Our Queen part 1

It was the dead of the night with only the sound of midnight crickets chirping and owls hooting their enigmatic whispers into the night. Ruby bit her lips as she rubbed her clit and squeezed her large bosom. She laid on her bed pleasuring herself with her hands to find satisfaction and release the built-up frustration of the day. 

Today had been a very stressful time for her because of the release of the new patchwork of Mobile Legends. Many players across the globe were dismayed because of this drastic change and she experienced multiple harassments from the revamped heroes because of their newfound strength and power while she just got prettier and shinier. But her wallpaper is quite shitty. It's no longer vibrant and colorful and she looks like an Annabelle doll and not a sexy, seductive temptress. The update was really disappointing and she doesn't want to continue with the game anymore but what else can she do for a living since she's basically made just for this.

How miserable. Just when she's getting back to being one of the strongest again this disaster happened. That bitch Miya who was a useless loser was able to kill her even in the early game when before she's just food for Ruby. Honestly, it's getting boring. Might as well kill herself and delete the whole game. Anyways, enough of that. Tonight she would release her anger and then go to bed after one orgasm. 

"This little guy should do the trick." she whispered as she turned the vibrator on and inserted it inside her pussy. The purple thing was an expensive joke from her friend Guinevere who gave it as a prank for her 18th birthday. Her actual gift was actually a date with Dyrroth but Ruby found his obsession with her very odd so she decided to keep it neutral and rejected him for the time being. 

A pleasure sigh escaped her lips while her body shivered in carnal bliss as the object stimulated her lustful wall. Her cum overflowed from her pussy down to the sheets like a river as euphoria dominated her senses. She imagined men doing it to her instead. She imagined Granger pressing her against the wall while he shoves his large cock inside her hungry hole. She imagined Zhask lifting her by her legs and fucking her with his weird alien dick while his tentacles or whatever invade her ass. There's also Martis who she imagines dominating her under the open sky while the people of his tribe watch them shamelessly as he shots his hot load of semen inside her womb. 

She moaned and fingered her clit faster while pinching her buds harder. She rubbed her knees together feeling the vibrator stimulate her g-spot. She started moving her hips up and down as if wanting to have herself fucked harder and mewled as she felt her orgasm approaching. 

She felt the familiar explosion of pleasure surge from her pussy through her whole body like a spread of wildfire making her back arched in ecstasy while her eyes roll at the back of her head. She suddenly inserted three of her fingers inside her wet cavern to push the vibrator harder against her g-spot and started fingering herself intensely to satiate the hunger of her pussy. Her walls tightened around her fingers and the toy as it sent continuous jolts of pleasure that invaded her whole senses. She bit the back of her hand to suppress the loud moan that escaped her lips as she rode the peak of her climax. 

When her orgasm finally passed she panted in mild contentment but it wasn't enough to satisfy her needs. She wanted more. She wanted a man who can satiate her lust and fill the void in her soul and her pussy. She sighed. Looks like this dildo will not rest tonight. Ohh, but then she remembers that Guinevere gave her a new one, this one bigger and has better vibration that can shoot fake cum into her pussy. That thing might just do the trick. 

She stood up and walked to her closet, not bothering to remove the dildo still vibrating intensely inside her. She was astounded when a lamp suddenly opened and she paused, petrified because of being caught with her indecent acts. 

"You're a very perverted girl aren't you?" questioned the person. She was very much shocked to see Dyrroth sitting on her sofa while watching her in amusement. 

Automatically, heat rose up to her cheeks in embarrassment and she went back to bed to cover herself up with her linens. 

"What are you doing here, Abyssal Prince?" she glared scornfully at him after pushing down her shame. 

"I wanted to see you." he said with a subtle seductive edge. 

"Since when did you get here and how?" Ruby asked glaring at him suspiciously. 

"I was here since you put a vibrator inside your pussy and I climbed from the balcony. You were so horny that you didn't even notice me enter." Dyrroth stood up from his seat and inched closer to Ruby who held the sheets tighter against her body. Her right hand slowly inched towards the dagger she always hides under her pillow while the demon approached. She's unsure of why he's here and not knowing makes her scared. For all she knew, he might be here to kill her or something else. 

When Dyrroth was already in front of her, she raised her weapon and aimed to place the blade against his neck but the demon caught her wrist and twisted it making her let go of the weapon before pushing her against the wall. He pressed his body against her barely clothed one since she's only wearing a sexy pair of red lace underwear to keep her from escaping and resisting. 

Ruby glared up at the demon who had an amused grin as he looked down at her. His hands bound both of her wrists against the wall in a tight grip unabling her from doing anything since she can't overpower him with brute force since his strength is clearly superior than hers. 

"Is that how you treat your visitors? Stabbing their necks? I must say that's quite a turn on." he purred inching his face closer to hers making her feel his warm breath against her skin. 

"Roger taught me that if a suspicious person approached me, stab him first before talking." Ruby answered plainly trying to keep her cool which is getting difficult because this demon is looking at her in a weird way. A very weird way. And she knew what it meant for a man to look at her like that. 

"Well, he was right on that but I'm not just a suspicious person." Dyrroth leaned closer to her ear squishing her breasts with his chest making her erected nipple press against his muscles.

"Because I'm the demon who's going to fuck you so hard, they'll hear you screaming my name throughout the House of Fighters."

Ruby was astounded when the demon suddenly inserted two of his fingers inside her and moved them erratically against her walls. A shameless pleasured moan escaped from her lips as his digits moved against her aroused vagina. She blushed as she automatically wrapped her arms around his neck to support her body making the demon smirk as he enjoyed watching her erotic expression of pleasure. Ruby felt that what Dyrroth is doing is wrong and degrading but she can't help herself and just submitted to the pleasure he provided. 

Dyrroth suddenly kissed her lips with hunger and great desire and she kissed back with lust and passion as he probed her pussy. Dyrroth pushed his tongue inside her mouth and Ruby allowed him to play with her tongue as his other hand squished her breasts. 

When their kiss ended, Ruby felt Dyrroth pull away and she moaned as he pulled the vibrator out of her vulva. Dyrroth briefly glared at the object before throwing it away and lifting her chin to meet her eye to eye. 

"You pitiful girl. You were so lonely that you have to use such degrading toys to satisfy yourself. But I guess that's better than having another man touch you." he cooed as if talking to a child. He gazed at her with a seductive look as he lifted her hand. 

"From now, on you won't need to masturbate to feel good because I will give you all the pleasures of the world." Dyrroth kissed the back of her hand making her blush harder. 

"Be my wife Ruby and we will rule the world together as king and queen." Ruby was beyond astonished due to his sudden proposal. She doesn't have the slightest bit of idea how to respond to his declaration as she's still petrified because of his words. 

"W-why d-do you want me?" Dyrroth's eyes softened as he looked at her lovingly. His hand began to stroke her hair as he replied to her. 

"I don't know. Maybe it's because you are beautiful, or brave, or tough, or strong-willed, or is it because your smile makes my heart flutter for some unknown reason? I can enumerate a list of why I find you interesting but I don't think that this list is going to end in this life or the next. I suddenly felt this way on the battlefield while we are fighting and then it deepened as we interact more. Next thing I knew, I already love you. Or I guess that's what these warm feelings are called. I wish you can know how you make me feel so you will understand that what I say is real." Ruby was overwhelmed by his words that she can only purse her lips and stand there rigidly as he admired her. 

"I love you." Dyrroth slowly brought his lips closer to her own.