Bath Romance part 3

"Then let me show you why you should stay."

A devious smile made its way to Morgan's lips before he lifted Edelweiss and placed her on the steps of the stairs.

A pleasured sigh escaped her lips as Morgan parted her legs and licked her core. He placed a kiss on her cunt before pulling away and examining it. "Well isn't this the prettiest pussy I've ever seen. Though it seems like you're no longer a virgin but it's still pretty tight. Tell me, your first time was also your last wasn't he?" Edelweiss only averted her eyes in embarrassment and looked at a stalagmite with protruding blue crystals. Her lack of response made him confirm his theory and he smiled in amusement.

"Well who's the lucky guy between the two?" He asked with a playful grin.

"It was Gareth."

Edelweiss could only blush and close her legs in shame but Morgan held her thighs apart and kissed her bosom in apology. "I'm sorry if I offended you. I'm just so excited to have you. Just relax and enjoy, and I will take care of you."

He lowered his face once again down to her pussy and played with her clit using his tongue. He brushed it up and down her slit while rubbing circles on her thigh. Edelweiss leaned her arms on the floor and watched as Morgan ate her gender. The man looked as if he was thoroughly enjoying it, he was eating her like she was ice cream and she probably was at that point, because she feels like she's melting.

Edelweiss was trying so hard not to squirm too much because what he was initiating is bringing her great discomfort. Who wouldn't if you're an 18-years-old girl being "pleasured" by a warrior of great renown? Especially someone twice your size. She's like a little doll when compared to him.

"You're lubricating. That's good, which means we can get you ready now. " declared Morgan.

"Get ready for what?" questioned Edelweiss in worry. "Oh dear." she moaned as Morgan plunged two of his fingers inside her tight hole.

He moved it slowly inside letting her get accustomed to the feeling of something intruding her sex, preparing her for his upcoming penetration. Edelweiss stayed still and tried enjoying his demonstration of pleasure. She distracted herself by looking at his body and admiring his manly features.

She placed her hand on his shoulder and felt the thick muscles that constricted under her touch. A smile made its way to her lips as she stared at his big powerful arms that can crush the skull of a tiger. Her hand went to his chest and she admired his god-sculpted abdomen filled with metal hard abs. She bit her lower lip in excitement and caressed his chest.

Morgan noticed her ogling and had a devious smirk on. He placed his hand on the edge of the pool and pulled himself up so that he is sitting next to her. "If you wanted to touch me all you need to do is ask. I will do everything my queen wants." he whispered seductively in her ear before biting her lobe.

He pulled her to him and grabbed her hand, placing it on his chest and running it down to his stomach. "Everything that I have, everything that I am, is all yours. Out there I'm the king, but in here you're the goddess and I'm merely a man. My heart is yours to keep, Edelweiss." He kissed her lips and this time she kissed back.

Morgan pulled away and ordered her to go on all four. Edelweiss complied and went on her knees, exposing her ass and pussy to the king. She looked back at him with a worried face.

"Fuck me really hard."

"I should warm you, my love. I have quite the size." Morgan held her rump before positioning himself in her entrance and slowly plunged his cock in her pussy. Even with Edelweiss's well-lubricated cunt, Morgan's dick still couldn't reach far due to his size and her tightness. He patiently and zealously wedged himself inside her sex, holding onto his cock and pushing it forcefully against her labia. Edelweiss' unused pussy seems to refuse entry due to the amount of time it was left unstimulated but he would like to change that fact.

"Ahhh! Mar-tis...!" Edelweiss moaned as his head successfully entered her cunt. He carefully dug himself deeper inside her pussy, cautious as to not hurt his little queen who started trembling due to pain or pleasure. He hope more for the later.

Edelweiss's neutral expression slowly twisted into that of pleasure as the royalty brushed against her tight warm sex. He was able to push himself fully in making her moan. Morgan started moving, gently pounding her dog style while the girl only accepted his pushing and spreading. He was stretching her walls with his extreme size and hitting against her cervix softly as if giving it a gentle kiss with the tip of his dick.

"Ahhh... that place. It feels... good." moaned the girl. Morgan pushed and probed her womanhood, hitting and stimulating her attention-lacking sex with his long shaft.

" your... dick!" Edelweiss moaned while moving her hips against his throbbing member. Morgan stopped moving and allowed his lady to do all the action. He looked down at where they are connected and smirked as Edelweiss' soft round ass shake as she take his dick inside her pussy. He gathered her long blue hair and placed it on her shoulder to give him a good glimpse of her back. He traced the line of her spine ticking her back making her moan. Her sweaty perfect smooth alabaster skin is making him more turned on.

"It feels... so good. I want your cum. I want your semen." moaned the girl as she increased her pace making the Ereshgal King throw his head back in pleasure. Morgan slapped her ass making her yelp resulting in her rump turning the shade of a tomato.

"I'm sorry for hitting you but I just want your ass red. It's so deliciously white." exuded the king as he punished her butt.

"I like that. I want you to hit me, fuck me, and hurt me. Please. I want it." Edelweiss begged as her hips buckled more to fill her cunt with his length and satisfy her most carnal pleasures using his tainted desire for her obscene body.

Morgan complied and slapped her ass harder turning it into a darker shade of red. The girl released a loud pained scream laced with pleasure as the monarch landed another hit upon her cute bum. The huntress's pushing against his dick slowed down and became more sloppy as her body react more to his abuse.

Morgan pulled his cock out of her pussy with a popping sound. He flipped her on her back and laid on top of her to give her soft lips a hungry kiss before plunging his throbbing member inside her once more. His entrance produced a sloppy squelching sound that reverberated against the cave walls.

This time Morgan didn't held back and gave her all that he's got. He pounded her pussy like a piston showing no mercy to the girl who begged for him to slow down. He held her legs and pushed her feet over her head to give himself better access of her depths. He felt her warm walls constricting against him with every push and Edelweiss wrapped her arms around his waist while shamelessly screaming his name in pleasure.

"Fuck me! Fuck me harder! I want you to go deeper. Deeper, Morgan! Harder! I want you to make me your bitch! I'm your bitch! Fuck me like I'm nothing but a bitch." encouraged the girl who was obviously too drowned out in pleasure to properly control her words. The king was showering her with a pleasure that she had long forgotten and giving her exactly what she wanted and more.

Her pussy burned with ecstasy as she approached her orgasm. Her azure colored nails dug into his flesh making him grit his teeth. Her sharp claws left ten long dragged lines that bleed on his back but the male fighter doesn't seem to mind the wounds he received for pleasuring his queen.

"Fuck I'm cumming! My pussy is cumming because of your fat dick." Edelweiss screamed as she reached her climax. Her body feels hot and good as if an inferno of pleasure was released from her cunt that surged throughout her whole body making her arch her back and accept him more into her core. Her pussy squirted out love juices that coated her partner's dick and splashed into his stomach.

"Edelweiss I'm cumming. Fuck!"

She felt something warm flow inside her womb accompanied by her lover's loud moan and increased throbbing as he came as well. Morgan groaned as he released his jizz into her body, his cum flooding her whole reproductive organ and filling her with himself.

He pulled out of her vagina once he finished ejaculating making his cum pool around her pussy as she squirt them out. Edelweiss laid helpless on the floor as the remnants of her orgasm still activate her spasms. She kept whispering his name, her eyes half lidded due to exhaustion and bliss.

"I love you." Morgan proclaimed as he lifted her body into his arms. Edelweiss only smiled as she allowed herself to fall in the arms of slumber.

2 years later

"Morgan, wake up wake up wake up now you sleepy head! We're going to be late for my birthday party. How am I supposed to celebrate my birthday if I'm not in my party so wake up?!" Edelweiss persistently screamed as she tried waking her husband up. She sat on top of his stomach as if she was riding a horse while buckling her hips to rouse him from his slumber.

"Five more minutes darling. I'm still sleepy from all your riding last night, I'm surprised that you can still walk at this point. You probably used your Lifesteal on me that's why I'm so drained." Her husband mumbled groggily as he sink deeper into his blanket.

"But Morgan! You're supposed to play an intro song for my birthday since you got that super hot rock star skin whose dick is my favorite. Come on, I wanna hear you play!" exclaimed the girl as she buckled her hips harder. Her husband however didn't repent and only continued with his sleep. Edelweiss frowned and puffed her cheeks in annoyance. She narrowed her eyes at her husband and lowered her face to where his ears should be.

"No more sex for two month." she whispered threateningly. Morgan pushed the blanket off of his face and playfully narrowed his eyes on his queen.

"Well played."

"Come on, Ecarlate is waiting. The whole of Artemisia is waiting for their favorite huntress." Edelweiss whined as she poked his chest playfully. Morgan sat up properly and brushed a stray lock from the girl's face.

"Too bad cause I'm not sharing my favorite huntress." Edelweiss blushed as she held his cheeks in her hands.

"Smooth talk. I just love this new look on you dear! Your face is so dreamy. It's so smooth and clean, and so handsome and gentle-looking like an angel's. This rock star skin just rocks my world." Edelweiss said as she caressed his cheeks.

"For how much longer will you two flirt? You've been fornicating all night that if I didn't use magic to sound proof your room at 12 in the morning no one will be awake to prepare for your party. I swear that the whole of Artemisia heard you two last night." Ecarlate reprimanded as she crossed her arms in displeasure. She stood in front of the door watching the two cuddle. Tiredness is obvious in her bright sapphire eyes due to the lack of sleep while her wavy orange hair is tangled in knots. The couple suddenly turned their attention towards her and gapped.

"Sorry, sis. Promise we'll be quite next time." Edelweiss smiled mischievously and winked at her cousin. Ecarlate sighed.

"Naughty she-wolf."