can contain the magnitude of the way I feel for you." Khali giggled at his statement. His words made her heart warm up in flattery.

"I don't need words. I only need your feelings but I love you with every cell in my body. Ich liebe dich." Khali kissed his lips and leaned her whole body against his stronger one.

Granger felt victorious. All his sacrifices to get rid of Alfred was paying off. Khali really liked him and she would've given her purity to him if he wasn't found dead in a ditch with six bullets puncturing his body. Killing his best friend really was a bummer and he also had to get rid of Cia who was actually pregnant with Alfred's child because Khali said she wanted her dead in a fit of rage.

He only did the things that will make her happy and got rid of the things that will keep her from him. You can call him a monster and worse than a demon but truth be told, he doesn't even feel a wink of guilt for the atrocities he had committed. All he did was for love and he will do it a hundred times more just for her.