Tears of a Rosebud 2

It was the dead of the night. Everything was silent and peaceful, the stars twinkle far above me outside my window while the owls hoot their secret melodies to the midnight creatures who groaned and moaned the enigmatic song of the Dark Forest. I was sleeping soundly in my bed dreaming a beautiful scene in my head but I was roused by a strange sensation coming from my nether region. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Siegfried kneeling between my legs which he held with his hands while licking my kitty.

I was confused and scared of what he's doing. Why is he here? What is he doing? And why does it feel so weird but so good?

"She's awake." I heard Orpheus say from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Orpheus smiling at me as he wraps his arms around my waist. I was actually sitting on his lap while leaning against his chest.

"Well hello, there sleeping beauty. Did we wake you up?" Siegfried asked as he lifted his face from my kitty. A trail of something gooey dripped from his lips but he licked it with his tongue before wiping his face with his arms.

"Yes, what are you two doing with my body?"

"Oh, this? We're just having fun. It's like we're playing. Don't worry about it too much. It'll be fine. We're not going to hurt you." He reassured me while stroking my hair.

"Can't we play tomorrow? I'm kind of sleepy. Plus I'm so confused right now. Why are the two of you here?"

"Felicie this type of activity is best done at night when no one can interrupt us. Morning is the time for chores and stuff so the night is the time for sex."

"Sex? What does that mean?"

"It means that we're making love to you. You said you love us earlier and we love you too so we should make love together." Orpheus explained while stroking my tummy.

"Make love? Isn't that what husbands and wives do? But we're not married and I'm still 15. Is it really okay for us to do it?" I asked while rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Of course it is, age matters not when it comes to love. Everyone can make love as long as they love each other. Don't you love us?" Siegfried cooed as he rubs his face on my chest.

"Of course I do but... Won't it hurt? This is my first time. The village boys say you have to stab me. I don't want to be stabbed. Booboos hurt a lot"

"We're not going to stab you, silly. We're going to make you feel good and then we need to connect with you with our cocks."

"Connect? Using cocks? A chicken? What are you two talking about?" I mumbled now more confused about their words making them chuckle.

"It's better if we show you but before we start. Are you willing to give us your virginity and willingly have sex with us?"

"Well if you're not gonna hurt me I guess I won't mind. Plus I'm kind of curious about what sex feels like." I answered giving them my consent. Which is perhaps the worst decision I have ever made in my life.

"Before we begin, have you already bleed? Have you already menstruated?" Orpheus asked while stroking my hair.

"I haven't had my period yet but the old ladies in the village said that soon enough I will."

"So you are not a woman yet." Orpheus concluded.

"Is that bad?" I asked worriedly.

"No, it is perfect." Siegfried reassured me before leaning down to kiss my lips. I can feel his mouth moving to ravish my own. He sucked on my lower lips while running his tongue a few times. His hand began playing with the button in my kitty and it sent fire surging inside my body. I've touched that place before but only when I'm washing it. It always felt kind of good but I didn't play with it so I didn't know that it feels this awesome especially since Siegfried is the one touching it. Before I knew it, I was already releasing strange sounds and Siegfried pulled away to watch my face twist in pleasure. Orpheus on the other hand began touching my small breasts which he said were beginning to grow bigger. He began twisting, pinching, and tickling my nipples with his fingers while he nips at my neck.

Siegfried's face returned between my legs and he began licking my slit one more and inserting his tongue in my hole. His tongue flicked my clit fast again and again and again that I couldn't help but moan.

"Siegfried... My kitty feels good. It feels so warm and ahhh--!!"

"Does your pussy feel that good? Don't worry, my dick can make you feel way better once he's got you ready. Siegfried let her turn over." Orpheus whispered huskily in my ears.

Orpheus made me kneel on all ours and Siegfried took his place behind me to put his face against my butt and lick my kitty. Orpheus lifted my chin and began giving me a 'french kiss' while massaging my nipples. He grabbed my hand and made me touch his abs making me blush due to how hot he is and how beautiful his body looked like as the moonlight illuminate his pale complexion that glowed like silver.

After our kiss, Orpheus showed me his dick. He whispered in my ear that he badly wants to 'fuck' my 'pussy' with his fat rampaging 'cock' and spray my womb with billions of his 'semen' which he wished to 'impregnate' me with. I didn't understand what he meant but I just complied when he told me to touch his cock. Orpheus' cock is long and thick and white. It was throbbing and moving a bit like it had a mind of its own making me think that it was kind of cute so I began caressing it while Siegfried pleasure my pussy. Orpheus taught me new words like "fucking", "dick", "pussy", "semen", and the word "cumming". I don't know what cumming meant but he said that Siegfried is about to give me one so while waiting for me to cum he said that I should make him cum.

"Is it really okay for me to put this in my mouth? Isn't it dirty?" I asked as I hold on his dick while stroking it.

"Don't worry I washed it carefully so you don't have to worry about germs and stuff. Why don't we add a little flavor to it so that it'll be delicious?" Orpheus smeared Nutella on his dick before telling me to clean it up. He knew that I love Nutella so much since they bought it from the bakery and often bribed me with it.

I was hesitant at first but curiosity got the best of me so I began licking and cleaning the Nutella from his dick. It was very delicious. The chocolate was so tasty and Orpheus' cock feels good to put in my mouth. My crevice felt like it wants him so much so I just followed my instincts and began eating it. My lips began sucking on his long shaft which made him release these funny sounds while his face twisted into looks of... discomfort?

"Orpheus, does it feel weird? You don't look like you like it. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. And I feel good. Your mouth is really soft and warm and your tongue is just cute. Keep going, it's pleasurable."

With his words in mind, I began pleasuring him again but with more enthusiasm, motivated by the fact that I was making Orpheus happy. My tongue traveled the length of his cock cleaning and removing all the gooey chocolate coating his penis. He said I was a good girl and that tomorrow he will buy me whatever I want so I became happy.

I finished cleaning his shaft, as he put it, so he made me clean the head next which is the funny pink thing poking from the skin like a banana. He repeatedly applied Nutella to that place to make me eat it while I stroke his length.

"I'm so jealous, Orpheus. You have Felicie licking your dick while mine's lonely here. You should let me fuck her pussy first." Siegfried said as I felt him insert his middle finger inside my pussy. His finger wiggled wildly inside hitting a lot of pleasurable places I never knew I have.

"Sure, whatever but I get to have her ass. How does her pussy taste like? I bet it's good."

"Of course it is. She's a virgin. Her pussy is so clean and fresh. Her love juice is sweet like honey and viscous too. Her lube is great. Young human girls are really better than the old elf whores from the enchanted forest."

"Do you think she's wet enough?"

"She'll be fine. Since we're taking her virginity, what position would be best to claim it with? A classic missionary position, good old dog style, perhaps a cowgirl, reverse cowgirl maybe? What about a stand-up? There are so many choices I can't decide which one."

"Oh be a gentleman. It's Felicie's first time missionary will be good but do it gently. Fuck, I'm about to cum!" Orpheus groaned as he unloads something in my mouth. Something gooey poured inside my mouth and it tastes bitter and salty. It tastes weird but Orpheus told me to swallow it or else he'll punish me so I did.

"That wasn't so bad, was it? Semen is good for growing girls. It's just like milk and it's rich in proteins so make sure to drink our cum frequently so that you'll grow up to become a strong and beautiful girl okay?" I simply nodded before resting my head on his lap. Truth be told, the sensation of his disgusting cum pouring inside my throat was vile but I don't want them to be mad so I kept quiet. Meanwhile, Siegfried is really poking a great spot inside my womb.

"Hey, Felicie how does this spot feels like? Does it feel good? Does it spread fire inside your womb?"

"It feels good but there's no fire."

"I see, how about this one? Feels like thunderbolts yet?" he asked massaging a new spot with his finger.

"Oh, oh, ahhhhhhhhhh! That place... don't touch that! I feel like my pussy is burning! It's so warm!" I begged.

"Got it. I'll be gunning this place so hard with my dick later on. For now, let's give you your first squirt and orgasm."

"You fucking found her g-spot?! Fuck her already, I want to have my turn with her."

"Oh, don't be too hasty and be a gentleman. Because Felicie... Is... About... To cum." Siegfried smirked as he rapidly rubbed by 'g-spot' with his middle and ring finger sending me to the depth of pleasure. His tongue returned to flicking my clit while I moan like a "bitch in heat". My pussy produced ridiculous squeaking sounds like a small animal as Siegfried stimulate my g-spot. It was shameful. I felt so ashamed of myself for being such a whore but... It felt pretty good to be their whore. I kept thinking about the white stuff Orpheus squirted in my mouth and how I want that stuff to coat my whole body and fill my womb like a cream puff.

With the multitude of pleasure attacking my body, I was finally sent to the precipice of climax and I orgasmed. Oh, dear gods, it was wonderful! It was like feeling a great blue star exploding in my body and forming new stars that scorched every bit of my cells sending waves of pleasure to swallow my mind. I lost myself in euphoria but I saw the two of them fighting to lap at something my pussy is pouring. It was pouring out like an open faucet and it feels really good. I thought it was pee but then it's very clear and not stinky coming from the other hole. My breeding hole, they said. They said they were drinking my delicious cum. I couldn't really understand what was happening since my eyes were rolling backward as I spasm with ecstasy.