Tears of a Rosebud 1

Where do I begin? When did my story really start? My life is a whole big confusion now so I'm having a really hard time thinking about things and how they happened. Everything was just so fast that my memories are almost a blur. But perhaps I should start with my oldest clear memory.

My name is Felicita Rosengard, but my mommy calls me Felicie as a nickname. My parents died when I was little so my grandparents took care of me but they too passed away when I was 10 so it was my Uncle Roland who took it upon himself to raise me. We live in the middle of the Dark Forest, a large dangerous woods filled with vicious monsters and treacherous creatures.

Uncle Roland taught me a lot of things such as reading, writing, cooking, hunting, gathering, the basics of home-making, as well as my most favorite skill which is fighting. Roland said that most girls my age were not taught how to fight but he believed that I should learn how to defend myself and fight for what's right. He taught me that my gender nor my age is a hindrance for me to fight and defend those that are vulnerable. He educated me about justice and kindness but drilled it hard on my mind that selflessness is a good virtue but not at the expense of my own safety.

Every day we would do almost everything together. Cooking, eating, fetching water from the well, gathering firewood, reading fairytales and adventure novels, carving wooden animals, sleeping in the afternoon, and stargazing in the night. We were the only one's living together in our humble home in our small remote village but we were happy. I was contented with our isolated life living peacefully until... they came along.

One day two men came to our house seeking refuge. They were bruised and battered, exhausted and hungry. They don't have anywhere else to go so they begged my uncle to let them stay even for a little while which he allowed with a bit of reluctance. I learned that they were comrades of my uncle when he was still a hunter living in the Empire and these two were somewhat his students.

I helped Uncle take care of them cooking their meals and providing them beverages while he treats their injuries. They recounted their stories to my uncle on what happened to them and why they had come here. The handsome blond man with the alluring blue eyes whose name I came to know as Siegfried told my Uncle about the corruption of some powerful Empire knights and how he and his friend Orpheus, the stoic man dressed all in black, sought to expose it and right some wrongs to regain his father's honor. I didn't understand the details of that very much since I was just a child of 14 years of age and I was busy keeping the food from burning so I didn't grasp the specifics of their conversation but I did get that some men are trying to kill them for their knowledge and intentions. Much like the conflict of most adventure novels I read.

"Roland, isn't it high time that you introduce us to our beautiful little companion here? Is she your daughter? Though I doubt it since how can a sucker like you birth such excellent genes." said Siegfried in a cheerful joking tone as I serve them their meals on the dinner table.

"I also can't figure out how your beautiful mother could birth something as hideous as you. You look like misshapen corn." Uncle replied with a haughty grin before subbing his cigar on the ashtray.

"Felicie these shit heads are Siegfried, the corn turd, and the emo prince of darkness there is Orpheus but you'll barely notice him cause he's more of a shadow than a person. Shit heads this is Felicie, my niece."

"Oh, you're Charles' girl. What a pleasant surprise."

"And don't come near Siegfried at any cost cause he's a pedo. If he comes as close as five inches kick him in the nuts and run immediately away. Got it?" Roland said jokingly to me but perhaps there's something half meant of what he said. Nevertheless, Siegfried only laughed and offered his hand for me to shake.

He was really tall. Twice my height actually so he had to kneel to meet me at eye level.

"Hello there beautiful lady, I'm Siegfried, and thank you for having me in your wonderful home." He said as he shook my hand.

"Hi, I'm Felicie. You can stay as long as you want." I replied smiling at him brightly. The man who has kept quiet all this time also knelt to my level and took my small hand in his bandaged one before placing a soft kiss upon it.

"I am Orpheus. It is a pleasure to meet you." He introduced staring into my eyes with something I couldn't understand. His eyes were uniquely grey and there was something profound yet terrifying dwelling in them that my young heart couldn't help but constrict with both awe and fear.

"Thanks." was all I could shyly utter, blushing a shade of pink. After that, we had dinner and a long and exciting conversation over the table. Siegfried told me stories of their adventures and their silly experiences when they were still my Uncle's students. I learned a lot about them and the Empire as well as what lies outside of this forest which I've never been to before. It was really exciting and exhilarating to learn more about the outside world as well as the friends they made and the enemies they fought making me envious of their exploits.

Weeks passed and Siegfried and Orpheus are still here. I didn't mind their presence much and in fact, I liked them. They helped me with the household chores and joined me in hunting and gathering food from the forest. They took the time to play with me and entertain me with stories, games, and music that I've never heard before. Orpheus, as I learned, is an excellent marksman and a brilliant musician. He would play wonderful songs for me on his violin and I would join him by singing.

Orpheus told me that I have a very delightful voice. It was a pleasure to listen to me sing even though he said he was tone-deaf. He described my voice as golden while my tongue is silver as I would frequently engage them in intellectual conversations and coax them to do favors for me like joining my silly tea parties or braiding my hair. Though they would de a poor job at that.

Orpheus is very reserved and would like to keep to himself as much as possible but he entertains my annoying antics and spends time with me whenever I ask him to. Siegfried on the other hand is very outgoing, lively, and fun. He played games with me which he learned from playing with the other orphans in the Monastery where he grew up in. I enjoyed those games and we would frequently drag Orpheus in them to his great annoyance.

I enjoy the company of my new comrades and Roland does too. He has someone else to reminisce his past with instead of me who was completely oblivious of his experiences. The house became more lively and vibrant with our new members and for I time, I wished they never leave.

However, things changed when a letter arrived on our doorstep delivered by a crow. It was addressed to my uncle from a friend living in the Western Wasteland named Arthur. Arthur was asking him to come over to his place to help him with some conflict. Something about redressing some wrongdoings they did in the past which I am entirely unaware of. I didn't even know that my uncle was capable of doing something wrong but it seems to be enough to persuade him to come and entrust me to the care of Siegfried and Orpheus who both vowed to keep me safe even at the expense of their own lives.

I was downcast of his departure but my two companions always found ways to cheer me up and reassured me that Roland will come back.

From then on, things proceeded normally. I would wake up, have breakfast with Siegfried and Orpheus, finish the household chores, have lunch, and stay in the parlor conversing with my two companions entertaining ourselves with whatever activity we come up with. During the afternoons, we are all occupied with our own devices. Siegfried would sometimes be polishing his sword or practicing his combat skills while Orpheus would be occupied playing with his violin and composing new melodies. I would be immersed in reading my books and studying whatever I deem appropriate for my mood. Sometimes I would join my companions with their activities like watching Siegfried train or listening to Orpheus play. Usually, I would be playing chess with Roland and practicing my scythe-welding skills but with his absence, I decided to train on my own.

I would frequently venture into the forest alone challenging monsters and allowing nature to educate me. Siegfried and Orpheus would repeatedly insist on accompanying me however I never accepted their offer and persistently explored on my own. Nevertheless, it didn't hinder them from following after me almost unnoticed. Almost.

I always know where they are but they are very good at hiding and tailing me. Sometimes I don't notice that they are there at all. It infuriated me that they don't trust my skills but I can't seem to lash out at them because they are only trying to protect me. My two guardians allowed me to do many things but they are very protective.

"Today, there's this boy in the village and he gave me flowers. He said he finds me very pretty and that he likes me it was really flattering. I feel kind of warm." I said to them as we watch the sunset while having tea. Siegfried and Orpheus exchanged looks which I couldn't comprehend before facing me. The looks on their faces were kind of scary making me swallow my spit.

"What's his name?" Siegfried asked with a smile that terrified me.

"J-Joseph. He was the boy living near the well. He said that he would like to marry me when we grow up but I rejected him. I told him that I want to be a career woman or a huntress so I don't have time for boys."

"You really are a very intelligent girl, Felicie. What you did is excellent. That's what you should say to anyone who courts you. And if they become persistent then just tell your onii-sans and we'll break their legs, okay?" Orpheus said with a hint of humor but I feel that there's more truth to his words than jest.

"Y-yeah. So how about you? Have you courted a girl before? Both of you are very handsome, you must have had a ton of exes." I smiled trying to change the subject.

"I've had numerous women ask me to be their boyfriend but I focused myself on my duty of eradicating demons so I don't have the time to frolic with them. Plus, they're not really my type." Siegfried replied while stroking her hair with a small smile.

"So what's your type in women?"

"Well, I want someone cute and kind, caring and small, yet adventurous and brave. She should be smart with a golden heart that matches her beauty."

"Wow, she sounds amazing. I wish you find her soon so that you'll be happy." I replied innocently.

"But I'm already happy. I have you after all. You're our little princess."

"You're so silly, Siegfried. What about you, Orpheus? What's your type?"

"I think Siegfried and I have similar taste in women. A pure brave girl is something I really admire."

"Aww, it's so good that you know what you want in your partner. I still don't know what type of person I want to be with when I grow up. But I think that I want them to be nice and kind. As long as they love me and would respect my hopes and dreams anyone would do."

"So, do you love us, Felicie? Do you love your onii-sans?"

"Of course I do. I love Siegfried and Orpheus a lot. You're always nice to me and you make me happy."

"Then that is very reassuring to hear. I love you too, Felicie." Orpheus said before placing a quick kiss on my lips. Siegfried rubbed my knees before doing the same thing. After that, our topic quickly changed to something else as if the conversation never happened nor their kiss on my lips. My first kiss actually. My lips felt like it was burning and my heart felt warm while something below me tinged. I was sitting on Orpheus' lap at that time and I felt something hard poking my butt and sometimes my kitty. I didn't know what it meant so I ignored it and continued conversing with my guardians neverminding the actual implication of his arms around my hips.

I should have run away. I should have left when I had the chance. I wish I wasn't so ignorant and foolish and naive. None of everything that happened next could have happened if I wasn't so gullible.